I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 205 Miss Ben will not allow you to leave me

Tadokoro Megumi bit her lip shyly, and glanced at Chen Fei subconsciously.

"Have your own insistence on cooking."

"And to find a higher level of existence in gastronomy.

"This is what I learned from Lord Chen Fei.

"And Shigong-senpai has taught me a lot during this time.

"Now that I have found my position, I will not give up easily in the future."

Chen Fei turned his head with a smile.

"Xiao Hui, you are very savvy. 35

"If you can think that way, it means you've really improved a lot."

Although just a simple compliment.

But every word Chen Fei said was precious to Tadokoro Megumi.

Her fair face turned into a pink color visibly to the naked eye.

A sudden rapid heartbeat.

Makes Tadokoro Megumi a little overwhelmed.

"Brother Chen Fei, this is not the classroom where you guide students."

"Quickly accompany my sister to the stands."

"I would like to know, Hōjō, how far has progressed."5

"Her unhurried appearance of 15 seems to be a bit similar to you.""

Alice's charming little face was indescribably unhappy.

Even what she said had an inexplicable sourness.

Although it wasn't the first day she knew, Chen Fei has always been the most admired and admired teacher in the hearts of the entire Tōtsuki Academy students.

And he's still so young.

A young genius is destined to be noticed and chased by all parties.

But Alice is just unhappy right now.

It seems that once he feels that one day, Chen Fei's eyes will be more on other girls.

Not so good with her.

She even felt a little sad.

this emotion.

In fact, it only appeared when Alice was very young.

That's when she left Kyoto.

Travel to northern Europe to study the secrets of molecular cooking.

But before she left, Erina, who had made an appointment with her to write a letter, had no news.

"Brother Chen Fei, you must not be as unbelievable as Erina.

"I will never allow you to leave me.

Alice suddenly spoke in a low voice.

Only Chen Fei and Erina, who was closest to the two of them, heard this sentence.

Erina: 66.99

"Alice, I didn't abandon you."

Alice doesn't believe it.

"Anyway, Erina, I don't believe what you said."

After speaking, Alice wrinkled her nose playfully to express her dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, Erina felt helpless.

Ever since Alice returned to Kyoto again.

The attitude towards her seems to treat her as an opponent who will fight each other for a lifetime.

Although furious at Alice's incompetence, Erina sometimes feels quite speechless.

But as a cousin, she couldn't really ignore Alice.

And even if she ignored it, Alice would always find an opportunity to provoke her.

But now Erina suddenly doesn't want to argue with Alice.

Except she felt a little bored.

Or because of her current relationship with Chen Fei.

Erina subconsciously avoided Alice's inquiring gaze.

"By the way, Chen Fei, you haven't promised me yet.

"Come and tell me, you will never leave Sister Alice.

Hearing this, Chen Fei burst into laughter.

It's really not his fault.

It's because the current Alice is too different from usual.

However, Chen Fei thinks that little girls will probably have such a side.

Even Alice is usually like a queen.

She is graceful, aloof, and sometimes inhumane.

But in fact, it was all to cover up her insecure side.

What's more, the relationship between Chen Fei and Erina is different now.

And Alice, in any way, is closer to one level.

So Chen Fei nodded in Alice's expectant gaze and said:

"Sister Alice, don't worry. 99

"I will not abandon you. 39

"Not only me, but also Sister Erina, will not abandon you.

Alice smiled pretty, and there was a slight blush on her face.

Unconsciously, two hours passed.

And Miyoko and Kuga Teruki also cooked separately.

The cooking of the two was presented to the judges under the attention of the audience.

The judges this time are the director of the French cuisine research department: Mr. Chapelle.

Director of the Japanese Cuisine Research Department: Mr. Kojima Hiro.

Local Cuisine Research Department: Mr. Haneda Mayu.

After seeing Jiuga Teri's cooking, I sent it to the judges first.

when he lifted the lid on the plate.

The spicy and fragrant fragrance filled the entire venue immediately.

"Just smelling this smell makes me hungry."

"It's so fragrant, my senior's Mapo tofu is still amazing as always.

"When will I make a dish with such a perfect grasp of the integrity of spices and ingredients? 35

Chapelle's gaze stayed on the rather impressive appearance of Mapo Tofu.

For a long time, I cook according to the rules, like a ferocious tiger in the forest.

Before you even noticed it, it gave an unprecedented impact.

After the entrance, the strong flavor spreads in the mouth.

Spicy and extreme umami intertwined.

Only this mapo tofu will give diners an unprecedented experience.


enjoying the pain.

So the pain caused by numbness and spicyness also enhances the pleasure of enjoying delicious food.

Can't stop, or you'll be overwhelmed by the numbness and spiciness.

I don't want to stop, because I want to experience a higher level of deliciousness under the impact of hemp and spicy.

When the three judges couldn't help but stop.

The mapo tofu dishes in their hands have already been tasted by them.

Chapelle and the other two judges showed surprised expressions.

When exactly...

At this time, another scent suddenly penetrated into the tip of the nose.

It was Miyoko who calmly served his dishes.

"After a long time when my seniors got the mapo tofu, the taste of any dish will be weakened, right?"

"It's a big loss for Hōjō to let the judges taste her cooking at this time."

"Isn't Shi Ji like this, you can't overwhelmingly beat the opponent in terms of taste, the probability of winning is too small."

"Look at the dish Hōjō made, it's Yipin tofu.

Many people think that Hōjō Miyoko can also make Mapo Tofu,

In this way, at least in terms of taste, it can have the same impact as Kuga Teruki.

Unexpectedly, Miyoko chose to have a lighter taste and order a tofu.

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