Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 98: arrogance x birth

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Just when Ilu Mi thought that the victory was in his hands, a large number of black lines shot out from the core of his hand.


The dense black lines shot into the hollow on the chest of the pure white figure, connecting with the core.

The core in his palm moved, wanting to return to that body.

Yilu Mi's eyes narrowed, holding the core tightly to prevent it from escaping from his palm.


The ground under Ilumi's feet shook, and black and red tentacles suddenly emerged, wrapped around his body and arms, and lifted him up high.

"Hmph, useless struggle."

Ilumi chuckled softly, letting these black and red tentacles lift themselves up, just not letting go of the core.

Although he was raised high by the black and red tentacles, Ilu Mi was not worried that he would be injured at all. The strongest shield covered his whole body, and his defense had no dead ends.

"Boom boom boom..."

From under the pure white figure that fell to the ground, three blood-red tentacles drilled out and inserted into his back with a "poof" sound.


On the blood-red tentacles, one after another weak energy was transmitted into the pure white figure.


After receiving the energy, blood gleamed in his pure white eyes, his head suddenly lifted, and he roared angrily at Ilumi.

"The cry of the loser."

However, in Yilu Mi's view, this is just the end of the battle, after all, the core is still in his hands.

Now, he has no core, but is forcibly supported by those blood and energy.

If the opponent cannot break through the defense of the strongest shield, they will never be able to take him.


At this time, a large number of tentacles rushed towards this side, and the dense tentacles surged, twisted and entangled along the blood-red tentacles.

On the pure white figure, dazzling blood light erupted, and in a burst of blood-colored light, it converged into a black-red giant dragon with tentacles on its lower body and only the head of a dragon.

"hold head high!"

After the black-red giant dragon formed, it opened its mouth to the sky and let out a dragon roar.

Immediately, he looked down at Ilumi, and the tentacles wrapped around him lifted him up in front of the dragon head.

"These black and red roots are what happens next to you ants!"

"The blood of human beings will turn into my strength and let me be reborn!"

His lower body was hidden in the dragon's head, leaving the upper body alone outside, looking at Ilumi, who was bound by many tentacles, his voice carried a hint of decay and madness.

"Imitating the dragon created by Maha Dadike?"

He looked at the extremely ugly thing and said it was a dragon rather than a bug with a dragon's head.

But Yilu Mi was not panicked, as long as he didn't let go, the other party would not be able to recover, and now he just got a little energy supplement.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

One after another, the sound of breaking air came, and a golden chain was inserted into the head of the black and red dragon.

"It doesn't hurt at all."

The pure white figure clasped his arms and looked at the golden chains inserted into the faucet, not caring about the tunnel.

"Your opponent is me!"

Portby held the golden chain in his hand and jumped into the air, and the golden chains shot out from the golden light group in his hand. The pure white figure attacking the dragon head.

"As you wish, start killing from you!" The pure white figure roared.


The big mouth of the dragon head under him opened at a 180-degree angle, and blood-red energy gathered in his mouth.

"Even the moves are imitated Maha · Beat the enemy."

Illumi thought to himself.

Potter looked at the energy bullet gathered in the dragon's mouth, his heart tightened, the chain in his hand shook, and his body quickly glide in a parabola in the air.


But just as he was about to break free from the black and red dragon's attack lock, two black and red tentacles were launched from the dragon's mouth, catching up with Portby who was gliding, and entangling his body.

Potter Bai had just been entangled, and before he had time to break free, the energy bullet from the black-red giant dragon's mouth was suddenly launched towards him.

At the same time as the energy bomb was fired, the tentacles in the dragon's mouth also pulled Portby's body back, causing it to collide with the energy bomb.


The moment Potterby was hit by the blood-red energy bullet, the black-red tentacles and the golden chain in his hand broke at the same time, and the blood-red energy bullet in his arms fell into the city.

"Ah ah ah..."

In mid-air, Potterby let out a roar, a lot of qi gushing out of his body, bloodshot eyes, swollen arm muscles, blue veins looming, wanting to burst the blood-red energy.


But in the end, he fell into the city, knocking down a building and causing a violent explosion.

"Da da da……"

At this moment, a crisp but hurried footstep sounded, and the corners of Yilu Mi's mouth twitched.

In the sight of Ilumi, a figure dressed in a white inch shirt and holding a saber was stepping on the body of the black and red dragon, bowing and running towards the dragon head.

The pure white figure's eyes were startled, and he quickly turned his head to look behind.

But all he could see was a scarlet eye, and a flash of white light.


A knife light passed by, and he felt that he seemed to have something cut off.


The corner of Yilu Mi's mouth cracked open, and the qi in his body burst out suddenly, breaking free from the entanglement of many tentacles, stepping on the tentacles with his feet, and jumping over the dragon head.

"it's over!"

The corners of Yilu Mi's mouth raised, holding the core in one hand and spreading out the palm of the other hand, and a mass of black air couldn't wait to form in his palm.

On the dragon's head, he looked down at the black line that had been cut off on his chest, then looked up at Ilumi who was standing in front of him, looking down at him, his pure white eyes seemed to be trembling, and his mouth opened and closed.

"A mere ants..."

"Very good, continue to maintain such arrogance, I like it very much."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yilu Mi, his left hand was raised high, and he suddenly waved it down, stuffing the black air mass in his palm into his mouth.


The pure white figure's eyes suddenly widened, and his body trembled violently. At his throat, a round object was forcibly expanding the size of his throat and entering his body.

"Devouring as much as you like, this may be the only and best material in the world."

Ilumi looked down at the violently trembling body, and there was a faint expectation in his heart. His arrogance was about to be born.


The pure white figure trembled violently, and suddenly, the dense cracks in his body began to expand, and wisps of black smoke drifted out of his chi chi..."

Immediately afterwards, his body seemed to be burnt, sparks lit up, and his skin shattered into small pieces, peeling off his body like tree bark.

Not only that, even the faucet under their feet was burning, turning into black smoke and slowly dissipating.

"This is……"

Illumi looked into the city, and this scene could be seen everywhere.

In the city, the large number of black and red tentacles that penetrated the human corpse and the air, as the body disappeared, all turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated in the air.


Suddenly, a white arm belonging to a child stretched out from the burning body.

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