Chapter 168: :The road to destiny

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Under the light of eternity.

For a moment, everyone's will was pierced by the power and grandeur of fate. They thought they were swimmers swimming upstream, but in fact everyone was just a fish in the river.

Once the long river of time is disturbed, they may disappear like a bubble at any time. Those who watch this scene all feel deeply afraid, no matter how powerful they are.

Under this power, all appearances of power are nothing but illusion.

And next.

More and more eyes are looking into the crystal wall system from a distance, wandering around the pillar.

"The power of the Eternal Star leaked in. Some fools tried to pry into the secret of destiny and took a few more glances before disappearing."

"How can a foolish person born in recent times know the majesty of creation?"

"The passage of time has almost changed. What was going to happen just now?"

"Everything that happened in the past will be corrected, and everything that happened after the node will be erased."

"Time reset?"

"This is the entire universe!"

"The Cup of God's Kingdom of Creation and the Supreme God has risen a bit and is stable."


"Yes, it's him!"

"The man who can break fate, how on earth did he do it?"

"Fate is watching him, no, fate is waiting for him..."

"Destiny is waiting for someone to break the circle of destiny."

"This is true destiny."

Some people are afraid, some people worship, and some people shout and praise the greatness.

Just under the pillar.

The eternal whiteness in Helfas' eyes has not disappeared yet.

Looked up.

He could still see powerful shadows one after another, and he could also hear sounds like destructive storms coming from all over the kingdom of the gods.

He heard those extremely powerful figures roaring and shouting, saw those terrifying demon gods bowing their heads to the eternal stars that stood above time, and saw everything in the past prostrate under that light.

He saw millions of gods praying under the light.

"Creator, that is the power of the Creator."

"Eternal Insai..."

"Everything is just a myth. There is no **** in this world. You are the only god. We are myths that sing your praises."

Lower your head.

He saw countless sentient beings swimming in the river.

Under the power of the eternal white, he heard countless sentient beings from the past and present speaking to him.

"Break fate!"

"Change this eternal destiny."

"Let all beings and gods transcend the universe, and let their fate no longer be fixed."

"The person with black hair... the person with black hair... the person with black hair..."

"go Go…"

"Let's go...go where you should go..."

"Let's go... let's go..."

"We're waiting for you!"

"The gods are waiting for you!"

"The Creator is waiting for you too."

"The black-haired man!"

When the prayers of endless myths are heard, ordinary people will go crazy when they hear them. In other words, everyone and gods have already fallen into madness at this time.

The endless sounds finally converged into one.

It echoed in Helfas's soul like a demonic sound.

Push to the top.

"The Lord of Creation!"

Helfas's mind also went blank. He stood in front of Ji Zhu and muttered to himself.

"Who am I?"

"Where am I from?"

"What is my past really like?"

Under the expectations of the billions of gods and the calls of all living beings throughout the ages, Helfas seemed to begin to walk forward unconsciously.

He goes step by step.

Getting closer and closer to the pillar.

He passed by the witches who looked at him in horror, and even passed directly by the mythical spirit. He only saw the pillar in his eyes.

The sounds in my ears became louder and louder, as if they were also a part of fate.

"The black-haired man!"

"Set off…"

"Set off…"

"Go and break fate for us, for everyone, for the gods..."


Countless purposes overlapped, and each purpose was an existence that stayed in the past years. They were built together like a big mountain, pressing on Helfas.


He came to the mythical pillar.

He stretched out his hand and touched the pillar.

A message came from the pillar.

The moment he took back his name, Zizhu no longer had any contact with him, and his core coordinates and anchor points belonged to himself. He could no longer look back and could only take the coordinates out of the universe.

And at this time.

Helfas slowly put down his hand, and the eternal whiteness in his eyes gradually disappeared completely.

Until the black reappeared, occupying the center of the whites of his eyes.

"Do it again!"

Helfas turned around.

He could no longer see that special perspective, but he knew that there were countless figures watching him at this moment, waiting for him to make the decision they expected.

Everything seems to be back to the past.

He suddenly laughed.

It can be said that he laughed so loudly that even he himself couldn't contain it. The situation became the crossroads where everyone wanted him to make a choice, and no one cared about his will.

But what's even more ridiculous is that unlike last time, this time he is actually looking forward to it deep down in his heart.

In the end, he could no longer tell whether this was his choice or fate, because everything inevitably went in the direction expected by the Creator.

