Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 323 Unexpected enemy changes and hides

Chapter 323 Unexpected Enemy × Change × Hiding

The twelfth prince's telekinesis suddenly activated its ability on Joey.

Joey knew that he had always had the twelfth prince's mind beast clone in his body, but the mind beast clone had not been able to activate for a long time, so he somewhat ignored it.

But he never expected that this thing would activate its power on him the moment he became suspicious of the twelfth prince.

Killer Queen quietly appeared behind Joey and reached out to grab the mind beast clone.

What surprised Joey was that Killer Queen's outstretched hand failed to catch the mind beast clone, because the moment Killer Queen made a move, the mind beast clone came out of Joey's body as if it had been frightened. Jumped down.

But Joey is not the only one who can use Killer Queen. The spreading circle and the extremely fast wind can roll up the mind beast clone that wants to escape in an instant.

A squeaking sound came from the mouth of the mind beast clone. Before Joey could do anything, the mind beast clone suddenly shattered in the wind.

Joey frowned. Something would happen to the twelfth prince. This was something he had never considered.

What's the problem?

Joey suddenly thought of what Jin had said before, about Prince Cajun’s education.

All princes are educated after birth so that they can be called kings!

This kind of thinking has long been ingrained in the depths of their minds, and changing this kind of thinking cannot be achieved by a brief contact.

In particular, Joey and Kurapika's contact with the twelfth prince should have given him hope.

This hope may not have completely affected the twelfth prince herself, but her guardian beast will follow her true heart and make the most accurate move.

So, no matter what the twelfth prince thinks, she is now a potential threat to Joey.

In addition, will Fugees and Kazuo be like the twelfth prince?

Joey is a little unsure!

"The twelfth prince?" Hisoka's brows were also tangled.

He also served as a guard for the twelfth prince for a period of time, and he also had his own judgment on the twelfth prince.

And his judgment was actually the same as Joey's.

The twelfth prince is a person who is not a threat and may even help them to a certain extent.

But now such a person suddenly changes his attitude, which is a bit surprising.

And it also makes people have some doubts about their own judgment.

But Hisoka suddenly laughed again: "It's interesting to know people, faces but not hearts. I like this change in her."

"It's indeed interesting." Joey also nodded.

The most easily ignored person has an accident at the most critical moment. This situation is indeed interesting.

I just don’t know how much damage such Mu Muze will cause on the deck.

With her ability to protect the mind beast, it should only be a disturbance to the people arriving on the deck!

At least Joey is not optimistic about Mu Muze's ability.

It's not that Mu Muze's abilities are not strong, it's just that most of her ability to guard the mind beast has been known for a long time, and this does not pose a threat to people with strong perseverance like Joey.

It would take a long time for Mu Muze's ability to protect the mind beasts to affect them.

But in the current situation, she wouldn't be given a very long time at all.

"Speed ​​up."

The judgment was like this, but Joey still speeded up a lot in order to reduce the risk.

In the current situation, all the organs and parts have been eliminated, and the first princess is most likely no longer a threat. As long as the remaining princes are dealt with clearly, then they can face the final BOSS!

The most troublesome among them should be the first prince.

As for the second prince, Joey and the others had no intention of killing her in the first place, so spontaneous combustion would not trigger her ability.

Even the second prince's telekinesis ability itself has a lot of weaknesses. As long as you know that her taboo is to be killed, then she is not the slightest threat.

The seventh prince has so much ability, but he is not an ability user. This is his fatal weakness.

The black energy has dropped a lot over time, but it is still not to the same level as when the eighth princess was found last time.

When he ran out of the cabin and reached the deck, the seventh prince had already fallen to the ground.

This was something that surprised Joey, especially since the round he spread to wrap around the seventh prince did not detect the slightest breath of life from the seventh prince, which made him feel a little confused.

"What's going on?" Joey, who ran to Mo Laowu's side for the first time, asked quickly.

"Someone is taking action in secret, it should be the prince's private army," Mo Laowu's face was equally gloomy: "If we can't find the other party, then the prince may die."

Another coffin on the dome has been lit up, and now there are seven lit up.

It can't be brighter!

Joey looked at the Seventh Prince's Nian Beast condensed above him, and felt great pressure.

"Didn't the private soldiers around the Seventh Prince take action?" Joey was a little confused, because the Seventh Prince was dead, but the Seventh Prince's private soldiers suffered no losses.

How did the other party bypass the defenses of private soldiers and launch an attack on the Seventh Prince?

The first thing Joey suspected was the second prince.

Because under the current circumstances, it is normal for the private soldiers around the second prince to die, but these private soldiers all carry a curse on the prince.

If they had disguised their deaths, no one would have suspected them.

But looking carefully, Joey found that the private soldiers around the second prince had almost no losses.

In this way, the suspicion of the second prince was greatly reduced.

"The ability of the twelfth prince." Mo Laowu looked at Mu Muze: "Her ability has been applied to those people at some point. At this time, they should not be under their control at all."

"Where's the twelfth prince?" Joey's eyes swept back but he didn't see the twelfth prince. Even the other three princes who were supposed to have been protected were also missing.

"Run away, teleportation method." Mo Laowu pointed to the ground.

There, Joey happened to see the portal belonging to Fugees.

Joey frowned because the current situation was different from what he had experienced before.

In the last experience, this situation did not occur.

"Did it happen suddenly a minute ago?" Although Joey asked, his tone was indeed somewhat firm.

Because there was only one difference between the whole thing and the last time, and that was that he had doubts about the twelfth prince because of a piece of information from Norbu.

This suspicion even triggered the guardian beast clone left on him by the twelfth prince.

