Li Ming straightened his clothes, walked into the conference room, opened the PPT he had made, and slid down.

Did a cursory check.

"Good morning, everyone." Li Ming looked a bit like a beast in clothes. He looked past everyone and looked at Ruan Xin without any guilt.

It was as if nothing happened that day, he was so confident.

"Today I would like to introduce to you the latest courses added by our company. As we all know, we are in the era of technology. Computers are popular. Many schools have included programming as an exam, and parents also pay attention to it."

"This is an opportunity in the future, and there will definitely be tutoring in this area, so our company will carry out python and..."

Li Ming introduced on the stage.

Ruan Xin scribbled in the notebook, but actually recorded nothing.

Recently, the company has been expanding this business and that tutoring business. According to Ji Yang's analysis, it is estimated that the income is not enough and it is difficult to support it.

A few bosses are short-sighted and have a small structure, so they just mess around.

This organization was able to make some money in the past few years because of the rise of this trend in China. When you stand at the forefront of the trend, pigs can fly. When the trend subsides, you can tell who is swimming naked at a glance.

"How will we train our employees so that you can master these knowledges? What kind of plan do we have?"

"First, let's get to know each other..."

Li Ming was good at talking, and many people were fascinated by it. Mr. Lei and Mr. Shen were very satisfied when they saw it.

When he said this, it seemed as if they had found another way to make money.

Train these people, and then recruit students on a large scale, so that parents who expect their sons to succeed and their daughters to succeed will foot the bill.

I have participated in several trainings, and I dare say on my business card that I am a senior trainer and share my superficial educational experience, that is, I am a senior parenting consultant.

Li Ming also asked a few questions for everyone to answer.

Chen Ye was very positive, talking freely about the future, prospects, and conclusions...

Ruan Xin got goosebumps. The other person’s Mandarin was really inaccurate, yet he was still their company’s senior parenting consultant, a certain grade examination referee, a certain second-level trainer, and a member of the curriculum revision...

She was thinking about it in her heart, but she couldn't say it.

Zhang Yi couldn't hold it in anymore and pushed the notebook over. Ruan Xin glanced at it and wanted to laugh.

"Put her down. You forgot that when she was training us, she wrote seventeen words on the blackboard, four of which were wrong."

Another funny expression was drawn underneath and read: "Victoria White."

Ruan Xin: "..."

This joke comes from when they were newcomers, Chen Ye trained them and showed them off in a long speech.

Silly, she couldn't tell Victoria and Elizabeth apart, and even wrote the wrong words. She confused them both, and said they were not serious, and scolded them.

"That's it for today's training. Thank you all for your hard work." Li Ming has already concluded the above.

The two second bosses were quite satisfied and took the lead in applauding.

Naturally they followed.

Li Ming was arrogant and arrogant, so he naturally enjoyed this feeling. He clicked down another page in the PPT, and four words appeared on the screen: "Thank you for listening."

There was nothing wrong at first, but unexpectedly, after three seconds, the screen changed.

A picture appeared.

In the photo, Li Ming was wearing a maid's clothes, squatting on the ground, and a woman kicked him.

And he looked like he was enjoying it.

People always have some weird hobbies, but in the eyes of the public, they are different.

Everyone's expressions changed, a little distorted and a little weird.

Li Ming turned his back to the PPT and didn't know what was going on. He thought he was smiling calmly and elegantly, very gentlemanly, "Okay, everyone, go back and prepare for your work. I will inform you of the specific training time." "

Chapter 626: Extra: Did you see me asking him for something?

Noticing everyone's strange gazes, Li Ming's smile faded and he looked back in confusion.

that moment.

His face turned green.

In a hurry to turn off the computer, he bumped into a chair nearby and tripped to the ground, making a fool of himself.

When everyone saw it, those who could bear it couldn't hold back their laughter, but those who couldn't bear it had already burst into laughter and quickly turned their heads to the side.

There are thirty employees in the company, except for Li Ming, the remaining twenty-nine, plus two bosses, sit down and admire his "artistic photos."

The picture is so beautiful that it is unimaginable.

"Go to work, everyone is busy with their own business." Mr. Lei said, walked over and opened the meeting door, pretending to be calm and letting everyone out.

Zhang Yi pulled Ruan Xin and slipped away the fastest.

Everyone laughed like crazy.

Of course, others were watching the fun, but Chen Ye had a weird look on her face. This incident was something she had done "making trouble" last time.

Just lose your face and throw it into outer space.

Li Ming stayed in the office all day, and even when he got off work, he was secretive and timid.

The original calm image plummeted, and when combined with that photo, everyone's thoughts were racing, and it instantly became obscene and obscene.

Six o'clock in the evening.

Ji Yang came to pick up Ruan Xin. She was in a good mood today and vividly described today's scene to him.

The two were walking on the sidewalk, Ruan Xin walking in front, and Ji Yang walking behind with her bag in hand.

"I was laughing so hard. His whole face changed, his facial features were distorted. He was so panicked on top, with a look of shit on his face."

"Mr. Lei and Mr. Shen also seem to be constipated."

She was excited when she said it. Seeing the other person deflated was a relief both physically and mentally.

"Then we want to celebrate. What delicious food are we going to eat?" Ji Yang answered her words and asked with a smile.

"Are you rich again?" Ruan Xin's face suddenly changed, she turned to look at him and stretched out her hand, "Bring me the money."

This prodigal son, don’t give him a penny.

Ji Yang: "..."

"Where did the money come from? Bring the money!" She emphasized her tone, palms up, and continued to reach forward.

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