Recently, my sect leader thought of a new pseudonym.

It’s called Ax New!

Because I recently lost two pounds.

Therefore, you can also call me father!

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 2166 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

In the distance, on the top of an unknown hill.

Sect Master Zhang and Xiong Wudi, Miao Li and others have already evacuated here.

This distance gave Sect Master Zhang a little sense of security.

Viewed from here, the situation at the foot of Weilong Mountain is really not good.

The ultimate move released by the leader of the Soul Sect was like a surging black tide, emerging in the surrounding formation.

The light that originally belonged to the righteous monks has completely disappeared.

“I can’t even suppress this!”

Xiong Wudi looked horrified.

If Yuanmen's demon-suppressing formation can't suppress it, then we'll be in big trouble.

Even with all other means, they didn't dare to suppress it for a while.

It can be seen that many defeated soldiers have already evacuated through the other side of Weilong Mountain.

"What's going on? Is it going to be overturned?"

Although Zhang Mo didn't understand, he could still understand the situation.

This old boy, the leader of the Soul Sect, is really good at fighting!

Miao Li said: "Sect Master, don't panic, as long as Xiao Huantian is still there and the upside-down formation is not broken, we can continue to fight him. Even if it means grinding him, we will grind him to death!"

Zhang Mo nodded when he heard this.

It hurts to hear it.

The same goes for the leader of the Soul Sect, can't you die simply?

If this fight continues, how many subordinates will this sect lose?

This is all free labor and the property of this sect leader.

If it continues to be consumed like this, this sect leader will also feel pain in his body.

After all, it’s hard to find subordinates who don’t need money.

"It's so stupid. There are so many big formations stacked up on top of each other. Is it difficult to form an element-absorbing formation? Why do you do it one by one? You must be mentally ill!"

Suddenly, a sound of contempt came from behind.

Zhang Mo and others turned around to look, and immediately saw Golden Tree Xiao Huang, smoking a black leaf and wearing big pants, running over again at some point.

"Oh, didn't I lock you up? Why did you run out again? Someone, catch me!"

Zhang Mo glared when he saw Xiao Huang.

This little tree doesn't know its depth, yet it dares to run around and seek death in such a dangerous situation!

When Xiao Huang heard this, he immediately knelt down and hugged Zhang Mo's thigh.

"My good daddy, I don't want to be locked up. I want to join in such a fun thing, let me play! I also know the formation, I have read the formation book!"

When Zhang Mo heard this, he felt like fire rushed to his forehead.

"You still read the formation book, do you know how to read? You, how long have you been in this world!"

As he said this, Zhang Mo was about to "cut down the tree".

Xiao Huang hurriedly said: "Of course I can read, I just learned a word, and I learned it in one day. Dad, do you know that there are four ways to write the word fennel for fennel beans?"

As he spoke, Xiao Huang started writing on the ground with his hands.

Zhang Mo was stunned. Not to mention four types, he might not have written one correctly.

Xiao Huang continued: "Do you know who wrote The Sky Is High and the Birds Fly?"

Zhang Mo glared and said, "Tian Gaoren?"

Xiao Huang asked again: "Do you know the relationship between the poet Li Dabai and Li Zhuozhao?"

Zhang Mo replied softly: "Uh, same surname?"

Xiao Huang stood up and shook his head: "Ignorant, but it doesn't matter. It is virtue for the sect leader to be untalented!"

Zhang Mo turned to look at Xiong Wudi and Miaoli and said, "Is he scolding me?"

Xiong Wudi said repeatedly: "No, Master. The Young Master said you are just a woman."

Zhang Mo snorted, nodded and said, "It's okay if you didn't scold me. Wait, something's wrong, you're still scolding me."

Xiao Huang waved his hand and said, "Okay, Dad, you can just wear women's clothes. What's the big deal about saying you're a woman."

Zhang Mo nodded, feeling that what he said was quite reasonable, but he couldn't refute it.

But why do I still feel that this little tree is scolding my sect leader?

"Are you really good at formation?"

Zhang Mo asked again.

Xiao Huang ran directly to Xiong Wudi and snatched the formation flag.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. As for the sect's formation books, I can read them all in one day!"

After saying that, he really started to wave the formation flag to command and mobilize the monks of Tianmo Sect.

Looking at the posture and movements, it seems that he really knows how to do it.

"Dad, give me some more souls, treasures or something, and I'll give you a big one!"

Xiao Huang looked excited and his body was shining with gold.

Zhang Mo was dubious, but he still took off the Soul Sect leader's Sumeru ring from his finger.

"You stole it anyway, go ahead and get it!"

Throwing it to Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang immediately opened the ring and turned it over, then smiled and said: "It's not bad. Elder Xiong, Elder Miao, I'll give you a task. Arrange all these in my way!"

After saying that, Xiao Huang started drawing pictures on the ground with his feet.

Zhang Mo watched him waving the formation flag with one hand, turning things over with the other, and drawing formation diagrams on the ground with his two feet.

Xiong Wudi and Miaoli only looked at each other for a moment before being shocked.

"This formation seems a bit fierce!"

"It's not a gathering formation, it's more like an ancient formation that gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

"Improved version of the ancient formation?"


Xiao Huang threw a bunch of things to the two of them, and immediately Xiong Wudi and Miaoli flew away with the things.

Zhang Mo was watching from the side, his brows never loosening.

At this moment, he finally realized that maybe the ancient book Yang Shuo showed him was not wrong.

The golden tree is really a tree of wisdom!

Just thinking about it, Xiao Huang shouted excitedly: "It's so damn fun, it's more fun than visiting a brothel!"

Then he started twisting his waist, twisting so coquettishly.

Zhang Mo looked away and didn't want to look anymore.

Maybe what Yang Shuo said is right, that is, the person who is close to Zhu is red.

Lao Li is that pig!

Damn Lao Li, you have led this sect master's good son into ruin.

Go back and see how this sect leader treats you!

After a moment, the leader of the Soul Sect, who was trying his best to break the formation, suddenly felt that the situation around him had changed.

The ambush and formation, which originally seemed complicated, but actually had layers upon layers, clear traps, and clear rules, suddenly changed its rhythm.

The flaws he could see and the gaps he could find were gone in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a black ghost mist began to fill the surroundings, and there were faint ghost figures flashing inside.

At first, the leader of the Soul Sect thought it was another phantom formation or something like that.

He can see through small tricks at a glance.

But when a wandering soul came in front of him and gave him a soul shock and energy absorption, he felt something was wrong.

It's not an illusion, it's like some kind of big formation set up by taking souls.

More importantly, it actually strengthened and integrated all the original traps of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The original Soul Sect didn't even have such masters.

Among demon cultivators, this kind of person is called the Demon of the Formation Soul!

Does Tianmo Sect still have such talents?

Or was this done by Demon Zhang himself?

Thinking about it carefully, the leader of the Soul Sect felt that it was the latter.

Devil Zhang, you finally started to take action yourself, right?

Then I will have fun with you!

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