But there is another problem.

That is, the prince cannot see the actions of the guardian beast, let alone what the guardian beast wants to do.

In this case, how did the twelfth prince know his situation through the changes in the mind beast clone and make a quick judgment?

Could it be that without his knowledge, the twelfth prince's mind beast changed again?

In the last change, the twelfth prince was able to use the power of the guardian beast to investigate.

Thinking about it now, the twelfth prince had actually broken the rules that Joey and the others knew before about the relationship between the guardian beast and the prince.

Thinking about it this way, even if there is a situation where the twelfth prince and the guardian beast can communicate, it is not unacceptable.

But how did the twelfth prince convince Fugees and Kadro?

Joey had never thought about this situation before arriving at the upper level, because the real enemy in his mind had never been Mu Muze, or rather the people at the lower level who had been under his protection.

Even he could have chosen to leave after looking back, but the reason why he stayed was more because he wanted to take away Mu Muze and others.

But now it seems that he is a little pretentious.

Perhaps the Cajun princes were more keen on the throne than he thought.

But as the person who supervises the Fourteenth Prince, why didn't Milleston stop him at the critical moment?

Joey had doubts in his heart and asked directly.

The person who answered him was Miloston himself, who rushed over after he appeared: "Because when I was about to intercept, I triggered the attack of the fourteenth prince's guardian beast."

"Counterattack type of thought?" Although she had long suspected it, after all, given the state of the fourteenth prince, only counterattack type of thought was most suitable for her.

"That's right, by the time I broke through, the person had already disappeared, and now I can't even tell where he is." Mildstone gave an affirmative answer, but his face was still somewhat ugly.

Joey's realization swept past Milton's ears: "The thoughts of the twelfth prince are also harassing you."

"Well, when those jellyfish were triggered and made me spit out their venom, they silently invited me." Mildstone was completely unmoved by the voice in his ears.

Joey nodded, and Killer Queen appeared directly next to him, and stretched out her hand to Miloston the moment she appeared.

Just like before, the clone of the mind beast hidden in Milo's ear suddenly jumped off Mili's body as if it had been stimulated.

What's even more amazing this time is that it exploded halfway after jumping out.

The debris from the explosion failed to hit anyone at all, and the strong wind controlled by Joey completely disappeared without a trace.

However, Joey became confused when he saw the exploded mind beast clone.

Is the other party afraid, or is he deliberately hiding something?

Joey had no idea whether the first bomb could take out the opponent. Using Killer Queen was more of a test.

But the other party was obviously very afraid of Killer Queen and didn't give Joey a chance to test her.

However, through this situation, Joey could infer that the other party knew everything about Killer Queen's situation.

Joey's brain started spinning rapidly.

There are not many people who know about Killer Queen's first bomb, but every Joey knows it, and even these people themselves have a close relationship with Joey.

And excluding these people, there are only a handful of people who know Killer Queen's abilities.

Because most people who have come into contact with Killer Queen have been eliminated by Joey.

However, among them, Cajun King Nasby can be regarded as the person who has been exposed to the first bomb the most. After all, he was blown up by the bomb and used the ability to go back in time several times.

And if the information was revealed from Nasby, then the main problem with the information should be the first bomb, not Killer Queen.

Because every time Joey faced Nasby, he didn't use Killer Queen's direct attack.

It's more about giving the item the first bomb attribute and then creating an unexpected attack.

In this case, there is only one judgment that Joey can make!

Mu Muze has long been able to observe him through the mind beast clone, and in the process, he even observed the birth and use of the first bomb, and even the destructive power and effects that the first bomb can create .

Especially the damage to the brain should be the key to preventing Mu Muze from choosing to test the Killer Queen's abilities.

Things are a bit troublesome!

The troublesome part was not only that Mu Muze ran away with someone, but she also took away the fourteenth prince while she was running away.

And the fourteenth prince is the key to their next attempt to control the eighth princess.

Without the Fourteenth Prince, Joey was not sure that the Eighth Princess could still resist attacks for them as hard as before.

Once the Eighth Princess develops feelings of resistance or even acts of resistance while being manipulated by Nina, it is unknown whether the white energy can form enough to help them resist the black energy.

And without the assistance of white energy, they would waste a lot of energy just fighting against black energy!

Where will Mu Muze go back?

Upper cabin? No, and Joey would easily find him if he went to that kind of place.

In order to find the brain, Joey and the others destroyed the remaining parts of the upper level.

Now there are only a few places on the upper level where people can stand. In this case, Joey can scan the entire upper level in a short time as long as he adjusts the circle's detection direction.

And that's exactly what Joey did.

While speaking, his thoughts had spread out, and he had explored the entire upper level as much as possible.

But the results of the investigation were not satisfactory. He did not find Mu Muze and others.

But in the process, the eighth princess's brain was finally completely repaired by him.

The eighth princess regained consciousness, but she did not see the fourteenth prince whom she had longed for.

However, the eighth princess did not turn her back or become indifferent as Joey thought. Instead, she bowed and saluted Joey.

But Joey also saw some determination in the eyes of the eighth princess.

"Don't worry. Although the fourteenth prince Wable is not on the upper level, her life is not in danger for the time being. She should have been brought to the lower level by Prince Fugees." Although Joey said this, but His eyes fell on the closed door belonging to Fugees.

The lower level is gradually being covered by black smoke. Even if they reach the lower level without protective equipment, their only choice is to return to the upper level again.

Even the door has not disappeared yet. It is very likely that Fugees and others are hiding behind this door!

If you think about it carefully, the passage behind the door is indeed a safer place compared to the current chaotic situation.

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