I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 175 is not good, was discovered by Hyugako

Seeing these freshmen looking at him nervously,

A faint smile appeared on Inui Hinako's face:

"It doesn't matter, as long as the dishes can be made within the stipulated time. 99

"My exam room does not prohibit chatting."

"Okay, this classmate, hurry up and answer my question. 99

"What you said just now, who is Lord Chen Fei?"

"He just appeared?"

Although I don't know why the dry chef asks this question,

But these freshmen answered honestly:

“Mr. Chen Fei, is the newly appointed head of the teaching department of our school. 35

"He was in the stands just now.

"Beside Lord Chen Fei, there is also a super beautiful woman, but we don't know who that person is. 99

Hearing the answers from the classmates, Hyugako narrowed her eyes:

"Lord Chen Fei, what's the background?"

"So young to be the head of our school's teaching department?"

A freshman looked at Hyugako and answered cautiously:


"Chef, Master Chen Fei is actually amazing."

"You don't think he's young, but he's a top executive from the WGO. 99

"Many people in our school can worship him. 35

Principal Executive Officer from WGO, Mr. Chen Fei?

The smile on Hyugako's face became more and more "bright":

"Several students, thank you for answering my questions.

"Next, please feel free to participate in the examination.

"For the sake of my good mood, I will give you special care.

Hearing what Hyugako said, surprise expressions appeared on the faces of several classmates.

Just when they were about to thank Hyugako,

Hyugako has turned around "elegantly" and returned to the podium.

The persimmon cake in her hand was kneaded into a ball by her white jade-like hand.

Hyugako, who returned to the podium, had a particularly "sweet" smile on her face!

It's dark under the lights!

Never thought that this bastard would actually play a black light on himself!

In order to find this bastard, she didn't even care about her work,

In just a few days, I visited all the high-end restaurants in Tokyo,

He also launched contacts, begging grandpa to tell grandma for information,

Flat shoes are broken 2 pairs.

I thought that bastard should have gone back, or went to another city,

However, he never imagined that he would be hiding in Tōtsuki Gakuen.


All this is really wonderful!

Inui Hinako squinted, a hint of "dangerous" was released from his eyes,

Now, in my hands!

Aren't you very good at running?

keep running!

This time, I'll take a good look at it to see if you can run away again.


At this moment, a clapping sound resounded in the classroom,

Seeing Hyugako clapping their palms there, almost everyone raised their heads and put their eyes on Inui Hinako,

Hyugako glanced at everyone with a smile:

"Everyone just went to the warehouse to get the tools. 99'

"Well, have you seen anything like a rope over there?

A girl heard Hyugako's question and replied in a low voice:

"Chef dry, warehouse... there seems to be a rope over there. 39

"Is that so? Thank you!

Hyugako thanked the girl,

Then I instruct everyone to continue to start the assessment.

At night, Chen Fei just took a shower,

Just as he was about to rest,

Suddenly there was a knock on the door,

"Who is it please?"

Chen Fei asked subconsciously,

Then a strange female voice came from outside the door:

"I'm the resort attendant, Mr. Chen Fei, I'm here to deliver your daily necessities...

At this point, there are still people who come to deliver their daily necessities?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think too much about it, so he went straight to open the door,

"sorry to bother you.....

Opening the door, there was indeed a girl in a waiter's clothes standing at the door.

Just when Chen Fei just said this sentence,

The girl standing at the door suddenly took out a piece of rope,

Chen Fei froze for a moment,

The next second, the girl raised her head and looked at Chen Fei with a half-smile:

"Today, I'm not wearing high heels or clogs."

"You know, for today, I've been wearing flats and sneakers all this time. 99

"Lord Chen Fei, run!"

"I really want to see this time. Where else can you go?"

The smile on Hyugako's face is very "bright",

Looking at the way she holds the rope in her hand,

Chen Fei was taken a step backwards:

"Hi.... Hyugako, how do you know I live here? 35

Hyugako squinted and replied with a smile:

"I asked at the front desk on the first floor."

"At this time, no other guests can stay in the hotel. 35

"As long as I find out which room someone other than the students is in, can I find you?

"There is no need to ask these messy questions.

"I also have my own channels of news, okay?

"My little cutie, you say, are you obediently accepting your fate, or do you need to struggle for a while before accepting your fate? 610"

After saying this, Hyugako also raised the rope in her hand.


Looking at Hyugako, Chen Fei's scalp felt numb:

"Hyugako, what I did back then was something wrong.

"Let's reconcile.

"It was just a misunderstanding after all!"

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Hyugako winked cutely:

"Then you call me an old woman, is it a misunderstanding?"

"Isn't that because you wanted to take a rope to tie me to the Wu Restaurant, and I called you that when I was in a hurry?

"Okay, don't say it's useless now, in order to find you, I have visited Tokyo several times these days! If I let you go so easily, hee hee, people will be very uncomfortable.

Hyugako exudes a "dangerous" breath all over her body,

Seeing her walking towards him step by step with a "smile" on her face,

Chen Fei couldn't help but take a few steps back:

"Hi Xiangzi, let me tell you, I'm a good man and don't fight with women, so I didn't care about you."

"Don't go too far.""

Looking at Chen Fei, Hyugako's eyes almost narrowed into a slit:


"In the beginning, what you did to me seemed to be even more extreme!"

"People's innocence...but it's completely destroyed in your hands, you shouldn't have forgotten about it.

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