I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 307 Mito's helplessness

Standing at the door of Miyoko at this moment, with a frown, Chen Fei moved forward to look in his heart.

Said to Mito who was beside him.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Mito? 35

After saying this, it was also slow, and when I glanced inside, I realized that it was brightly lit at this time.

In this life, the fate of the Lord was also slightly puzzled, and then slowly opened the door and walked in.

Miyoko who was inside saw Chen Fei at a glance, and came out in surprise.

At this time, Mito spoke only afterward.

"It's exploded three times this morning, and Erina asked me to come and see what happened. 99

Meanwhile, Miyoko on the other side touched his head.

Laughing randomly, Chen Fei felt a little helpless after seeing it.

"What's the matter? Is this a problem? 35

And Miyoko saw Chen Fei coming.

Also, his eyes lit up and rushed up, jumped into Miyoko's arms and looked at the little apprentice in his arms with a coquettish look on his face, Chen Fei also shook his head helplessly.

Immediately he was pulled in front of the pot.

"Why is there an explosion?"

Chen Fei spoke slowly, and Miyoko sighed slowly.

"My idea was to actually recreate the dish.

'And this method of reproduction is through a special production method of 693 in Africa, fish will continuously produce acetaldehyde in the process of spoilage, although acetaldehyde is poisonous. 66.39

"But the special substances produced in it can also make the fish more delicious.

"The aroma inside is constantly bursting out, producing its own unique taste."

"Nevertheless. 35

"Acetaldehyde itself is flammable, and I use this direct roasting method to create a powerful flame effect on it. 95

"The end result is an explosion."

After saying so.

One side also looked helplessly, and turned to Mito on the other side.

Mito also shrugged.

"You bombed five times in the morning and the whole school was shocked by you.

I don't know if Alice's side knows what you're going to do, I'm afraid she's panting right now.

After saying this, he also shook his head, but at this time Chen Fei burst into laughter when he heard it.

It's really a good way to cook fish in a special way.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the other party's technology of cooking fish with special methods is not yet mature, so there have been explosions again and again.

However, this idea can be extracted, so Chen Fei stepped forward.

Looking carefully at the pot of fish meat made by the other party, at this time, the layers of fish meat began to produce new substances.

And this smell is slightly pungent in Chen Fei's nose.

The hierarchy is chaotic, and the ratio of aromatherapy ingredients is not right. It is not like your level.

At this time, Miyoko's face was slightly red, and I wanted to use our Chinese cuisine to create a certain fusion with the cuisine of other regions. The western cuisine last time gave me a lot of inspiration.

"So I wanted to do it and try it out, but it doesn't seem to be working very well so far."

Chen Fei nodded slightly and didn't speak to me again, just gave me a careful look.

I tentatively bit into a spoonful of soup and nodded to try the taste.

"You've got the right idea, but your technology is far from enough, maybe you can think of some reconciliation when you use methods from other regions.

"This blend can make the taste more tender.""

After saying that, he slowly looked at it.

Miyoko had a slight headache when the other party heard this, and then stepped forward and said slowly.

"Master, what method can I use to reconcile the taste of this pot of fish soup?

After saying that, he also tentatively looked at the fragrances around him.

Trying to find the ingredient he wanted in it, Chen Fei smiled, shook his head, and didn't say much.

He just spoke to her slowly.

"You can try to find one (bfec) yourself, and now I have told you about the freshness and fullness of this fish. 35

It's up to you to find the final result.

After hearing what Da Chen Fei said, the other party also took a helpless breath, then shook his head, covered his head with a bit of bitterness, and said.

"You are really embarrassing me, can't you find a better way? Just tell me if you don't?"

Seeing the girl in front of her acting coquettishly, Chen Fei couldn't resist, and found a reason to quickly turn around and run away.

Back in the office at this time, looking at the commander-in-chief, the folder he gave to himself also appeared on his face, with a heavy touch, at the dark cooking conference.

It is far more than Caibo Chaoyang taking the written test alone.

What's more important is that in this dark cooking conference, there is an extremely powerful performance, and everyone constantly uses their own methods to build a dark cooking.

Some people especially like to use all kinds of flowers, birds, fish and insects to make food, and there are people who especially like dark taste. They are far more powerful than No. 5 in the academy.

And their dishes and cooking methods are more mature, which indirectly leads to their strong ability.

Chen Fei thought about it this way.

On the other hand, I watched the various foods presented in front of me.

At this moment, Chen Fei frowned slightly. In this dark cuisine, there is a need for strong people everywhere, so they must attract talents.

What is the choice for attracting talents? It is clearly written in this document that they recruit talents through various selection methods, but this selection method is 10 points of hard work.

"It seems that I need to find a chance to take a good look at how they are looking for talent.

"Such an organization must be avoided in this area."

If he is allowed to grow up, it will bring about a profound change to the cooking pattern of the whole world, Chen Fei frowned slightly while thinking about it.

For this organization, he really has no better way. After all, now he is also very aware of the existence of the other party, and it is very likely that he has used the interests of people's hearts.

After all, everyone thinks so.

"If the ultimate goal of cooking is only money or creating good food, then it will eventually become unscrupulous, and this kind of unscrupulousness is what Chen Fei tries to put an end to.

Especially in the academy, he kept on teaching everyone to learn better methods.

And constantly teach everyone to find their own feelings and paths, itself is to give the ingredients a deeper meaning.

He frowned slightly and raised his eyebrows, as if thinking of something.

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