90 – Leading to the Future

The commotion inside the dungeon ended with a visit from the messenger of Batlante.

We were quiet as we headed back down the gloomy alley. As if the uproar he had just been trembling with was an illusion he had seen in a dream.

At the end of a long passage. The emperor presented his opinion in front of the gate leading to the imperial palace. I flinched at the pale pink eyes filled with a sense of debt. It seems that the feelings of the past that were abandoned are still inherent.

“Zeegharun will be pardoned.”


“Your Majesty?”

Irelfi and I opened our eyes wide in amazement. The emperor who spoke out was a sinner and a man of power. It was like a lost child who was in conflict somewhere in between.

“It’s not just because of his conversion in the end. Thanks to the Marquis’ performance, Charles’ kidnapping ended in an attempt. Also, the reason is unknown, but I heard that they fought together during the runaway of the Marquis of Justiha.”

“You are right, but the crime you committed is not light.”

His heart ached as he refuted the emperor’s decision. The period of assimilation with Netion Peace was too long. Selfishness tormented me to ask for the lineage of the woman he loved.

Fortunately, the emperor shook his head. He didn’t notice my selfishness. He is determined to step into the future.

“If Siegharun’s atrocities had actually caused significant damage, he would not have dreamed of a pardon.”

“Low damage… Is that all?”

“No. To judge Siegharun now… The karma of the imperial family in the past was too much. His mother, Lorian Peyta, was a truly unfair victim. Siegharun was born knowing nothing of the karma inflicted by the imperial family. In gage.”

It was affirmed that Siegharun was a criminal, but it was the imperial family who sowed the seeds of sin.

The old man’s mountain of sins was his own gain. On the other hand, it is hard to deny that Lorian and the baby were good victims.

The emperor added a bitter smile.

“Honestly, I, who inherited the blood of the 3rd emperor, have no shame in even pardoning him?”

“I understand your intentions. You can do as your Majesty wishes.”

“Um. That’s right. I’ll assume it’s what I want and take it upon myself.”

He smiled and opened the door. The emperor’s last reply was very vague to me. After pondering the meaning of the ambiguous answer and laughter, I closed my eyes tightly.

‘Miss Ha! I must have seen everything.’

In my heart, I was glad to hear the emperor’s declaration that he would pardon Siegharun. He was relieved that the bloodline of the unfortunate netty on peace had survived. As the person who lived in the past life, I hoped that a thread of salvation would wait for their ending.

The emperor must have looked into it with his unique eyes. The cheat ability to see through emotions does not allow secrets. Feita’s descendents, whose emotions were castrated, were a rare exception.

We came out of the main palace torn apart with the emperor leaving for the office. Now we were relieved that there was no connection with the word work.

‘The only thing I can do is to make money. Even if you build a building with a thousand changes, it will be a poor construction.’

Rather than that, what I should be concerned about was the IrLP. I feel uneasy about her keeping her pace while keeping her silent.

IRLP’s eyes were dark and damp like a cloudy sky. Even an idiot could have known her twists and turns. Even if you understand with her head, it will take time for her heart to agree.

I took my luck lightly.

“Ir Elfi, have you seen Mirren?”

“You can rest assured that not a single hem of her dress was torn.”

“It’s fortunate. Thanks to you, I’m comfortable leaving all the work to Mirren, isn’t it?”

“I see.”


It was a lukewarm conversation, like hot water left in Ipdong. The cold air emanating from Ir Elfi was creepy, but I couldn’t be ignorant of what relieved her mood.

It’s true that I’m not good at this sort of thing, so I decided to act recklessly for now. As the starting line, I immediately grabbed Ir Elfi’s small hand.

Irlp was taken aback by the suddenly connected body temperature.



“… No. Nothing.”

A little blush appeared on her cheeks, but that was it. I have now decided to take the next step.


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Pull her closer with her hook made with her fingers. Afterwards, she lightly wrapped her back around Ir Elfi, who was close to her by her inertia. Pressed close to her chest, she resisted slightly, but she soon calmed down, leaving her center.

“I am myself, Ir Elfi.”


“It’s not Netionpiss. The name you gave it on the fly… Nephi.”

