Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 150 Niong re-understands the world

Chapter 150 "Nion re-understands the world"

From Dazoane's perspective, such a picture appeared.

The man in black robe wearing a bird's beak mask flew across the sloped lawn like a bat at low altitude. The three guards who were slightly closer tried to stop him, but they were all overturned in an instant.

It is literally "overturned".

The three guards didn't even know what happened, so they flew into the sky, felt top-heavy for a while, and then hit the ground hard. They were either dizzy or had broken bones, and they all wailed there.

The remaining guards raised their pistols, but they couldn't see the enemy's extremely fast figure clearly, and they didn't know where to shoot.

It was also at this time that the first blond young man took action.

His chains were swung out of the darkness again, this time more violently and domineeringly, as if they were whipped and punished.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Kurapika no longer meant to be soft-hearted. Every whipping, tightening, and tugging of the chain was a way for him to vent the anger in his chest.

The guards were often stunned when their pistols were shot down. They were hit on the head, neck, torso and limbs, and then fell to the ground with burning pain. Some of them were more severe, just vomiting blood and falling to the ground.

Dazuo Nei watched helplessly as more than a dozen guards were quickly knocked down by these two people like dominoes, his eyes widened in shock.

Then, he saw the man wearing a beak mask rushing towards him.

Without any time to think about it, Dazuo Nei swallowed, forced himself to calm down, clapped his hands together, and when he let go, he pulled out a gray canvas, shook it, and spread it out with a crash.


He shouted loudly to embolden himself, and then grabbed Germain with his right hand like a hook!

"Materialization system: The god of agriculture swallows his son"!

The target captured by Dazoane's right hand is limited to living people. He can drag the target into the canvas spread out in his left hand, and the canvas is a special closed space.

After all, his ability is somewhat similar to Xiaodi's "bulging-eyed fish".

The special space can only be entered but cannot be exited. Once the seal is completed, it is like partially operating the telekinesis ability, killing with one hit.

The living person will struggle in the canvas and eventually merge with the canvas, truly becoming a twisted and weird oil painting.

Dazuo Ni has tried this repeatedly.

Germain himself was a master of the materialization system. He could see through Tazonei's attack pattern at a glance, so he chose the simplest way to fight back.

Do not have any contact with the other party, not even weapons.

Germain's cane flickered and disappeared like a magic wand. Then, he raised the embodied flamethrower and aimed the nozzle at Dazoane.

With a gasp, tongues of fire spurted out, greedily licking up Dazoane's clothes and the materialized canvas.

Da Zuo Nie was caught off guard and was struck, and he was shocked and horrified.

He never expected that the other party would attack with fire. By the time he reacted, the fire had swallowed up most of his body.

Heat and severe pain hit him suddenly.

He couldn't keep calm now. He screamed in terror, fell to the ground, and rolled around, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

Later, he came to his senses and rushed to the river embankment, imitating Lin Xian and jumping into the Theodore River.

However, still two or three meters away from the river embankment, Dazoane couldn't support himself and staggered to the ground, while the flames continued to burn without any scruples.

He stopped moving.

On the other side, Niong was already sitting in a black car.

She looked at the fireball in the distance through the car window, and her face finally turned pale.

The maid Arisa on the side quickly urged: "Harvey, drive quickly!"

Harvey, who was sitting in the driver's seat, responded. He placed the bottle containing the flaming eyes on the passenger seat, then put the gear into gear, stepped on the clutch, and turned the key.

Suddenly, as if a storm was coming, the door on one side of the back seat was violently opened!

Arisa, who was sitting next to Nyon, screamed and flew out, disappearing into the darkness.

After another breath, the man wearing a beak mask came in.

He sat in the back seat without saying a word, glanced at Nyong first, then at Harvey, and finally his eyes rested on his fiery red eyes.

Nyon looked at him, having completely forgotten about Tatsunei and Arisa, and screamed uncontrollably.

Harvey stepped on the clutch and already had his hand on the car key. At this time, looking through the rearview mirror of the car, looking at the back seat was like a scene in a horror movie. He was stunned and froze.

Immediately, the driver's door was also opened, and the stunned Harvey was grabbed and dragged out of the car.

It was Kurapika who dragged Harvey out.

It turned out that unknowingly, more than a dozen guards of the Nosla family had been knocked down by Germain and Kurapika, leaving them dead and disabled.

Kurapika got in, and then heard Nyon, who was holding his head in his hands, still screaming.

Nyon looked at Germain and Kurapika, the emotion in her eyes seemed to be that she was getting to know the world again.

Kurapika glanced at Niong with disgust, then looked at the fiery red eyes in the passenger seat, stunned.


Kurapika crawled over, reached out and picked up the bottle with the flaming eyes, and looked at it seriously.