Is it because the Creator is looking forward to it, so the gods and all living beings are looking forward to it, and in the end it turns out that he is also looking forward to it?

Is this fate?

He does not forcefully change your will, make you feel irresistible, and make you kneel down in despair and beg for mercy, but inadvertently you have become what your destiny needs.

The reason why you can't disobey is because you have walked willingly on the road of destiny and become one of the many figures on the road.


"Don't worry about it."

"go home!"

"go home!"

"Return to your homeland, Helfas."

Helfas stood up straight again and raised his hand.

But at this moment, he remembered a figure, which might be his last stop and nostalgia.

The mythical spirits of Zizhu, all the witches, and everyone present were waiting for Helfas to make a choice.

At this moment, they also became nervous.


They heard the black-haired man standing under the pillar ask: "Where's Zi, do any of you know where she is?"

The other party didn't look back, only the voice echoed.

The spirit of myth looked at Helfas's back and said, "She has already set off along the road you are going to take, before you return."

Helfas: "Did she already know that I was going to take this road?"

Mythical Spirit: "She knows you better than anyone."

Helfas nodded, and finally no longer hesitated to place his handprint on the mythical pillar.

A violent light shot into the sky.

Countless names rolled around and turned into a golden galaxy, surging towards light-years away.

What is being engraved now, what will be engraved within a thousand years, what will be engraved within a million years, will continue to roll up along the years, and finally come to hundreds of millions of years ago.


There are fewer and fewer names, and they are becoming more and more rarefied.

After reaching a certain node, Helfas became more and more familiar with them. They were the figures that had followed him, or the names he had engraved with his own hands.

Helfas raised his head, and he saw Bahabali's name, Saronn, the merchant's snail car, the Pot of Black Marsh and the Stone Sword of the Evil Eye.

He saw the coward's lamp and the farmer's hat.

Everything from the past kept coming back, it was everything he had ever had.

Countless names are rushing towards the last one like a steeple.


The name of the Bipolar Demonic Insect appeared.

Helfas raised his head, and his pupils seemed to reflect himself with the black iron mask.

At that time, he was very high-spirited. He had just sealed the first weirdness and felt the extraordinary power for the first time.

That little strength made him feel proud.


He holds a different destiny in his hands.

He never said that in the beginning, he was looking forward to and longing for this extraordinary world.

When the names on the Biphasic Demonic Insect Face were flipped over, Helfas saw Zi's name and Anissa's name.

That was carved by him himself. The same behavior was a shield for Zi, but a seal for Anissa. It was because of these two names that all the stories that followed were finally unfolded.

at last.

Endless names are attributed to one, revealing the only name engraved on the pillar when it was born, the original one.

That is the name engraved by the Creator.

Just like Helfas is the only one in this universe who knows the name of the Creator, the Creator is also the only one who knows Helfas's true name.

It is a writing that does not belong to any race, a writing that has long since disappeared in the long river of time, and only two people know how to use it.

"Huang Yi!"

The twisted golden light ignores space and distance.

After crossing the distance of light years, he fell to the bottom of the pillar and merged into Helfas's body. After hundreds of millions of years, he finally got back the coordinates and anchor point.

Within this extraordinary universe.

Names have power, they represent coordinates and anchor points, and at this moment Helfas's name belongs to itself.


The golden light spread along the base of the pillar, and finally gradually dissipated.

Helfas still stood where he was.

He seemed to have undergone some changes, but if you look closely, it seemed that he was still the same as before. But as they continued to look, the witches and the pillar spirits found that Helfas's body began to become blurry.

As for Helfas's feelings, his once passive ability to travel through the kingdom of the gods has become clearer and even more active. At least he no longer can't even see the way forward clearly like before. .

this universe.

This moment was peeled off into two levels for him.

He and the universe suddenly became like two parallel lines that did not intersect. When he held the line, he would be close to each other, and when he loosened the line, he would be further away from the other party.

But it also means that as long as he relaxes a little, it will be difficult to get closer.

He could only run along the prescribed direction.

Helfas looked at his hands and read out his strange yet familiar name.

"Huang Yi?"

For a moment.

He felt like he turned into a ray of light and disappeared directly under the pillar.

He broke through the space disturbance years at an incredibly fast speed and ran in one direction.

At this moment, he seemed to have become another traveling star envoy.

It's just that those traveling stars are pulling themselves forward through the attraction of another star, and what's pulling him is this universe.

Two parallel lines that are about to be peeled off.

He looked up.