“Dae, it wasn’t named roughly, right?”

“I’ll fool you just this once.”

“I feel…”

Ir Elfi, who seemed to be feeling guilty belatedly, trembled her gaze. She guided her fingertips like a cat asking to pet her hair.

Sure. Swoop.

Slowly, she puts her hand through her hair, which is like the silk of her elf. Then she swept it in a straight line from the crown of her round head to the nape of her neck that ran down her straight hair.

Every time the palm of her hand crossed over and over again, Elfie’s head stirred. She said that she wanted to sweep somewhere nicer, that her touch was more hungry here than there. She approaches, exhaling her breath as if to be charming.

“I like it.”

“… I know.”

“I love you, not Lorian Peyta or Siegharun.”


“If you’re feeling anxious, feel free to tell me. When you’re in a bad mood, tell me.”

“Neffi is not my exclusive wooden doll to relieve stress.”

“Yes, that’s right. Perhaps that’s why I arrived in this world as immortal.”

“Then can Nefi’s waist bend like a bow again?”



“Yes, that’s right. Maybe that’s why I…”

“It’s too late even if you repeat the wonderful lines as if nothing happened.”

“Come on!”

The dust in the air transforms into an awl-like sting from Illelpi’s glare. I tried to clear it up by clearing my throat, but it was in vain.

“Neffi’s charm is that she wakes up every time she tries to be cool.”

“Ugh, don’t be sarcastic, Illelpi.”

“You’re welcome. I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart. If you don’t have that kind of charm, Eon-nyeon would be fooling around again…”

“I don’t know people like Eonnyeon!”

“Wouldn’t it have disappeared if I knew? Of course, that eon-nyeon. Oh, is Nefi also with you at this time?”

“… What?”

Her shortened speech, which erodes the heart, easily crosses the line between emotion and fear. The temperature difference is worse than the daily temperature difference at the turn of the season. She is really attractive!

Ugh, maybe. Yes.

Jongnae, Ir Elfi, was well packaged and looked at, but it’s sad to hear her lover say that she’s awake. Because it’s a man’s instinct to show off his best in front of his lover. So I decided to muster up the courage to see her again.


“Neffi? Unusually serious face…”

“It’s because I’m nervous.”



I ruminated on the commotion of dawn when I brought Ir Elfi to the island after the rampage was over. I have a clear memory of being frozen in the hwadu that Bartlante threw innocently.

[Elfie’s older sister, Nefi’s older brother. So, when are the two of you getting engaged?]

[Miren, since when did you go there…!?]

[It’s an engagement… I guess.]

Ir Elfi was steadfast in her thoughts inside her chaotic mansion. Calmly calculating, she slowly expressed her opinion.

[The engagement date is…]

“When Mirren inherited her title, she said.”

“What do you mean? … Ah.”

“At that time, I thought I could wait. It would have taken me five or six years. But I’ve already waited for decades. My patience is already at its limit.”

I took a couple of steps away from Ir Elfi in her arms. In response to her reaction, her two hands, which she had wrapped around her waist, caught the blank. I don’t look at the space between my two empty hands.

The index finger of the left hand is thin and white, befitting the expression ‘Somseomoksu’. I carefully put a black ring on my finger, which I used to collect the sword paper whenever I had a chance.

“Let’s get engaged. Irelp.”

After I returned from my past life, I wanted to tell you this so badly. I wonder if Ir Elfi could have guessed.

As long as it exists, even a small form is fine. Netionpeace’s regret for not leaving anything behind was enough to bite him.

I will never repeat my mistakes.

“When the atmosphere is better. When the time is better. I wanted to propose in a more plausible place. But that didn’t work. I’m sorry for being a man who can’t afford a short moment. I know… I know it well… Enough to pretend to be myself. I guess I like you a lot.”


“Forgive me for not being able to afford an adult.”

Make direct eye contact. With a face hardened like a bronze statue. However, as if mocking my determination, she out of the blue let out a faint cry.

“Anyway, Neffi has a knack for sounding silly.”

“What, what?”

The corner of the Elf’s eyes drew a semicircle like a rainbow. To the laughing flowers blooming in the blue lake. Ir Elfi seemed to be drawn to the blue eyes that floated her tail.

