Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 138 President Netero’s former team

Chapter 138 "Chairman Netero's former team"

The huge sheep head was finally solved by Buhara, while Menqi was already processing the last delicacy.

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that there was such a big squid crawling on the shore. "

Men Qi skillfully pulled out the machete behind his hip and cut open the "black squid" that was still squirming on the chopping board horizontally.

She took out all the food in it that she didn't know if it was edible or not, and threw it aside.

The "black squid" finally stopped moving.

“This thing shouldn’t be a ‘squid’, right? "Bisji squatted aside, her petite figure made her look like a curious girl, "It just looks a bit similar. "

"Yes." Men Qi nodded, "Anyway, let's eat and see first. After eating the stew for a day, we won't cook the last one. Let's bake it."

After she cut the "black squid" a few times with a machete, she threaded it with a wooden stick, brushed it with some oil, and then placed it over the campfire to grill.

Looking at this scene, Germain felt uncomfortable all over for some reason.

After roasting for a while, it was almost done. The skin and flesh of the "squid" had turned red and the edges were a little charred, so Men Qi sprinkled special seasoning on it and continued to roast it.

"I have to admit." Bisji stood up and swallowed, "The last two ingredients today, as well as the 'grape spider eggs', are the most similar to those that appear in human recipes. "

The aroma of "BBQ squid" spreads.

If I hadn't already been unable to eat the biscuit, I would have wanted to take another bite.

After Men Qi grilled the "squid", it was still the principle that Buhara eat it first.

Buhara took a bite full of hope, then spit it out and shook his head repeatedly.

"No, it's too bitter. It's like the gall has burst. It also tastes like plastic."

Buhara has a huge appetite and a high tolerance for food. Even he can't eat it. This shows that this "BBQ Squid" is really unpalatable.

"I had this premonition when I changed the knife." Men Qi was not surprised. "Just as it can't fool your stomach, it can't fool my knife. It really can't be eaten."

"As for the bitterness, I was very careful not to break the internal organs. I guess that's just the texture of the meat itself."

"What a pity." Bisji pointed to the "squid" and said to Germain, "I also want to take this back and let Xiaodi and Yungu have a taste."

Germain shook his head.

"We have had a good harvest this time. A few "large grape spider eggs", some "hammer mushrooms", etc. are the "specialties of the Dark Continent" we brought back. "

"That's right." Bisji nodded, "Now just wait until the time comes, and then go back."

Germain confirmed the time again, but this time he confirmed the cooling time of the "lantern", with less than 4 hours left.

Men Qi was a little regretful that she had not been able to eat the "BBQ Squid" just now, but after eating the giant sheep head, she was very satisfied. Now she also wanted to return to the human world first.

Buhara threw the inedible "barbecued squid" into the "inedible area" not far away, and piled it with other grotesque corpses.

Everyone gathered in front of the bonfire, preparing to spend the last few hours like this.

They began to tell some sporadic stories to pass the boring time, and the atmosphere became more and more like a real campfire party.

"Bisji." German suddenly asked, "Has President Nitro ever told you about his two "Journeys to the Dark Continent"? "

"No." Bisji simply waved his hand, "You also know the old man's character, so you won't tell the secret so easily."

"However, some rumors still leaked out. It is said that during one of the "Dark Continent Journeys", President Netero adopted the exploration mode of a small number of elites and only found two people to form a team. "

"The other two people, one is Granny Lin Nie, the "Two-Star Hunter" and "Gourmet Hunter" who are still alive, and the other is Jaeger and Padike from the Padike family. I don't know if they are still alive. "

Germann felt quite subtle when he heard Bisgi call President Netero "old man" and Lin Nie "mother-in-law".

Unexpectedly, just thinking about this, Bisji's eyes narrowed to a slit and he glanced over.

Fortunately, Men Qi interrupted at this time: "Ah, Granny Lin Nie, I have met her several times. Her accomplishments in "food" are amazing. It turns out that she has also been to the "Dark Continent". "

"Yes." Bisji nodded, "President Nitro and Jaeger are mainly responsible for the battle, and Granny Lin Nie is responsible for the food supply. This method is effective."

"Facts have also proven that their elite team model has a higher survival rate. In contrast to other teams that suffered heavy casualties, President Nitro escaped unscathed twice."

"This is one of the reasons why I prefer to cooperate with you instead of trying to let V5 fund our trip to the "Dark Continent". "

"Sometimes having more people is not necessarily a good thing. Management alone is a big trouble. Once one person falls, it will be like a domino effect, causing a chain of bad luck."

Germain, Menqi and Buhara all listened quietly to the stories of their predecessors, and they were now doing similar things, only more skillfully and more securely.

The dim beam of the bonfire only illuminated a small area, while most of the "Dry Valley" was immersed in darkness and silence.

It looks like a star like the sun, trying its best to emit only light and warmth in the vast abyss of the universe.

After a long time, Germain suddenly moved.

He has not forgotten his own job, which is to use "circle" to explore the surrounding situation from time to time.

Just now, something crossed the boundary of his "circle" with a radius of thirty meters, and rushed towards the bonfire.

Pretty fast.

"A giant beast is approaching." Germain described it concisely and concisely. "It walks on four legs. I don't know why, but that kind of body walks very lightly and doesn't make much sound."

Germain's words immediately made everyone nervous.

"Is it the smell?" Men Qi glanced at the darkness in the distance, "Or is it the light of the bonfire? Should we extinguish the flames?"

"No." Bisji immediately objected, "Human beings who once lived in the "Dark Continent" relied on flames and tools to have a place. How can they voluntarily give up on them now? "

She stood up slowly and stretched her muscles: "I was thinking that this "Journey to the Dark Continent" was missing something. Now that I think about it, it was probably just a fight. "

Everyone stood up in the swaying bonfire, turned to look at the heights of the "Dry Valley", and saw a dark head slowly protruding from there.

If the moonlight hadn't made its black fur shine, it would have completely disappeared into the night, staring at everyone with a pair of eyes that were neither indifferent nor hungry.

It slowly revealed the sharp canine teeth in its mouth to everyone, looking like a huge black panther.

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