I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 297 A Unique Way of Sacrificing

At this moment, everyone could clearly feel the amazing aroma emanating from the main dish in front of them.

With the end of the appetizers came the main course.

The aroma of that entree permeated the room in an instant.

"This aroma is so strong! This is why!"

At this time, Alice, who was watching the battle, looked shocked. Looking at the situation on the stage, she instantly wanted to understand something.

"It's very similar to the hodgepodge of a certain country."

Alice's face was a little puzzled, she knew exactly what she was thinking.

You must know that Chen Fei is a hot commodity, and in his heart he more or less does not want the other party to qualify.

But rather than not wanting the other party to appear, she was more puzzled by what method the other party used.

Can emit such a strong fragrance.

Chen Fei also smiled slightly when he heard Alice's doubts, and then nodded slowly.

"Among the eighteen hot dishes of Chinese cuisine, the four most important components are beef, pork, river fresh, and seafood.

"These 4 categories are divided into various positions among the 18 hot discs."

"As a result, many ingredients are matched with each other to inspire a unique and amazing smell."

"These powerful and amazing scents naturally immerse and engage one's whole body."

"That's why this dish appears in many weddings and banquets over Chinese cuisine."

Because of this, the carving of western food is more important to her.

Just when everyone cheered for Miyoko, Ryo Hayama kept quiet.

On the other side, after everyone saw Ye Shanliang keep quiet, Alice on the high platform frowned slightly.

what happened to him?

Chen Fei smiled

It must be in a state of its own.

The kitten on the other side also said suspiciously.

Couldn't it just be cringing at hearing the cheers from the audience to each other?

At this time, Erina frowned slightly.

Chen Fei smiled and said randomly and slowly.

At this time, he didn't hear any cheers at all. He knew that all his senses were now focused on the color and fragrance of the ingredients, the sound and changes of the flesh, and the changes in the ingredients.

Now he only cares about the state of his work in temperature.

Never let go of that perfect moment of invigilation to the extreme.

"Could it be that he made that food?"

At this time, Alice on the other side understood, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would actually make such a determination.

"That's right, all he wants to do is fish stew.

It is a cooking method of stewing fish in red wine. Use various oils to wrap the eel in its original shape.

Then frying, and the net oil is the layer of oil commonly known as the surface of the viscera of cattle and pigs.

This oil has a very strong and dense taste, and uses these oils to make the taste more intense.

Elevating the impact of it also contained his own highly impactful cooking.

It is exactly where its style lies.

In this, soft and sticky mashed potatoes, topped with homemade cream bread.

Now, what Ye Shanliang does is to continuously inject rich trump cards into the dishes, and rely on this to constantly find new impact points.

This is also his unique strength and momentum.

The powerful destructive power of his cooking is built with countless stones.

In the end every ingredient became part of that amazing punch.

At this moment, Ye Shanliang frowned slightly.

Turning his head, he and Miyoko looked at each other while the judges commented, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"It doesn't matter how powerful aromas you put into that ingredient.

"No matter how many things are in the ingredients, I just need to rely on my own and bite into it in one bite."

"Do you really think I only have this hole card?"9

At this time, Ye Shanliang, who was standing above, said slowly.

"I also have the trump card."

I saw his aura suddenly spread out, and that kind of coldness to the extreme and the broadness that embraces all things appeared at the same time.

"If you can't play your cards well, he's useless.35

"The depth of smoked duck as the main centerpiece of the main course is beyond your understanding. (bfec)"

At this time, Miyoko also turned his head slowly.

"The judges must have found out."

Legend has it that this dish was a unique way of offering sacrifices to certain families in ancient times.

This way of offering sacrifices allows food to be gifted by the gods and good luck.

Caramel-like honey glittered brightly on top of the duck, covering the entire surface at the same time.

The spice of the duck meat exudes an enticing aroma. Accompanied by sweet potato flour on the side.

Exudes amazing lustre and reflection, while this powerful fragrance permeates the hearts of many judges.

The commander-in-chief's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't wait just by smelling it.

"Such delicious food, I really want to put it in my mouth and taste it carefully, what will it turn into? I really look forward to it.

The eldest sister on the other side also said slowly, so let's start to try it.

At this moment, the piece of duck meat entered the mouth, and the two sisters on the warehouse were at that moment.

He opened his eyes almost instantly, and the luxurious and spicy aroma that ran through the whole body was set off to the extreme in the whole ingredients, even after chewing and swallowing.

The scent still spreads in his mouth for a long time, and more importantly, it seems to be roaming in the sky, with an extremely strong aroma and a variety of endless tastes.

Like waves, a burst of shocks rose.

At that moment, the two sisters in the stands seemed to feel that they were being grasped by the incomparably powerful magic and force.

Dojima Gin is slow, pondering even though it is only a mouthful.

But the spice properties contained in it almost instantly impacted his brain, countless.

It has both spicy and slightly sweet taste.

It has a refreshing coolness and a heavy astringency.

"He has mastered the various characteristics of Chinese cuisine very freely in this dish."

"By continuously condensing these many characteristics, he finally became what he wanted.

"Is this the breadth and breadth of Chinese cuisine? Is this your strong side as Miyoko?

Really shocking.

No one thought that he would be a master of Chinese cuisine.

The aroma in it is no worse than the dishes made by Hayama Ryo.

You must know that Ye Shanliang is known in the world for his perfect sense of smell.

At this time, Miyoko turned his head slightly to look at the stage, and the last dessert was the last side dish.

The temperature of the venue suddenly dropped abruptly, and then a small pudding emitting a lot of ice mist was put up.

Looking at this pudding, everyone was a little surprised.

No, pudding is not Chinese cuisine, why did she choose to use pudding as the final dish?

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