Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 354 Fruits by the Lake Beyond the Sea of ​​Trees

Chapter 354 Beyond the Sea of ​​Trees × Lakeside × Fruit

Walking through the sea of ​​trees suddenly became extremely simple. At the same time, in this simplicity, Joey also gained a closer observation of the sea of ​​trees.

There are countless ferocious beasts and insects under the mist. They no longer fight, but stay in place in the mist in a panic and wait for the mist to dissipate.

Just like Joey and the others before, the mist is not only effective on humans, but also on these ferocious beasts and insects that have long lived in the sea of ​​trees.

But the thick fog that had appeared before made the sea of ​​trees extremely quiet. However, within a short time, the ferocious beasts and insects in the sea of ​​​​trees had filled up again, which made Joey also feel the appearance of these ferocious beasts and insects. I was a little curious.

No matter what kind of organism it is, it needs a growth cycle.

There is a high probability that the creatures in the sea of ​​trees should have other replenishment channels. At the same time, the killing effect of dense fog should also have a range and regularity.

However, Joey could not fully understand the rules of the Sea of ​​Trees. He could only get a general understanding of the Sea of ​​Trees through his eyes.

"With the approval of Shuhai, this is actually a good place for shelter, as long as you don't stay for a long time." Joey thought secretly in his heart.

The three of them are not talkative people, and they don't feel lonely. Especially since the distance between the three of them is not far or close, it makes talking even more inconvenient.

Joey quite liked this situation. Although he still had some questions in his mind that he wanted to ask, he also needed some time to think about and summarize his previous experiences.

The sea of ​​trees was extremely huge. When the sun rose, the fog beast suddenly let out a weak cry, and then directly hit a big tree in front of Joey in his surprised eyes.

Joey glanced at Byande in front of him. When he saw that Byande was about to jump up, he also jumped up from the fog beast.

There was no impact sound, and the fog beast disappeared into the tree the moment it hit it.

Joey landed firmly on the thick tree trunk, but a coin flew out of his hand and hit the spot where the fog beast disappeared.

The coin did not disappear like a fog beast, but made a soft sound and then hit the tree trunk.

But similarly, there is still no shadow of the fog beast in the distance where the coin falls, and the other party seems to be completely integrated into the big tree.

At the same time, Joey glanced towards the forest and saw that the mist had disappeared in the brightening of the light.

Biyang De didn't say much, just waved to Jaeger and Joey from the front, and continued to lead the way towards Shuhaihai at an extremely fast speed.

Joey and Jaeger followed without hesitation.

During the day, the sea of ​​trees became lively again. Biyande didn't seem to care whether there was still Papu in the sea of ​​trees, so he rushed forward relying on his powerful body and ability.

Joey was very cautious, hanging far behind Biyande with Jaeger, and even restrained some of his own aura.

Jaeger's figure flickered in the sea of ​​trees, like a shadow. It should obviously be a special movement technique in assassination.

Joey's body is entangled with the breeze, which is the ability to predict weather, but it is limited to a very small range by him.

At the same time, his circles did not spread over a large area.

Although the spread of circles allows him to better grasp the situation nearby, releasing circles indiscriminately may also bring unexpected danger to himself, so small-scale circles are the safest and insurance for Joey's current situation.

Time passed quickly in this boring rush. When night came, the fog beast emerged from the trees again, as if it had just woken up.

On the third day, Joey and the others had arrived at the edge of the sea of ​​trees.

The mist seeds in the body began to gradually dissipate when the three of them walked out of the sea of ​​trees and bathed in the sun. It was only then that Joey suddenly remembered why he didn't have the urge to fly out of the sea of ​​trees when he was in the sea of ​​trees. Try the coverage area.

This seems to be a special effect that exists in the sea of ​​trees, and this effect is extremely powerful in Joey's opinion. It should be a rule such as psychological suggestion.

