Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 127 Germain and others’ judgment of the ancient labyrinth city (1)

Chapter 127 "German and others' judgment of the ancient labyrinth city" (1)

"In this case, their "cruelty level" or "reproductive ability" will soar from B level to A level. "

"Once the living body is successfully captured, the "black energy" we saw at that time enters our body and begins to infect, parasitize, reproduce, and use our body to start the next reincarnation. "

"Their "number" is only C-level, which means that each group of "black energy" is regarded as a whole. "

"However, their "destructive power" is level A, which means that once they are infected and parasitic, they are basically dead. "

"It should be said that in the initial period of time, the host may not have died yet, and watched helplessly as he lost control of his body and part of his limbs turned into a huge sphere..."

"It would be better to just die."

"Therefore, V5 believes that the "comprehensive index" of "Plant Weapons Gold and Silver Ingots" is B. "

"That is to say, 'This dangerous creature must be annihilated as soon as possible. Although the method has been mastered, it is extremely costly and risky. National to international level actions need to be launched.'"

"This is actually a very fair judgment."

Germain listened quietly.

He suddenly understood the implication of Bisji and Sambika's words, and came to the same conclusion as them.

"You mean...the key lies in the "ancient labyrinth city" and the "herb that cures all diseases." "Cure-for-all herbs" serve as bait to lure those creatures with naturally keen senses to come. "

"The "ancient labyrinth city" is like a giant pitcher plant, waiting for prey to slide in and make it difficult to climb out. "

"At this time, the "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots" that digested them appeared, turning them into nutrients to nourish the land of the "Ancient Labyrinth City" and the "Cure Herb", completing a cycle. "

"Yes. Several of us have discussed it before, and we all have the same meaning." Bisji said, "But there are still two huge doubts here."

"First, the efficacy of the 'Cure All Diseases Herb' is only mentioned in the book "New World Journey". Does it really have the effect of curing all diseases? "

"Or is it just emitting a 'scent' to attract prey?"

Germain then asked his second question: "The 'Ancient Labyrinth City' is an obvious artificial construction. What was the intention of the builder?" "

"Is it an abandoned residence, or does it exist as a sacrificial site like the mythical 'Labyrinth of the Minotaur'? Or, is it both?"

"Bingo!" Bisji snapped his fingers and winked at Germain. It was much easier to talk to people who responded quickly, and their ideas were often matched.

Germain walked towards the columns that glowed strangely green under the fluorescent lights, and carefully observed the motionless corpses of "Plant Weapon Gold and Silver Ingots" inside through the cold transparent cover.

"Research cannot be accomplished overnight." Bisji quietly came to his side, stretched out his hand to pat his strong lower back, and wiped the oil on his back. "You have to be patient. Sooner or later we will know more."

She knew how obsessed Germain was with the Dark Continent, the Five Hopes and the Five Disasters, and she managed to get quite a bit of information before meeting them.

German nodded silently.

They only stayed in the "research institute" for less than a quarter of an hour before they both left and came to the bright flowers outside. They met Xiaodi who had returned from a nearby town.

"Xiao Di." Bisji said in surprise, "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Xiaodi nodded, then looked at Germain.


She was not surprised that Germain would appear here. She just symbolically raised her open right hand and greeted him in a socially etiquette manner.

But her expression was still as stiff as a third-rate actor.

"Xiao Di." Germain was not much better, "Did your purchase go well? Did you forget anything?"

"No." Xiaodi walked around the fragile flowers and green grass, walked to Germain and Bisgi, adjusted her somewhat bulky black-rimmed glasses, "I'm not a forgetful person."

If you are not a forgetful person, who is?

Bisji secretly stuck out his tongue, then came forward to ask, and then confirmed that Xiaodi did not miss anything this time.

"Let me just say that I am not a forgetful person." Xiaodi said matter-of-factly.

She is indeed very reliable most of the time, but the problem is that no one knows when she will forget something, and even worse, no one knows what she will forget.

For example, now, she suddenly tilted her head and looked up, which meant that she was thinking and searching for the remaining memories in her mind.

"Wait a minute... I think I do have something to say to you..."

Germain and Bisgi looked at each other and remained silent in a tacit understanding.

Xiaodi is now running like an old machine. Once it is interrupted, the things she wants to remember will have to wait one or two hours before she can remember them again.

"Ah." Xiaodi blinked her big eyes and remembered something, "This morning, Sheila sent me a text message about the "Phantom Troupe". "

She reached into the pocket of her tight jeans, took out her plain and unfeminine mobile phone, pulled out the text message, and showed it to Germain and Bischi.

"They are all in Meteor Street. They are no longer scattered. They are selecting new members to fill the vacancies."

"In order to avoid being exposed, I have left and will not return to Meteor Street for two or three months. The donation on my behalf has been put on hold for the time being. I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk."

Germain looked at it carefully: "Chrollo was very calm. He retracted the spider's uninjured legs and feet and sewed new ones on. In this way, Hisoka and I were at a disadvantage."

As long as the members of the "Phantom Troupe" are not alone, it will be quite troublesome to deal with them.

However, Germain was patient, and as time went by, they would always show their flaws.

"We will help you when necessary." Bisji promised, "I advised you to stay away from the "Phantom Troupe" as soon as possible, but now you can't just sit back and watch. "

Germain nodded towards her, then looked at Xiaodi: "Since Sheila is not willing to be your donation agent for the time being, what are you going to do about Meteor Street?"

"Then we have to forget it for the time being." Xiaodi blinked and said calmly, "I also have a certain understanding of Chrollo and the others. It would be too risky to donate to Meteor Street now."

Germain couldn't quite understand Xiaodi's obsession with Meteor Street.

Although he has memories of living in Meteor Street, it is viewed from a third-person perspective after all, and it is like a movie to him.

You will have feelings, but you won’t really think that you are living in a movie.

At the same time, German doesn’t think that Xiaodi’s donation, which is a drop in the bucket, can really change Meteor Street.

As he had thought before, as long as the international order on the six continents did not change, Meteor Street alone would not be able to cause any trouble.

It will always be a garbage disposal site in every sense of the word.

He didn't understand, but he respected Xiaodi's choice and would not try to change her: "That's fine. You can pick up this matter after the Phantom Troupe is destroyed."

Thanks to Jiaxu Xianren for the reward

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