I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 42 "Queen" and "Emperor"

Seeing Erina's beautiful eyes staring at her,

Seems to be very eager to get their own serious reviews.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei no longer hides:

"Sister Erina made this dish, it tastes really good."

"The combination of spices in perfect proportions makes the aroma of the cheese several times stronger."

"If I had to give advice, I might have added two more steps to the recipe."

"First, after the spice is ground, I'll roast it in the oven."

"Second, the cheese that Sister Erina uses in this recipe is Parmesan cheese, right? This cheese has a relatively pure taste, but it can still be processed further."

"Milk and Parmesan cheese are made in a 1:1 ratio to make a creamy cheese, and after it cools and solidifies, it covers the surface of the lobster."

"In this way, the taste of this dish should be a little better."

The moment Chen Fei's voice fell,

Erina's brain was already thinking fast.

Why roast the ground spices?

Is to achieve complete dehydration!

Spices that are completely dehydrated do indeed have a stronger flavor.

Similarly, the second suggestion given by Chen Fei is indeed very subtle.

Breaking the idea of ​​traditional cooking, secondary processing of delicious cheese.

With the dilution of the milk in a liquid state, the cheese after roasting will become softer.

Most importantly, the aroma of the cheese will also be further enhanced in the process!

Why...why didn't I think of this idea before?

Erina bit Bo Feng lightly.

Is this the vision and thinking of a WGO chief executive?

It turns out....mother mother, she...is also in such a state? ?


Hisako has been by Erina's side since he was a child.

The feeling that Miss brings her has always been like a "queen" sitting at the dining table!

As the owner of the tongue of God, and the eldest lady of the Nakiri family,

Miss, she not only has a prominent position, but also uses the dignity and strength that will never allow others to question!

But today, she saw for the first time,

Miss her speechless side.

Thinking of this, Hisako glanced at Chen Fei secretly,

Although Chen Fei is not very old,

But Hisako felt a faint feeling in his heart at this moment for some unknown reason.

That is the queen sitting at the dining table, meeting a more authoritative emperor!

Has the queen who dominates a "nation" meet the emperor who dominates a "world"?

Could it be that this is the legendary encounter of fate!


After reviewing a dish,

Chen Fei reviewed the other nine dishes one by one.

In each review process, Chen Fei accurately stated Erina's cooking ideas, and also gave his own suggestions for improvement in response to these ideas.


Listening to Chen Fei's narration,

Although Erina was very unwilling and did not want to admit it,

But at this moment, she really felt that she had gained something!

In addition, many ideas that were not perfect in the past have gradually become clear at this moment.

Erina wanted to catch up with her mother,

But because her mother ran away from home early, Erina didn't know what kind of state her mother was in.

And now, she really felt that realm! !

The younger brother, he is also a special executive officer of the WGO.

It is the existence of the same realm and the same field as the mother!

If he wants to catch up with his mother, at least he must first get the approval of his younger brother.

No matter how much effort you put in, you have to do it yourself!


Don't look at Alice laughing and laughing all day long without a formality,

But she is also very serious about cooking.

If she encounters other geniuses, Alice may not be convinced,

But if this genius is her brother, it doesn't matter.

Seeing Chen Fei's comment, Erina was speechless.

Not to mention how happy Alice was in her heart.

Ever since I was a child, I have always felt that I am the most noble existence in the world.

Erina, now you see the real world!

"Brother, I think you are very discerning."

"I tasted these dishes just now, and it is indeed the suggestion you gave."

"Tomorrow I'll cook and cook something for you."

"When the time comes, if you have any words of praise, don't be stingy!"

"Your sister Alice doesn't have any other strengths, just praise!"


The old man couldn't help but glared at Alice:

"Should I praise you or not, I'll talk about it after I've eaten the dishes you made."

After saying this, Senzaemon looked at Erina and asked;

"How about it, I heard your brother's comment, have you received anything?"

Erina nibbled thinly and nodded lightly.

Then she moved her gaze elsewhere and didn't speak any further.

Senzaemon glanced at Erina and said nothing.

It is normal for her arrogant granddaughter to be hit when she sees someone younger than her and more talented than her.

However, some things have to be experienced in order to gain something.

If a person wants to grow up, he can never live in his own world all the time.

Senzaemon deliberately wanted Chen Fei to show off in front of Erina and Alice,

It can be considered to stimulate them a little bit.

Now, since the goal has been successfully achieved, there is no need to continue to struggle with this topic.

After eating a few bites, Senzaemon turned his attention to Chen Fei:

"Child, have you thought about what to do next?"

Chen Fei pondered for a moment and replied:

"I haven't thought about it yet!"

"However, the original intention of my coming out of the WGO this time is to go and see more."

"Next, I should go to more places."

Chen Fei's words, Erina and Alice suddenly looked at Chen Fei just after finishing speaking.

Alice hurriedly asked:

"Brother, what do you mean by going to more places?"

"Didn't you come to Tokyo to live with us?"

"Are you going anywhere else?"

Before Chen Fei could answer, Senzaemon took the initiative to answer this question for Chen Fei:

"Alice, your brother came to Tokyo with no intention of living here for a long time."

"He came out of the WGO mainly to relax and find answers to some questions."

"Come here now, I also want to visit us."*

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