I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 112 Erina's "Trembling"

If the requirement of C-level is that a chef must develop his own unique cooking style,

In Chen Fei's eyes, the requirement of B-level is that the chef must be able to bring out his own style well.

Not only do you have to create your own style of cuisine, but the taste must also be enough to shake the guests.

After hearing all this,

Erina put her eyes on the capital "A" on the white paper:

"For you, what level of cooking can be considered an A-level in your eyes?"

Hearing Erina's inquiry,

Chen Fei replied calmly:

"Tasty not only shakes the diners, but also resonates in the hearts of the diners.

"In my eyes, this kind of cuisine is truly A-level."

After saying these words, Chen Fei thought about it and added:

"In this academy, so far, I have only seen one person who can barely make dishes to this level.

"Eishi Tsukasa!"

"Currently the first seat of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten. 35

"The dishes he makes can resonate in the hearts of guests.

"While this matter, what he did 577 wasn't obvious enough."

"But he did get to that point."

"By the way, didn't I teach class A in the third grade last time?"

"In the whole class, the dishes he made by himself got an A− grade from me.

"The second seat, Kobayashi Rentan, and the fourth seat, Akane Kubo Momo, all got B+ ratings from me."

Hearing Chen Fei say that Kobayashi Rentan-senpai and Akakubo-senpai-senpai only got B+ ratings when he was with him,

Erina's heart trembled for a moment.

At this moment, she bit her thin lips tightly:

"Last time.. last time!"

"We had a duel."

"What level of cooking I made is in your heart.

"You... can you tell me frankly?"

"I...I don't want to hear lies."

Hearing this, Chen Fei instantly turned his attention to Erina:

"Want to know my true opinion?"

"Okay, then I won't hide anything anymore.""

"In my eyes, your cooking is rated B.

"There is still quite a distance (bfec) from B+!


Hearing Chen Fei's answer, Erina clenched her thin lips, and subconsciously became a little harder.

Level B?

With all his strength, the cooking presented without reservation,

It turned out that in Chen Fei's eyes, it was only a B-level evaluation.

I don't know how many things came to my mind,

After ten seconds, Erina suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Fei:

"What is the level of my mother's cooking in your eyes?"

"Is she... is she also an A-level chef?"

Chen Fei shook his head:

"Do not!

"Mother's cooking skills are above the A-level rating!"

Above an A-level rating?

Hearing this, Erina was stunned:

"In your case, on top of the A-level evaluation, is there a higher-level evaluation?

Chen Fei nodded:


"When a chef can perfectly develop any ingredients in his hands, at this moment, she has stepped into a more advanced field!"9


"I call the cooking skills of a chef at this level "the pinnacle"! 35

No matter what kind of ingredients, there will be such a thing as the loss of deliciousness during the cooking process.

And chefs who have reached the S-level can already use their own cooking skills and various cooking skills to perfectly reverse this shortcoming.

In a delicious dish, develop the taste of each ingredient to the limit!

It is no exaggeration for a chef who can reach this level to be called "the pinnacle of cooking"!

At this moment, Erina suddenly thought of something important!

When I was on the phone with my mother before,

On the phone, my mother clearly told her,

Chen Fei's cooking skills are above her!

He is the number one chef in the WGO.

That is to say, is there a higher grade above Chen Fei's so-called S grade?

Thinking of this, Erina suddenly looked at Chen Fei:

"If it is said that in your eyes, the mother is only an S-rank evaluation!""

"What about yourself!?"

"What's your rating for yourself!?"

"Above the S-rank, is there a higher evaluation!"

"You, you have stepped into a field that even the mother has never been involved in, isn't it!? 99

Seeing Erina's extremely serious eyes,

Chen Fei did not choose to hide this time:


"My cooking is a little better than my mother's.

"If I really want to make a detailed division, I can now use my cooking skills to develop ingredients beyond the limit of deliciousness.


"I call this level 'beyond the limit'!"

"But, Erina, don't think this is the end."

"For me, I also have areas that I aspire to be involved in. 35

At this moment, Erina's breathing began to become more and more rapid!

At the same time, her heartbeat is also accelerating,

Even Chen Fei has a field he aspires to set foot in.

What kind of realm is that?

Is that what he has been pursuing his whole life?

Seeing Erina's fixed gaze, Chen Fei thought about it and added a few words:

"About that level, you don't need to think too much now."

“If you want to be a good chef, you have to be down to earth. 35

"However, if you really want to know some topics about that field, I can briefly describe it to you.

Before Chen Fei could finish speaking, Erina's voice sounded instantly:

"I want to know, what kind of realm is that!

"Okay, then I'll just tell you something."

Seeing that Erina seems to be interested in "about that field",

Chen Fei also lost her appetite:

"Erina, you can understand the SS level as the limit of a chef's cooking skills!"5

"At this level, just relying on cooking skills, there is no way for me to make a breakthrough.

"So, at this time, what a chef needs to have is a feeling that can be poured into cooking without reservation.

"I haven't stepped into this level, so I can't give you an accurate description!

"But what I can tell you is!"

"Any chef who can step into this field will see an incredible world of food in his eyes!

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