He finally saw that road, and the trajectory of that road passed through the dream world, the spiritual world, the kingdom of creation, and the long river of time.

"The road to destiny!"

But unlike before, this time he took the initiative to choose a path with his name and coordinates, and its direction pointed directly to the location of the eternal star outside the universe.

He looked along the road leading to his destiny, and across the endless distance, he vaguely saw a figure.

The other party seemed to be looking at him, or waiting for him to escape from the depths of the universe.


He lowered his head and stopped immediately.

At this moment.

He has crossed a distance of dozens of light years and arrived at another stage of Ji Zhu.

The witches and mythical spirits under the pillar were stunned when they saw Helfas disappearing in an instant. When he reappeared, they immediately chased after him.

But Helfas set out again.

Flying out of the crystal wall at extremely fast speeds, he ran directly to the next stop.

No matter how hard they chased it, they couldn't catch it. They could only see a meteor that interfered with space and time disappearing and flickering until it could no longer be seen.

The crystal wall is the upper layer.

Sky God Realm.

Passing through the layers of clouds and rising suns, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the ancient god's mansion.

Qingtian was standing in front of the window sill with a sense of loss, looking out of the window and recalling the past. She had preserved this divine mansion for hundreds of millions of years, but had never entered it once.

And suddenly.

This well-preserved divine mansion seemed to sense its former owner and opened the door with a bang.

Qingtian also sensed something and immediately appeared in front of the gate of the god's residence.

this moment.

She saw a figure walking towards the slowly opening door. The figure was so familiar.

"Lord Helfas?"

She quickly chased after him, watching the figure keep walking inside, and she followed closely.

A door opened, and she kept chasing the figure.

She saw the other person walking through the hall, followed him through the corridor, and finally came to the familiar study room.

She paused.

Because the road has come to an end.

Unknowingly, she was standing at the place where she was born, but when she raised her head, the figure had disappeared.

Only the opened doors proved that the other party had indeed been here just now.

The other party seems to be saying that those chases will eventually reach the end, but it will also become a new beginning. You don't have to wander around and look outside the god's mansion. This was once your home.

Helfas gave this divine mansion to her.

When he left.

From now on, Qingtian will be the only **** in this god's mansion, and also her own god.

In the "Galaxy" at the entrance of the Crystal Wall System.

The Traveler Envoy received a new mission, and he was once again ready to leave the Crystal Wall System. Professionals like them seemed to be particularly busy. As long as the universe did not reach the end one day, they would not stop.

Above the flying meteor, the traveling star suddenly felt like something was chasing after him.

He looked back.

Then he saw another strange meteor piercing the Death Star's divine world, heading towards the upper dream world.

The opponent's speed was incredibly fast, and he passed through the Death Star God Realm in just the blink of an eye, which even the Traveler would need a long time to pass through.

The moment the two sides passed each other, he saw a figure nodding towards him.

That person.

Has black hair.

The stream of light flickered, and he was swept in. When he reappeared, he had already appeared outside the crystal wall system. UUkanshuwww.uukanshu.net

Just like he brought the other party into the crystal wall system, the other party brought him out this time.

However, the Traveling Star Envoy stood outside the crystal wall system and was stunned. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time. After he figured out what was going on, he couldn't help laughing again.

When the crystal wall system was just born.

It was the dragon kings of the past who gave up the Black King Helfas that broke the last barrier of the crystal wall, and then they ushered in a new era with the first batch of life species to explore the universe and stars.


Today, now, all the dragon kings have already become the original dragon gods of life power, but they still have not returned to the crystal wall system.

They established their own divine system and super-large world community outside the crystal wall. It was so big that it was almost a small crystal wall system. Among the first group of people who left the world of Xiinsai, unknown numbers of people emerged. There were many powerful gods and many more people who were enslaved and controlled until death. In the end, they did not break free from the shackles and became the nourishment for the growth of other gods.

Nowadays, those powerful gods of life and power who once continuously poured out are gradually returning to the crystal wall system one by one, in order to achieve greater breakthroughs and faster growth.

But these original dragon gods.

Even if I go back to take a look, I have never been there.


They gave up something to get the freedom they wanted, and got everything they have now, and they can never go back to the past.

Somewhere deep in the dream world.

In the center of a mythical world community that combines technology, transcendence, gods, and various professionals, a tall figure raised his head.

His eyes passed through the tens of millions of spaceships flying in the dark void, as well as the densely packed mechanical metal dragons that were transforming, and went deeper.

"He is back."

(End of chapter)

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