This kind of rule only works to prevent people trapped in the sea of ​​trees from thinking about flying out of the sea of ​​trees, but what if there are other such hints elsewhere?

Joey was on guard and secretly thinking about ways to crack it.

At the same time, they walked out of the sea of ​​trees and arrived at a plain area. Looking towards the distance, they could still see some hills, but there was no sense of depression and darkness in the sea of ​​trees behind them.

There are lush plants on the plain and a lake with rippling blue waves.

The location Biyande mentioned before should be the lake, but on such a plain, the water source should also represent great danger!

None of the three people had any intention of staying. When they arrived at the plain, they quickly started to approach the lake.

"The trees near the lake are where we will stay temporarily. These trees have some strange abilities. As long as they can be occupied, there will be no danger in the short term."

Biyande's words came from the front, and it was obvious that he had arrived here last time.

As for the trees he mentioned, Joey had already seen them. They were prosperous trees like big mushrooms, which were extremely conspicuous on this plain terrain.

It's just that these trees only grow near the lake. There are only large open spaces a little further away. As you get closer, you can find that even some flowers and plants are missing in these open spaces, leaving only bare land.

At the same time, as he got closer, Joey also understood what Biyande meant by occupation.

As they got closer, Joey could sense some malicious and threatening eyes staring at them from the canopy.

Biyangde just scanned the nearby trees and identified one of them. He strode towards that tree, and the aura on his body began to rise and spread without reservation as he walked.

Joey had already sensed Bi Yang De's power before, but sensing Bi Yang De's energy at close range still gave him an awe-inspiring feeling.

It's not that Bi Yang De's aura is much larger than his, but that Bi Yang De's thoughts are like carefully polished steel stones, solid, sharp and dazzling!

Yes, it is dazzling!

When Biyangde's momentum gathered to a certain level, his whole body radiated dazzling light like a little sun!

It's just that this light doesn't make people feel warm, it only makes people feel dangerous.

Just when the aura on Biyang De's body reached its peak, monsters with short legs, big bellies, ugly looks and sticks in their hands jumped out of the trees not far away.

The auras on these monsters are also not weak, but they don't appear to be able to use Nian.

It was their skin that attracted Joey's attention, because these monsters had streaks on their skin that looked like streams of light, and if you looked closely at these streaks, they looked like divine characters.

"Man-made?" Joey wondered.

Jaeger shook his head: "I don't know, this kind of monster with divine patterns is very common on this continent. In other words, in the locations I have explored, except for the sea of ​​trees, there are such monsters with divine patterns. They are very common." powerful.

Different patterns of divine patterns have different abilities, just like the six types of series in the Heart of Origin. In other words, Nitro may have inspired the six series based on these monsters. "

While Joey and Jaeger were talking, various gloomy sounds came from the unprovoked trees not far away, as if something was mocking and mocking the battle that was about to take place here. Same.

Biyande was not affected in any way. Instead, he showed an excited expression after seeing the monster coming down from the tree.

At the same time, he didn't hesitate at all. He exerted force under his feet and rushed out like a bolt of lightning.


With just a simple punch, an ugly monster turned into a meteor and flew out.

The lake in the distance suddenly exploded, and the monster crashed into the lake without even reacting, causing large ripples on the calm lake surface.

However, the other nearby monsters didn't care at all that their companions were being knocked away. They roared and swung the sticks in their hands, aiming at Biyande and hitting him.

Bi Yang De was even more fierce. With his speed, he shouldn't have been hit by the attack at all, but he didn't even dodge.

He just took the opponent's stick and let Joey know what was special about these monsters.


Strengthen the system!


An explosive roar sounded at the place where the arm and the stick met, and Biyang De's body was even smashed into the ground.

But that's about it.

The strong stick broke in an instant, and at the same time, there was blood spattered after the monster's mouth was broken.

Amid wild laughter, Biyangde moved and punched the monster in the face.

There was no accident with this punch. The moment the monster hit the ground, it immediately exploded and shattered into slag.

