The road is rough,

I took a detour.

Escape from shame.

But it’s so useful!

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 7851 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

After the territory was divided, the Stone Clan became even more enthusiastic.

Seeing the attitude of the leader of the Stone Clan, he was about to become brothers and blood allies with Sect Leader Zhang D.

If it weren't for the fact that the girls from the Stone Clan were so beautiful that it's hard to describe them in words, I guess the leader of the Stone Clan would have given Sect Master Zhang a few Stone Clan girls directly.

Sect Master Zhang looked at the girl from the Stone Tribe who was approaching and quickly retracted his fat.

By then, Lao Li and the others were very interested and began to flirt with the girls from the Stone Tribe.

Regarding this, Sect Master Zhang D also expressed doubts, this is not quite right.

If his men accept a woman from the Stone Clan, wouldn't the child be a mixed-blood?

Isn't this a huge downgrade for a mixed-race person?

Hearing this, the leader of the Stone Clan laughed.

Spread the knowledge about mixed blood to Sect Master Zhang.

A hybrid born from intermarriage between other races and humans. Those who are taken back by the original tribe are not fourth-class mixed-bloods, but are one of the ten thousand races, at least third-class.

The status must be above the intelligent spiritual beasts and abyss monsters.

The fourth-class mixed blood that Sect Master Zhang mentioned was not wanted by the original tribe.

"Don't worry, Master Tianzhu. Even if your subordinates give birth to mixed-blood Stone Tribes, I will take them back to be impregnated with pure blood. They will still be children of the Stone Tribe!"

The leader of the Stone Tribe smiled happily.

Sect Master Zhang probably understood that the mixed-bloods of the fourth-class emotional level were the leftovers, and they were also pitiful people who were discriminated against.

Human beings do not like them, and all races do not like them.


Sect Master Zhang immediately thought of a lot.

At this time, Yang Shuo also came over and said: "Sect Master, I can probably guess how humans defeated all races."

Sect Master Zhang nodded and said: "Yes, such a big hole is right around us. Anyone with a brain on the human side should know how to deal with it."

The two looked at each other and both knew what the other person was talking about.

The situation is right in front of us.

If human beings want to defeat all races, it will not be enough on their own.

Only by uniting with the fourth-class mixed-bloods can we have the possibility of a comeback.

Moreover, these fourth-class mixed-bloods are naturally allies. They are equally low-status and equally unpopular.

There are many people, and they are placed among all races and races.

There may even be those who have already penetrated into various tribes. As long as this group of humans and this group of mixed-bloods come to an agreement, they will divide the world equally and share the prosperity.

That is the overwhelming momentum and earth-shaking changes.

Moreover, judging from the situation in later generations. It is true that only hybrids and humans stayed.

It's just that in later generations, mixed blood was slowly eliminated by humans.

If you look at what happened to the old dog, you will know that he probably has a mixed-race ancestor, which is why he has the dog-like head.

He was regarded as a demon cultivator since he was born, and was hunted down by the righteous path all his life until he entered the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The so-called magic cultivator, eighty percent of the time, originally refers to these mixed bloods.

Sect Master Zhang waved his hand, indicating that these matters had nothing to do with them for the time being, and that they could just wait and see humans do it on their own.

But Yang Shuo looked like he was hesitating to speak, which made Sect Master Zhang frown and said: "If you fart, just let it go. Don't make it look like you are constipated."

Yang Shuo whispered: "Sect Master, I always feel that this so-called Heavenly Punishment Saint is you. Tianzhu, Tianzhu, is very reasonable."

Hearing this, Master Zhang Dazhao glared and said: "I asked you to fart, but you really farted. It stinks, it simply stinks. Can this be the same? Does it sound the same? How could it be me? Could it be me? Oh, you don't want it. Can you just put this heavy burden directly on the head of this sect leader?"

Sect Leader Zhang Da pushed Yang Shuo away.

Then he frowned.

In fact, after hanging around for the past two days, he also felt that something was not right. If nothing else, humanity is almost finished, and there is no news at all about that Heavenly Punishment Saint. This is simply wrong.

But to say that it was actually him, Sect Master Zhang was even more confused.

What do you mean, this sect leader traveled through time, saved mankind, and then humans were reborn as this sect leader, right?

When something like this happens, don't those pills care about it?

This is not called disturbing time!

Or is this the so-called destiny?

Sect Master Zhang's brows became tighter and tighter, while Yang Shuo returned to his seat and shook his head with a chuckle.

No matter what others think, he feels that he is the sect leader without a doubt.

Sure enough, the sect master is the legendary Son of Destiny, a being who is truly more divine than a god.

According to the records in the book, the sect leader will slaughter the gods and lead humans to kill through the world.

This is a big deal!

Yang Shuo felt excited all over.

All his life, he wanted to follow the sect master to do something big. Can there be anything greater than this?

In comparison, Lao Bald and the others follow the sect master to defeat the Lord and save all nations, which is nothing.

Hahaha, old bald man, you still can't do it. Wait for me to go back and look through the ancient books for you. There must be a stroke of my magic hand in them!

It was hard for Yang Shuo not to be excited when he thought that he would leave his name with the sect leader Qing Shi.

Not even life or death matters!

Anyway, the outcome is already decided.

The other demon cultivators obviously didn't understand what level of battle they were about to participate in. Lao Li was still holding a woman from the Stone Tribe and said: "Girl, you are so hard. I want to know, are you soft inside? No, no, no. ah……"

The other side.

The three saints whose arms were severed left as quickly as possible.

The three of them didn't stop until they were quite far away from the Allied Forces.

The three of them all looked a little dazed. Everything happened so fast just now that they couldn't think about it.

Broken arm or something, that's fine.

With their level of cultivation, it wouldn't be too troublesome to regenerate their arms.

Just sacrificing souls is very troublesome. They have never seen such a method before, and they just feel that their life and death have been completely handed over.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he is our leader now. He is also the leader of the entire human race."

"Look at the way the members of the Stone Clan are so flattering to him, they must have a big background. I'm afraid it has something to do with the main god at the top."

"That's right, haven't you heard what Jiang Chao said, the new god of mankind. Now, it's unclear whether it is a human or not, but the god is 80% real."

"Then we have succeeded in surrendering, or we have failed!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them fell silent.

Indeed, in the current situation, they themselves are a little unclear whether they have succeeded or not.

If you want to say it's a success, it doesn't matter if they sacrifice their souls.

If you want to say it's not successful, then you have indeed found a master for the human race, and he is a master with a good background.

After thinking for a while, no one could give an accurate answer.

Helpless, the three of them could only continue to go to the human camp in silence.

It's just that it's a little hard to explain when I go back this time. How come the people who just drove away suddenly come back and become the leader of the human race again?

Jiang Chao would definitely be confused.

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