Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter 66: home x scramble

When Ilumi just stepped out of the room, the factory welcomed two uninvited guests.


A black sedan parked outside the factory gate, the door opened, and two tall men in black suits came down.

"This factory is the headquarters of the Thaddeus gang."

A strong bald man in a suit squinted and looked inside the factory. He was at least 1.9 meters tall, and his burly body fully supported the suit.

"The news of the golden mask came from this gang."

Another yin-yang man walked directly to the factory gate, and the gang guard at the gate immediately stood up to stop them.

"Hey, you two don't have eyes?"

"It's such a big sign that idlers are forbidden to enter, can't you see it?"

But the two of them didn't even look at him and walked straight into the factory.

Seeing that they didn't know what was wrong, the guard took out an electric baton from the security room and walked towards the two with a smirk.

"Hey, I like you guys who are aggressive, there are things to..."

Before the guard finished speaking, the bald-headed strong man on the left raised his left arm, his palms spread out, and he photographed his Tianling cover from top to bottom.


There was a light sound, as if it was slapped on a basketball.

But the guard shrank his neck and made two "clicks", half of his head was pressed into his chest, blood from the seven orifices bleed, and he fell to the ground with a "pop".

Ignoring the dead guards, the two continued to move forward, standing at the factory exit, scanning the interior.

A short-haired man passing by driving a forklift glanced. At first he thought it was the boss's bodyguard, but then he saw the guard lying on the ground.

"Who are you!?"

He roared loudly, and the voice echoed in the factory, which immediately attracted the attention of all the gang members in the factory, and moved closer.

On the other side, Ilumi had just stepped out of the office door when she just heard the loud roar.

"Are other gangsters looking for trouble?"

Looking at the two figures, Ilumi thought so at first, until they opened their mouths and said a word.

"I ask you, where is the golden mask?"

The short-haired man driving the forklift stepped on the accelerator directly and rushed to the two men in black at the door with a sneer.

"Those who dare to kill us will not survive even if they know you!"

The yin and yang face of the black-clothed strong man did not change his expression, took a step forward, raised his left arm with one hand, and blocked the rushing forklift with a bang.

"how is this possible!!?"

On the forklift, the short-haired man slammed on the accelerator, but the forklift was still unable to move forward.

At this moment, another strong bald man came to the right side of the forklift, stretched out his hand and directly dragged the man inside out.

"Where is the golden mask?"

The short-haired man who drove the forklift understood at this moment that these two were monsters.

"I, all I know, is a group leader-level eldest brother who wears it on his face all day."

"Where is he?"

"He, he was called into the office by the boss."

The short-haired man pointed to the second floor, the deepest part of the factory, where there was a brightly lit office.

At this moment, Ilumi also walked to the outermost part of the crowd, and a white light appeared under his feet, turning into Tristin, the gang leader.

"What are you doing!?"

"These two **** killed our man, you still haven't killed him!"

The gang members who surrounded the scene in a semi-circle heard a familiar voice and looked back, it was their boss.

"Go on!!"

In the crowd, a team leader immediately took the lead and rushed up.

With the leader, others were quickly inspired. Hundreds of gang members surrounded the two strong men in black, and the darkness was overwhelming.

"Boom bang..."

There was a sound of flesh and blood colliding, and blood splattered.

But it is a pity that no one can really touch the two black-clothed strong men, and they are usually beaten to death or kicked to death within two meters of them.

In just one minute, only 20 of the hundreds of gang members died, looking at the two strong men in black clothes covered in blood, with fear on their faces, they couldn't stop backing away.

"Step aside!"

Suddenly, someone shouted from behind the crowd, and a fat man with a big belly stepped out holding an assault rifle and pulled the trigger with a grim expression.

"go to hell!"

"Da da da da..."

Fatty was trembling with fat all over his body, the muzzle of the gun was blazing, and in three breaths, one of the magazines had been emptied.

"No, it's impossible!"

After he stopped shooting, Fatty looked at the two strong men in black who were still standing there, unscathed, with an unbelievable expression.

In Yilu Mi's eyes, one of the strong men in black has already used his anger.

The yin and yang-faced strong man stood in front of him, and in front of him stood a dark red shield.

"Those who have the ability to read."

Yilu Mi's eyes drooped, and he went to this place specifically to find the golden mask, as well as such a powerful force.

He quickly thought of the employer who entrusted him to assassinate Spiro, and the power that Spiro didn't dare to take revenge on easily, that is the Sigrid family.

Kielf is one of the top ten cities in the United States of America, one of the largest freshwater ports in the world, with a huge free trade zone and the most important railway hub in the country.

The mayor's family in a city of this level is not comparable to a mere gangster.

"Since you've started, you can't keep it."

A deep and deep voice sounded The strong bald man stepped out from behind his companion and took out a silver pistol from his arms.

"Quick, run away!"

The remaining twenty gang members turned and fled in horror. The bald man narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

Strangely, however, no bullets were fired from the muzzle, and there was no sound of gunfire.

"Puff puff……"

However, the fleeing gang members kept falling one by one, as if they were really hit by bullets.

The strong bald man pulled the trigger more than 20 times in a row, and all the gang members fell down.

"The ability to release the system?"

Ilumi looked at the silver-white pistol in the hand of the strong bald man. When he pulled the trigger, bullet-shaped gas shot out from the muzzle.

"Then the other one is a person with the ability of the Realization System?"

Illumi recalled the dark red shield that appeared in front of the man. One was in charge of attacking and the other was in charge of defense, as if it had been specially cultivated.

"You are Tristin Thaddeus, you have good courage."

After killing all the gang members, the bald-headed strong man looked at Ilumi who was standing not far away and praised him with a flat face.

"Hand over the golden mask."

"Or, after seeing our strength, you can still have the courage to fight against us."

The two strong men in black looked at Ilumi at the same time, their voices flat, obviously they were full of confidence in themselves.


Yilu Mi didn't answer, just gently opened the cedar box in his hand and presented the golden mask inside in front of them.

"The golden mask is here."

The corners of Yilu Mi's mouth raised, provocatively.

"If you have the ability, get it yourself."

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