"According to what the director said, the place where the mammoth was located is a place called the Ligari Plateau,"

At this time, Nunu spit out helplessly, but the monkey behind him slammed down. After watching them rush over, I saw Nunu punched out of anger,

After taking a deep breath, he frowned, if the man made a move,

"I don't want it."

And the girl beside her was shocked.

"Yes, the plate is an important aid to push the food to the top. After cooking, the taste of the food in the beautiful basin will rise several levels. This is not an illusion at all, but a cooperation."

At this moment, the wolf rushed up, and the huge stone monkey fell down in an instant. Everyone started to act. With the continuous attack of sedatives up later. At this moment, the huge moment in front of him suddenly stood up. The murderous intent on his face was revealed,

"Speaking of which, what you know is very detailed,

After seeing the gorillas walking in front of him step by step, the crowd slowly frowned. These gorillas were extremely tall, 20 to 30 meters tall, and humans were just a small figure in front of him. state.

"Speaking of Nunu, be careful, 66

I saw the monkey bombarded with a punch. At this time, I saw the man slowly open his eyes, and the beautiful drift hit the frying pan, and the stone monkey in front of him suddenly shattered.

"You all give me back, 39

Once the appearance of a man has a little bit of unclean appearance, it will make him very miserable.

After hearing this sentence at this time, the man beside him also slowly turned his head,

"Yeah yeah, to find the mammoth you have to fight those demons,"

"Wait a minute what is this gorilla?"

At this time, they are in the first-level ecological reserve of the food island. In this ecological reserve, there are powerful beasts with an average level of 27, and the food of these beasts is also shocking at 10 points. Everything can be obtained from the outside world. at a price of hundreds of billions,

The stone monkey in front of him still rushed up. After being attacked and knocked away, he became even more angry, staring at the man in front of him. A fierce roar, the body. The stones began to tremble wildly.

The man on the side glared at him helplessly, he is the most cherished among the 4 kings,

"It's bigger than before, your restaurant kitchen. By the way, there's another one, ah. 35

After all, the other party relies on the robot to have the powerful power to shock the world, and at this time the wolf on the other side is also howling loudly. The wolf howled wildly and one gorilla appeared in front of them.

Monkey-kun will serve as my beautiful assistant, and you will also shine brightly,

"What are the rolls in.

"It's a harmony with beauty. All in all, it's meaningless to just pursue ingredients. It can be said that 4.2 is extremely low. Do you understand? Well, let's get acquainted and reconcile together,""

Nunu on the side said slowly,


And the girl on the side is also autistic,

"Is the stone more important than me? It's unbelievable, currently

It's hard to say, though, if the manipulator is the guy I met in the beach cave. may be different,

Of course, these conditions are the same for the Gourmet Association. It is for this reason that the other party is naturally unlikely to find a woolly mammoth.

And my left hand was injured in the previous battle with the robot, and it is difficult to continue to use it now,

"Sorry, did you over-sit?"

Nunu on the side looked at him coldly and said to them,

Looking at everything in front of him anxiously, Komatsu on the other side also left Chen Fei quickly, frowned slightly, and left with them.

35 If not, it is still 0.

"Then it's 50 percent off,"

"By the way, Komatsu, if you don't stay far away, you will be involved,"

Of course, there are some accidents. At this time, Nunu Chen Fei and everyone are also thinking seriously. After all, the robot they encountered before has an extremely powerful "Seven Four Three" reaction power, control damage, and even he can rely on it. Their own strength has caused incalculable endings to them.

With a flash of light directly above the sky. The stone monkey kept flying and finally fell to the ground

How does it feel like being beaten up by your own fists, it rains heavily on the rocks above the sky, how long is the range?

The probability of making me their opponent is basically 0, but the meat is delicious, is it worth 100% to defeat it?

"I think about it, 25 meters.

The price of raw materials is less than a few dozen pieces of pasta, but once it passes through the hands of the chef and becomes a beautiful plate, it will become a delicacy of thousands of dollars.

Now the food fair is preparing for all preparations to be fair.

At this time, the man also lowered his head,

"It's over, it's over, I used the wrong thing, it's not a sedative, it's a combat potion, damn it,

Under the 5 consecutive nail punches, the monkeys' bodies shattered into pieces in an instant. At this time, Nunu took a deep breath. The impact of the arena battle was too great, and it was particularly difficult to continue to fire continuously.

It vibrated continuously like a blood vessel, and the roar spread all over the surrounding area for several kilometers,

This is a time-lapse monkey with a capture level of 27. Their habitat was originally on the coast, but in order to find more prey, they decided to gradually migrate to the land of huge beasts. They will continue to destroy nature for food, and they are very lethal and violent creatures.

"However, this is also the way the monkey flew out at the end of his own life. It's very beautiful... In other words, their super-hard, protein skin has beautiful calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate attached to it. This can be a perfect marble. material perfect stone,

It turned out that it was the man who made the move, and then he raised his eyebrows helplessly.

At this time, the man turned his head and glanced at the creature in front of him with contempt,

"Hey please, it's really troublesome,

And the reporter also slowly left,

It will eventually transform into a beautiful dining table and cutlery.

Please, it's not a problem of trouble but not trouble, anyway, they are all creatures who do whatever they can for food. This way of living is not beautiful at all, isn't it?

"After all, I'm a reporter anyway. Of course, this is the first time I've seen this guy in real life. It looks like he wants to eat us."

"Its tentacles, it develops tips as sensors, forming retractable tentacles,

He frowned at the person beside him.

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