Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 319 The time of death

"What exactly happened here?" Artoria no longer knew what expression to use to express her mood at this time.

After finally getting rid of Seimei who was controlled by the Command Seal, the three servants, Waver and Irisviel slowly arrived at the place where Oda Nobunaga and Meluem fought.

Zouken, Nobunaga, and Meluem were no longer there, and that location looked as if it had been attacked by some huge monster.

The area around the bustling area that used to be the center of the city has turned into an open flat land, as if it had been bombed by nuclear missiles, and there is a bottomless hole in the center.

The remaining magic floating in the air told several people how intense the previous battle was.

Among the few remaining heroic spirits, only Artoria, who uses Excalibur with all her strength, and Jin Shining, who possesses ancient nuclear bombs and EA, have the ability to do this to this extent, and Jin Shining was recalled just now.

This is an effect that can only be achieved with the help of the power of the Noble Phantasm.

The scene in front of him was more like the effect of being smashed with his body.

Fist marks and marks of a person's body sinking into the ground can be seen everywhere on the ground.

It is impossible for a human body, even a Servant Heroic Spirit that is far stronger than a human body, to achieve such an effect, right? It's simply too scary. Rather than saying it was done by humans, it would be more acceptable to them to say that it was done by fantasy species.

The Emperor and Dilumdor could not achieve such an effect even if they exhausted all their magic power.

If this was really done by one person, it would be terrifying. Everyone present was deeply shocked.

"Where is CASTER's MASTER? And what exactly did he summon? I don't believe that a mere heroic spirit from District 11 can do this. Even if this is his home court." The emperor frowned and looked at the bottomless one. Big cave.

"I don't know, maybe he summoned some other terrifying thing and it backfired on him. Maybe he successfully summoned the so-called demon king in District 11, but something unexpected happened and something else came out." Weber seemed to want to start a joke. He joked to lighten the mood and said casually.

"How could you make such a hasty conclusion?" Arturia disagreed with Weber's words. If it is true as he said, it would be too much of a coincidence.

"But what the little MASTER said makes sense. Otherwise, I don't think CASTER's MASTER would choose to hide after summoning such a powerful thing. Besides, he has no place to hide. After all, this place is only so big." The emperor pointed out The limit is the scope of the barrier. If something really appears, it cannot be detected by all their heroic spirits. Otherwise they will definitely be discovered.

So although Weber's inference is a bit too incredible, it is very likely to be true.

"The barrier has disappeared," Dilumdo, who was silent at first, said.

"It seems that CASTER's MASTER is really dead," the emperor said. "I originally thought it was a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to end so inexplicably."

In the end, although Arturia was unwilling, she could not find any other evidence. The temporary team composed of the last few heroic spirits collapsed once again.

Everyone went back to their respective homes and went to find their respective mothers.

"I didn't expect this old bug to bring me good food." Meruem, as the protagonist, had already left there after dealing with Oda Nobunaga and Zouken.

Sage Mode. When dealing with Nobunaga, Meruem used the Sage Mode that she had not used for a long time. Since acquiring the ability to transform into Chimera Ants, Meluem no longer uses this ability.

But because I am in the world of FATE, I am suppressed by this world. It cannot use abilities beyond a certain range, so it cannot transform into a chimera, but it is still no problem to control the sage mode to a certain extent.

As for the fate of Nobunaga and Zouken?

The strength that Meruem could exert after the sage mode was simply a one-sided massacre against Nobunaga.

Nobunaga, who was finally defeated, also used his strongest ability, known as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven - to transform into Demon King Hashun.

However, although his strength was greatly increased, he was still defeated by Meruem, and became the source of Meruem's magic power.

So much so that Meruem's magic attribute was raised to A level.

Originally, Meluem wanted to tidy up the dirty inkstone, but the fight between the two was too intense. I accidentally got Zang Yan involved in it, and now probably only the gray remains.

The famous magician Machili Zolgen just disappeared from this world.

This makes Meruem a little regretful, because this old bug is too cheap.

I cleaned up the dirty inkstone that was causing wind and rain outside and playing dirty tricks behind my back.

Meruem rushed non-stop towards the location of Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was undergoing a great death.

Although Meluem desperately didn't want to care about this guy's life and death, he was Sakura's biological father no matter what.

Sooner or later, I will leave this world. What could be happier than staying with my parents? It's just that Tohsaka Aoi was alone and Meruem didn't think her words could bring Sakura happiness. This guy's character is too weak. The reason why Sakura was sent to the Matou family is partly related to Aoi's weakness.

If you replace Aoi's character with the adult Tosaka Rin, I think Toko will have to think carefully before sending Sakura to Matou's house.

Well, if Toki is disobedient, we can transform him into an ant if that doesn't work, and at least protect Sakura until she reaches adulthood.

Just because of his belief that he must avenge his daughter regardless of the victory of the Holy Grail, and he must kill Chisi even if he offends Jin Shining. It can be regarded as regaining some goodwill with Merueim.

There is only so much that he can be regarded as a bloody man.

He is not the kind of cold-blooded animal that doesn't stick to trivial matters when it comes to big things, and is not as patient as a chicken (river crab) or a chicken.

There is still some humanity, and it has not reached the point of being irredeemable.

However, when Meluem arrived, he did not see Kiritsugu's body as he expected. It seemed that Mapo had already betrayed his master before Time cast the last command spell.

"Kirei. Why?" A voice as small as a mosquito came out of Tokitatsu Tosaka's mouth.

At this time, Tohsaka Toki no longer had the aristocratic posture he had before, and his image was extremely embarrassing. Toki's throat was currently being tightly grasped by his most proud disciple, Kotomine Kirei.

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