I had lost my mind, but the IrLP’s strike flew by surprise and struck me.

“The atmosphere? The time? The place? Neffi is the man who confessed to me at the place where I met my end in the late dawn in a bloody life-or-death atmosphere? Aren’t you overestimating yourself?”

“Shut up?!”

“When did you start to regain your form just because you lived so sensitively?”


It was the most serious moment in recent days, but the sale of IRLP did not take care of the circumstances.

Inner wounds open because they were all truths without even an inch of error.

It was at that time that she felt like she was going to burst into tears.

“I cried a lot at Neffi’s confession.”


“When I close my eyes, I still think of Neffi’s confession. A confession under a starry night with nothing appropriate about the atmosphere, time, place, or anything… I was happy. The confession that combined the romantic elements of the world, that day Nothing could be better than the courage that Bam Neffi showed.”


“Thank you for being with me.”


“I’m glad you chose me.”


“You twisted fate… And met me… I’m happy.”

She laughed.

Like a morning glory that endures the dark dawn and blooms under the bright morning sun.

She cried.

Her breeze brushed her blades of grass and seemed to scatter her dew on her.

She said.

“I love you. Nefi. My one and only partner forever.”

“I love you. Irelp.”

When you’re happy with one of her gestures.

When she was angry and scared.

She talks to her when she gets off topic.

I put love in my mouth whenever I had a chance. Maybe, often enough to worry about looking cheap.

In her heart, I wanted to captivate her with verbose and colorful adjectives. He tried to give a noble and elegant answer like the serenades of other aristocrats in the language of love.

But what was left was a simple word commonly used by men and women who shared her heart. It was my ordinary and clumsy limit.

Even so.

I, the person in charge, suffer from a sense of shame.

You give such a radiant expression to a shabby and insignificant horse.

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Pure white hair that looks like a winding galaxy. I was overwhelmed by the fact that his blue eyes, like a clear lake, were looking directly at me. I wiped the tears from her pretty cheeks.

“Somehow, it was long.”

“If it was short, it was short.”

“That’s right.”


I was thrilled with her smile in full bloom in a world that is restoring a broken future. Like a noble life that bloomed alone in a gray world, only Ir Elfi was bright.

I pondered the groundbreaking words to convey her heart to Ir Elfi. Rummaging through her head, she struggled to pick out her words.

However, that was a gross misunderstanding.

The lips that were supposed to convey the words attacked Ir Elfi and exchanged passionate affection. It was definitely an intuitive method rather than a language. As if to prove that her judgment based on her instincts was correct, Ir Elfie also actively entwined her tongue.

Then we heard a voice calling us from across the garden.

Mirren Justiha. A girl with gleaming golden eyes and short, bobbed hair with an Elf color. She was the small Marquis whom I wanted to hold in my arms and support a pillar for the rest of my life.

Next to her, like a dignified knight, Arnel stood by her side. It is a bonus that Enella, who seems to be shedding her bloody tears, sits down with her devastated expression. Questioning when she might have come, Bartlante was stumped and busy trying to appease Enella.

While witnessing the peaceful chaos, IrLP made a fresh proposal.

“Shall we go soon? My dear fiancé, Nefi.”

“If my fiancée wants it, then I don’t know.”

Without hesitation, I filled IRLP’s hand with a pod. It was her hand that she would not let go of. Even with her actions that were just that, she and her whole life to be spent were vividly drawn.

Ir Elfi whispered in her ear as if he had read my imagination.

“I will always love you.”

At the whispers of the Elf, the illusion of time stopping came over. A sentence full of her deja vu. Someone’s ardent confession of love passed by like a replaying film.

I stopped laughing.

Elfie was saddened and sad, but she covered it up with a sleazy bird kiss.

The past has already led to the present.

And the present leads to the future.

If she loves me forever, she wouldn’t dare delay an answer.

“I will always twist your sad future.”

I don’t need a golden chain to engrave my oath on. Because there is something stronger than something like a god’s prank that doesn’t mean anything.

I clearly felt how the human will can change the world.

We walked in rhythm and exchanged the obvious words again.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

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