I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 154 Do you want to challenge me?

Miyoko established a new Chinese cuisine research institute,

To put it bluntly, from the beginning to the end, I didn't care about it for a long time,

What he was really interested in was whether he could have a cooking showdown with Chen Fei through this matter.

It is because I know that Chen Fei is very powerful, so I will look forward to it for a long time.

The thought of seeing Chen Fei's true strength made me excited for a long time even when I went to bed at night.

After figuring out the real purpose of the long-term I Zhaoji, Chen Fei said with tears in his eyes:

"Do you just want to have a cooking showdown with me?

Hearing Chen Fei's question, I Zhaoji nodded quickly:


"The purpose of my coming here is to ask little Miyoko to help me convey this idea. 35

"I didn't expect you, Mr. Chen Fei, to be here,"9

"So, I just told you my "600" idea directly.

Looking at Zouji for a long time, Chen Fei asked with a smile:

"If, I said, I have absolutely no interest in you dueling this kind of thing,"

"What are you going to do next?"

After hearing what Chen Fei said, I thought about it for a long time, scratched my head and replied:

"I'm not sure if Teacher Chen Fei will agree to fight with me.

"However, I still want to try it.

"If the teacher is really unwilling to accept my challenge, then there is nothing I can do.

"However, I will definitely try my best to completely destroy Miyoko's research club.

"Teacher, this is a conflict between me and Miyoko. You shouldn't try to stop me in this matter..."

Yuga Teruki is not threatening Chen Fei, but expressing the idea that only one "Chinese Cuisine Research Association" is allowed in this academy.

To put it bluntly, he is not targeting Miyoko, but making a decision to uphold the majesty of his Elite Ten.

After all, everyone has something they want to stick to.

Even with Chen Fei standing behind him, he wouldn't let go so easily.

And Chen Fei, indeed, has no reason to intervene in this dispute.

What Miyoko wants to prove is that women can play the same value as men in the kitchen through their own efforts.

Kuga Teruki is to maintain the orthodox status of his Chinese Cuisine Research Society in this academy.

In fact, this dispute has nothing to do with Chen Fei,

For a long time, I have seen very clearly according to Ji.

After Kuga Teruki said these words, Chen Fei turned his attention to Hōjō Miyoko:


"You heard what my classmate said for a long time."

"He feels that the Chinese Cuisine Research Association is only allowed to have one.

"What are you going to do with this matter?"

After hearing what Chen Fei said, Hōjō Miyoko calmly looked at Teruki Kuga:

"Fresh halberd!"

"If my senior doesn't mind, let's use the results of eating halberds to decide all this. 39

"If my senior can beat me in the halberd for a long time, I will dismiss my Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

"But if Senior Jiujiu loses Shiji, then Senior Jiujiu will change the name of his research club.

"Junior my senior, are you willing to accept my challenge?"

Hearing what Miyoko said,

Kuga Teruki looked up at Miyoko:

"Little Miyoko, we can be considered acquaintances."

"You should know very well that you are not my opponent!"

Miyoko looked at Teruki for a long time and said calmly:

"It doesn't matter.

"The important thing is that I also have something I want to prove. 99

"What's more, I don't think I will necessarily lose to Senior Jiuwo.

"Everything, you have to wait until you try it before you know the result!""

"Long time my senior, do you think what I said is right?

Hearing what Miyoko said, Kuga Teruki's eyes instantly narrowed:

"Little Miyoko, are you serious about what you said?"

"Do you really want to settle this dispute with me by eating halberds?

Miyoko looked at Teruki for a long time and said calmly:

"As of now, there is only one way, isn't it? 39

For a long time, Teruki looked at Miyoko with a smile on his face:

"If you want to challenge the Elite Ten, you have to pay the same price.

"However, since we are acquaintances, I can ignore this kind of thing!"9

"How about this!"

"I can take a step back in the face of little Miyoko!"

"I will take out a dish I developed last year to accept your challenge..""

"In this way, we can be regarded as standing on the same starting line.""

"Don't say I bullied you.

"By the way, I have a prerequisite that I forgot to mention."

"If the halberd is eaten, the winner will be me!"

"Then, little Miyoko will not only disband your research club,"

'At the same time, you must also join my command.

"Well, can you accept this condition?"


Seeing the serious eyes of Kaori for a long time,

Miyoko nodded seriously:

"I can accept this condition!

"But one thing!"

"In the duel, you don't have to deliberately suppress your strength, Senior Jiujiu!"

Hearing what Miyoko said, the smile on Teruki Kuga's face grew even stronger:

"I understand!"

"Little Miyoko turned out to be so confident in himself. 35

"OK OK!""

"Then I will use all my strength."

"If you lose then, don't cry, little Miyoko! 55

After saying these words, I looked at Chen Fei for a long time according to Ji:

"Mr. Chen Fei!

"How do you feel that we resolve disputes in this way?"

Chen Fei nodded:

"I think it's fair!"

4.2 "Since the Chinese Cuisine Research Association can only keep one in any case,"

“It is very appropriate to decide who goes and who stays by eating halberds.35

"However, I have a suggestion, I don't know if my classmates can accept it.

Hearing what Chen Fei said, Jiu I Zhaoji immediately opened the mouth and said:

"Mr. Chen Fei, if you have any suggestion, just say it directly."

"My thought is this, since it's a life-and-death battle to decide the fate of the research society, how about giving Miyoko a little time to prepare?

After saying this, Chen Fei thought about it and added a few more words:

"There will be a large-scale assessment in the school soon."

"It would be a little inappropriate if you were distracted to prepare the halberd at this time.

"So, after this large-scale assessment is over, how about a few days of cultivation? How about eating halberds?"

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