I am A Villain

Chapter 528: carried out

After the battle at the other end started, the doctor also quickly opened a channel on the ice. According to the angle and data originally detected, the doctor melted and evaporated a cylindrical channel.


Zack kicked the doctor down with one foot, and then he slumped on the inner wall of the passage.

Under the ice, they landed on a synthetic metal panel.

"carry on."

Zac tapped the doctor's shoulder and said.

The doctor nodded, activated the mirror force field device again, and began to tear the metal plate.

Soon, the team of eighteen entered the headquarters of the Undead Bird smoothly.

The whole process was very smooth. They didn't even meet any of the fighters of the undead bird.

Because the detection system inside the base can not detect the existence of these 18 people, and many of the real defense forces have already reached the outside world. They are fighting with the mech units of Adam Technology.

It doesn't matter what the battle situation is or what the outcome of the battle is. Their mission is to fight, and Rael didn't ask them to decide to win.

Therefore, for Rael, this is a waste of money, including those fighters, mechas, and a whole batch of high-quality combatants, all of which are victims.

On the ice, one fighter plane fell from high altitude and exploded on the ice.

The successive organic armor was torn into pieces by three or four reformers, and together with the internal driver, was also torn together with the mech.

The smoke and blood gradually covered the ice.

After Zac entered the base, they quickly started their respective tasks.

The entire polar headquarters of the Undead Bird is a cylindrical high-rise building with the bottom directly reaching the bottom of the sea. The main energy system is still nuclear power, and the primary control system embedded in the ice is only the highest layer.

"A group, scattered on this floor, find the location of the primary control room, lurking to wait for the command, after receiving the command, it will directly break through the control room, open the channel blockade into the second layer, and maintain for half a minute"

"Two groups and three groups wait for a group of signals. One group starts the channel and quickly enters the second layer. However, the two groups stay behind. The three groups follow Zac directly to the last layer. To block the system "

"The goal is the core area, and our task is to control the core control of the base, which is the deepest control at the core."

"To understanding."

Barnes arranged his tasks in an orderly manner.

In fact, everything has been designed before the action. He just repeated the task content according to the specific situation at the moment.

The base structure of the entire headquarters of the Undead Bird is in their hands from rough information.

So the combat plan is not too complicated.

Eighteen people are divided into three groups.

At the bottom of the base is the nuclear reaction system, that is, the energy system, followed by the core control area, and further up is the functional area layer by layer. These parts are unknown to Barnes, because even the headquarters of the Undead Bird Company The internal staff also cannot know the specific structure of the entire base. The most they can understand is the layer they are on.

The highest level is fortifications and primary control systems.

The primary control system serves the core control system.


If you want to control the primary control system, you must temporarily cut off the connection between the two control systems. The embarrassment is that the primary system is located at the upper end of the core system.

If you want to touch the core system, you must first touch the system and the middle of the functional area, which does not know how many layers.

So for this situation, Rael Adam and Zac came up with a solution.

Barnes is the key person to solve this situation.

The base under the icy Arctic ice itself requires an extremely horrible amount of energy consumption. All functional systems are spread over any layer of the area, that is, in addition to the regular channel, there is another channel that connects all The functional zone is the energy supply channel, but these channels are for energy to "walk", so human fragile organisms naturally cannot appear in such a high amount of energy channels.

But Barnes can.

The biological nature of the original mechanism of his entire limb has been detached, which can be understood as a special way of running energy.

To put it bluntly, the more pure the high concentration of energy, the less he can hurt him.

It's the same as when the energy dump of the Undead Bird fighter did not hurt him at all in Asia.

At the same time, since Barnes itself is the energy ontology, Michael's ability to control matter is also ineffective to him.

This is why Zach would have considered Barnes to be the key figure in this mission.

"Understood, start acting."

Barnes glanced at everyone.

But he does not belong to any of the three groups. He acts alone and enters the core control system directly from the highest level of energy supply route, cutting off the interconnected system between the core area and the primary area, so that the first group can directly pass the control. The first-level primary control system opens all channels to the functional area below.

"Good luck."

Zac handed him a small device.

This is a small device that he designed and manufactured in the past two months to destroy the signal source. Within the energy channel, this small thing will be charged, as long as Barnes does not stay in the energy channel for too long. , The device will not be damaged.

When he arrives in the core control area, the device is just fully charged, and it begins to function directly.

In essence, it is to use this little thing to break the connection between the core control area and the primary control area.

"Help him open the energy channel."

Zac patted the doctor on the shoulder.

Soon, the doctor found the energy supply system and broke a hole directly in the passage, and Barnes rushed straight down without thinking.

Then, the team quickly used a blocking device brought by itself to make up the leaked energy channel.

Subsequently, three groups of people entered the first floor.

The second and third groups acted temporarily together, while the first group acted separately.

Throughout the plan, there was only cooperation among the three groups, but no cooperation.

The reason for this is that their cooperation only exists in the content of the task, and the absence of cooperation means that when any other group is in trouble, the other group will not help.

This is the core of the whole plan.

The content of the plan does not seem to be complicated, but how difficult each small step inside is, only the executor knows.

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