It was supposed to be a moment of respite, but Germain suddenly sensed something, frowned, and reached out to pat Kurapika's shoulder.

Kurapika looked back blankly.


"There are people outside." German said concisely, "Drive, hold Niong hostage, don't stop."

Without waiting for Kurapika to respond, he got out of the car and slammed the door. Suddenly, the car became quiet, as if it was completely isolated from the outside world.

Kurapika was stunned. He looked left and right through the car window, but he didn't see any unfamiliar figure. He was confused and then suddenly realized.

Is this the "circle" that the teacher mentioned before?

The enemy might be hiding somewhere ten or even twenty meters away, and with the combination of "Jue" and "Hidden", I wouldn't be able to detect it.

I wonder when I will be able to master these skillfully?

Kurapika had deep trust in Germain at this time. It seemed that this was the first time since the Kuruta clan was exterminated that he had such faith in someone other than himself.

Although he was worried about his teacher's safety, he immediately carried out the order.

Kurapika started the car smoothly - over the years, he had traveled around, learned and honed various skills, including driving, and then subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror.

In the rearview mirror, Kurapika saw the teacher's figure flashing past. The teacher seemed to be confronting several figures, and then there was a strange crackling sound.

Kurapika calmly drove the black car out.

At this time, the car had not yet picked up speed, and Ni Weng in the back seat seemed to suddenly react. She stopped screaming, turned around, opened the door, and was about to jump out of the car.

Kurapika frowned and was about to stop the car.

Ni Weng did not expect that as soon as the car door opened, she saw the man wearing a beak mask wrapped in a black robe and suddenly appeared outside the car on this side.

This scene frightened her so much that she crawled backwards and hit her head on the car window.

Germain got into the car, closed the door, and said, "Drive faster. The left city is probably full of people. Go to the right city."

Kurapika breathed a sigh of relief and responded. He stepped on the accelerator and drove onto the main road. After accelerating to overtake, he turned onto the Twin Bridges and sped towards the right city.

Nyong saw the man wearing the beak mask and ignored her, but she was extremely frightened. She felt that she had never experienced such a terrifying experience since she was a child, and her hands and feet were cold for a while.

At a loss, she curled up her body, held her head in her hands, and buried her face in her knees, as if she couldn't see the man next to her, so the man next to her couldn't see her either.

Niong became quiet, which was a good thing for Germain and Kurapika's ears.

No one wanted to torture her eardrums any longer, and Germain might have to use force to silence her.

At this time, German was observing the situation around the car and thinking.

He originally thought that he had fallen into a trap set by the gang. Just when he was thinking that they were willing to use the red eyes as bait and treat Niong as an abandoned son, he heard a strange conversation in the darkness just now.

"Why are the people from the Nosla family here? Aren't they the two parties to the transaction, that bastard Germain, and the red-eyed seller?"

"What the hell, Nyong Nosla was in the car and she got caught, what do you do?"

"Please ask Old Man Ten for instructions. At this point, we cannot decide easily."

"But we can't miss this opportunity. Are we just going to watch them leave like this? In this way, our Yin Beasts will be disgraced again."

"It's always possible to stop someone."

"Wait, Germain is here! Deal with him first!"

Germain's "Circle" detected ten people with telekinesis coming from the direction of the left city, as well as a large wave of vicious gang members.

Combining their conversations, he naturally guessed who sent these people.

There were ten people with telekinesis at the scene. Thinking about it this way, they hadn't seen each other for several months. Yin Beast took the opportunity to replenish its manpower and returned to ten members. In order to deal with him, all the troops were mobilized.

To him before and now, the Yin Beasts were not considered a formidable enemy, but when their numbers increased, they would still be troublesome.

Regardless, Germain killed two Yin Beasts in the darkness, repelled the first wave of enemy attacks, returned to the car, and urged Kurapika to drive.

The car was speeding on the Twin Bridges, and Kurapika made various dangerous driving behaviors, which caused many vehicles to honk their horns. However, there was no accident, and he just broke out in a cold sweat.

While the car was bumping, Germain was thinking about some of the intriguing words he had just heard.

He turned his head and looked at Niong like an ostrich, thinking: So it seems that the Ten Old Man and the Yin Beast did not know that Niong was here at the beginning, but how could it be possible?

Wright Nosla is a subordinate of the Ten Old Man, and Nyong is Wright's daughter. How could the Ten Old Man not even know that she is here, but send out the Yin Beast to attack?

Unless they had received some hasty information not long ago, proving that Germain was here, and this information did not mention Nyong Nosla at all.

After the Yin Beasts were dispatched collectively, even if Wright received the news and went to the Ten Old Man to explain the situation, it would be too late to take back the troops.

Germain sensed something was wrong and realized that there might be something else hidden behind the scenes.

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