What followed was a completely one-sided massacre, but Joey found that as this massacre occurred, the previous gloomy sounds in the nearby trees gradually disappeared, and suddenly gave people a feeling of silence.

A few minutes later, there was no longer a complete body under the tree, but at this moment, thick tree roots on the ground wriggled and broke through the ground, bringing all the bodies and blood into the ground.

However, there are also some roots that are exploring towards Byande, as if they want to drag him underground.

But when he arrived at Biyangde's side, Biyangde's raised foot had already stepped down heavily.

The roots did not even resist, and were directly broken by the trampling. However, the broken roots did not attack Biyangde madly, but made a fearful and retreating move and slowly retracted it underground.

"It's going well, haha." Biyangde laughed and pointed to the tree crown above his head: "Go up there, there should be some delicious food up there."

As he spoke, there was already glistening saliva flowing out of the corner of Biyang De's mouth. He thought that there must be extremely beneficial food on the tree to make him behave like this.

Joey couldn't help but look forward to it. The crown of the tree was very huge. After going up, he discovered that there was a cave inside.

The trunk of the tree has been hollowed out, and it looks like it is dedicated to inhabiting various beings that climb the tree.

However, the smell inside was very unpleasant at this time, probably caused by the ugly monster before, so none of the three Joeys had any intention of entering.

On the other hand, on some branches inside the crown of the tree, there are crystal clear and plump fruits.

These fruits look like enlarged oranges, but when you get closer, you can find that each fruit exudes an attractive aroma, and that aroma is completely different from oranges, but has a special milky aroma.

When Joey smelled this smell, his mouth began to salivate unconsciously.

Biyande and Jaeger on the side had already picked a selected fruit. They carefully peeled off the orange peel of the fruit, revealing the attractive white pulp inside.

The pulp sloshed around like pudding.

What surprised Joey even more was that in addition to the richer fragrance exuding from the inside of the peeled fruit, there was actually a huge breath of life rising from it.

Before Joey could sense it carefully, Biyang De and Jie Ge couldn't wait to swallow the whole fruit into their mouths.

It looked like the reincarnation of a starving ghost, but Joey understood immediately.

The two of them didn't want the life inside the fruit to leak out!

So, can the life energy inside this fruit still be absorbed?

Joey became even more excited, and at the same time he also selected a fruit that was similar in size and shape to the ones chosen by Bi Yang and De.

He didn't understand this thing, but he was very good at copying it.

He also carefully removed the skin of the fruit, and Joey eagerly devoured the flesh.

The feeling in the mouth is extremely silky. There is no need to chew, the pulp melts in the mouth, and enters the body with a warm feeling down the throat.

At this moment, an indescribable delicious taste exploded in my mouth, and even felt like it went straight to my brain.

At that moment, Joey felt an ultimate sense of enjoyment, and his brain and heart felt ethereal for a moment.

This ethereal feeling came and went just as quickly, and the warmth in his body made Joey feel even more comfortable.

But when I lowered my head and looked at the fruit in my hand, I suddenly discovered that there was no trace of pulp inside the peel.

The aftertaste and the warm and comfortable feeling in his body made Joey couldn't help but focus on another plump fruit nearby again.

"One pill is just right for each person. Eating too much will not have any effect, it will change the taste, and even have a bad impact on the body." Jaeger reminded timely.

After Joey nodded, he still canceled a fruit again.

Only this time, he no longer ate it, but returned to studying the fruit and began to observe the fruit.

It would be great if Crook was here. Her knowledge of plants is much better than his own. Joey thought so, but he found that the fruit he had picked in his hand for only about five minutes began to become shriveled, and finally There was only a layer of skin left in his hands.

Sighing, Joey did not continue to pick the remaining fruits. Instead, like Biyande and the other two, he found a place to sit down on the tree trunk and cast his gaze in the direction of the tree facing the sea of ​​trees. .

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