I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 267 The Last Cooking Showdown

How do you feel about the 'special guidance' that Alice and Erina said

"It can't be a coincidence. 99

And he must sit.

It was a world they all needed to look up to.

So Erina was worried, and Jiu Gao suddenly came to the venue.

Now Alice is like a 'good sister' who protects her younger brother behind her.

"Second lady of the Nakiri family."

Then last time I lost to Hōjō Miyoko.

"Only the last game left in the quarter-finals.""

She's not worried, I will look for trouble with Chen Fei for a long time.

"No, Mr. Chen Fei, you shouldn't misunderstand me, right?"

Right behind Chen Fei.

"There are some questions, I want to ask him later.

"Student Hōjō has won my senior for a long time in eating halberds. Could it be that he is here to interfere with this cooking showdown?

Alice is a little confused.

He couldn't help but turn dark.

"I heard that the last time Hōjō and Jiuga-senpai made a bet on the halberd, it was to close the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute."5

But now, it's a good opportunity to see up close what Miyoko's strength is.

After a long time, I will understand the food world where Chen Fei lives.

Stare at me for a long time.

Even if you can't believe it at first.

There were not many people who could watch the battle of eating halberds on the spot.

If it is said that Hayama Ryo and Mizuo Ang's halberds have refreshed everyone's understanding of cooking duels.

But speaking of class...

Later, after I figured it out.

"What's your business with Chen Fei?"

This has attracted a lot of discussion.

Certainly not to come here to make trouble.

For a long time, I can be said to be very depressed.

"You go over there.

And sometimes he is very self-motivated, completely making people unable to grasp the law of his behavior.

"I'm going to sit in this position.

She turned her head immediately.

Erina also watched vigilantly for a long time.

"I really didn't mean that."

The first-year freshman did not dare to disobey, and directly gave up his position to Jiujiao.

However, they also occupy a seat in the Tōtsuki Elite Ten.

Chen Fei suddenly remembered.

"I can go back with you now."

"How could you have such an idea, did I do something to make you misunderstand? 35

"It's over, it's over, my senior must be dissatisfied with the last meal.

This is what I said to Kuga.

Now, there are only two people left who have not had a cooking duel.

You know, Miyoko is Chen Fei's apprentice.

Then the match between Miyoko and Isami.

Then his red lips parted slightly, and he said:

I have been looking for an answer for a long time.

more eye-catching.

Most of them know better, just after Chen Fei's guidance.

Is it like defending against a thief?

He must find ways to build a good relationship with Teacher Chen Fei.

Chen Fei went to her Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

He could only persuade him to watch Miyoko's performance carefully today.

There was a hint of sincerity in my long-suffering tone.

For a long time, I was very sad.

He walked over to where a freshman was sitting.

"Is he going to have a bad relationship with Lord Chen Fei?"

"The most important thing now is the final cooking showdown.

Saying that, Jiu I pointed to an empty seat not far away.

"Isn't the senior sitting here on purpose?"

Not the same thing as he thought.

At this time, a sudden appearance caught the attention of many Tōtsuki students.


"Do you think I'm here to trouble Teacher Chen Fei? 55

and get his guidance.

"It seems that this station was not chosen in vain. 35

"After a long time my senior lost, I had to give up the Chinese Cuisine Research Society to Hōjō.""

"If there is something I need to take care of.

"Why do you all think that I'm here to make trouble?"

For a long time, all I could feel in my heart was frustration.

These guesses fell into the ears of Teruki Kuga. 673

Sure enough, Jiuga Teruji's voice came from behind.

For a long time I have only one idea.

Ping (bfec) often have some meetings, and when the council makes certain decisions.

Erina and Kugaoji still have some contact.

"But now is not the time.

"He's the one under the cover of Miss Ben, if there's anything, you have to pass by me. 35

They all want to protect Chen Fei.

I can't give him the answer now.

But unfortunately, Hōjō Miyoko defeated him among the halberds.

Then said:

So what is going on here?

As for the two young ladies of the Jean Nakiri family.

Didn't I follow the rules for a long time to find fault?

What's more, he really admires Teacher Chen Fei now.

"What a coincidence, we meet again.

My mind went back to three days before the quarterfinals.

"Mr. Chen Fei.""

"I just want to watch a more exciting cooking showdown."5

In fact, he knew from the beginning that it was not an accident that Jiu I appeared here according to the discipline.

And she absolutely refuses to be the ninth seat of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten.

Every day in the cooking research club, I continue to hit a higher level of cooking deliciousness.

Chen Fei wasn't surprised at all.

"Could it be that my senior came to watch the battle on purpose?

I didn't think much about it for a long time.

But it always felt like nothing was right.

"I know what you want to ask.

They want to do things that are unpredictable by ordinary people.

"And my relationship with Teacher Chen Fei is also very deep.

"This should be very difficult for him to accept."

Miyoko was among the halberds and defeated the eighth seat of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten, Yuga Teruki.

The quarterfinals of the autumn trials.

There was no smile on his face, but he was full of displeasure.

"Look, it's a long time my senior. 35

At the invitation of Miyoko several times.

Chen Fei reassured Alice and Erina.

A brand new research institute, Miyoko's intentions can be seen everywhere.

I was speechless at the scene of Alice's "old hen guarding the baby" in front of me.

Obviously he didn't do anything.

Although it was still a bit sloppy, he seemed to be quite flustered after he was really misunderstood.

"For a long time, my senior, you came to the venue suddenly, but what is going on at the council?

But Alice listened to all the gossip that those people just said.

She knew that this senior had a very outgoing personality.

It's just that it's Chen Fei.

It is Hōjō Miyoko and her opponent Isami who will appear in the next round of promotion.

He now has an empty eighth seat in the Elite Ten.

If we say that he lost to Eishi Tsukasa in the first seat of Elite Ten.

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