Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 178 Space ability clone kills the emperor space

Chapter 178 Space Ability×Clone×Killing Emperor Space

The king's army finally came and took away Bisji and Satopi at the same time. Of course, they also took away Miaohan's body.

No one who stayed in District 12 really chose to quit, and no one actually asked the King's Army to intervene to investigate Kurapika.

Because learning the ability to read is an instruction given by the princes to the guards.

Only dilettantes, the kind of people who are not favored by the prince, have the hesitant thought of quitting.

Even the fourth prince's guard Bing Danjin, whose companion was assassinated, only saw everything that happened in the twelfth prince's room and returned to the fourth area after finishing his studies.

"Miao Han was killed?" The fourth prince Cheli Donich did not pay too much attention to this information. His expression was very indifferent, as if the person who died was not his private soldier.

"Yes, the prisoner is a telepathic person." The fourth prince's guard, who had a crew cut, was not surprised by the fourth prince's reaction: "The assassin was estimated to be among the 29 people in Room 1012 at that time.

So far, the assassinations have all occurred during training sessions, but it is difficult to tell whether it was done by someone close to the twelfth prince or someone externally involved in the training.

Although Bisiji, a guard from the association hired by the Thirteenth Prince, identified Satobi, a guard of the Seventh Prince, as the perpetrator, there is no guarantee that her identification is correct.

Even if both men are taken away, the assassination may continue.

Is it okay to just continue taking training? "

"What do you think?" The fourth prince paid more attention to Dan Jin's opinion.

"Those without telekinesis abilities are doomed if they are targeted when acting alone. However, there are ways to avoid becoming assassination targets. As long as you are prepared, the problem will not be big."

Danjin was very confident in himself, and he had obviously seen some of the assassin's methods: "The Twelfth Prince clearly stipulated that the time for learning recitation is two weeks. Whether it is true or not, it is still very necessary to participate in the two weeks."

"I see."

"The impression given to me by Guard Captain Kurapika is that he is not lying. The job taken over by the members of the Hunter Association is to protect the prince until he arrives in the New World, which means that he can prevent assassinations before then.

In order to maintain a stalemate, I think they may be sincerely teaching telekinesis in an attempt to balance the combat power of all parties.

In addition, Bisi Ji’s actions, in my opinion, are more to prevent the intervention of the king’s army, and the thirteenth prince she needs to protect is already out, so she knows clearly that even if she is taken away for investigation, it will only be an experience. With 72 hours in jail, there was no problem with her choice.

And there are already enough guards around the twelfth prince. "

The fourth prince nodded: "In general, I agree with you, but do you have enough awareness to continue?"

"Yes." Danjin didn't hesitate at all.

As the prince's private soldier, his loyalty to the fourth prince was beyond question.

After all, the private troops of the top five princes were all trained since childhood.

"Is there a mind that can control people in this world?" The fourth prince analyzed very calmly: "Teach, this behavior may also be a necessary condition for the activation of the control ability?

If you continue like this, when you return here on the last day of training, no matter whether you have learned Nian or not, you need to bring back a gift that can prove your innocence! "

There was cold sweat on Danjin's forehead, but he still gave his answer: "I understand!"

"Then continue."

"There is no need for Bisiki to make such a choice." After the training, Kurapika and Joey got together again.

It was only then that the seventh princess's mood calmed down a little, but she was still complaining to Mumuze.

But Mu Mu Ze still had that gentle look, but the guardian mind beast sitting behind Mu Mu Ze tilted his head.

If it weren't for the constraints of the rules, Joey felt that the mind beast would probably kill the seventh princess directly.

However, if she continues to influence Mu Mu Ze in this way, Joey is also a little worried that the Nian Beast will once again undergo some special changes due to Mu Mu Ze's change in thinking, such as evolving some ability to target non-powerful people.

"She did it on purpose." Joey gave the answer: "Because the King's Army will take them to the VVIP area, which is a place that is very necessary to understand."

"So, she still has items on her that can connect with you." Kurapika nodded.

If this is the case, then Bisij's behavior can be explained.

And according to the current situation, Bisiji will not be of much use if she continues to stay here. Her ability can make Joey and others feel better, but in fact, the effect is not that big.

Without using telekinesis to fight for a long time, those with telekinesis who keep entangled at all times and lock their life energy in their bodies have more energy than ordinary people.

Even if they don't sleep for a few days, it won't have much impact on them.

What's more, it's not like they really have no chance to sleep.

As for other abilities, apart from Miss Cookie, the magical beautician, Bisji's other abilities are extremely powerful melee abilities.

And this would be almost useless in the next operation, so taking this opportunity to collect information for Joey naturally became the best choice.

At the same time, her sudden jump will also make it clearer to Joey and Kurapika whether the assassin is Satopi.

Just from observation, Satobi did not reveal anything strange.

Then we can only observe in the next few days whether the assassination will continue.

At noon, another message came from Melody, and what was recorded in the message was speculation about the Eleventh Prince's ability to read beasts.

At the same time, she also brought another news, that is, she had found a like-minded companion who wanted to save the Tenth and Tenth Princes.

A hunter from the Hunter Association, Gini.

However, the latter piece of information is not important to Joey. What is important is only the first half of the information.

After Fugees' ability was exposed, his previous plan could be implemented, but before that, he had to confirm with Hisoka.

After all, with him, he should be able to protect Kadro, who was originally abandoned by him.

At the same time, it can also allow Fugees' abilities to be used to a better effect, and his plans can be executed better, otherwise the one-way channel will not be useful enough.

So there was no rush to reply to Fugees. Joey first waited until Kurapika and Hisoka changed shifts, and then he found an opportunity to communicate with Hisoka in the guard room.

"How about the ability control?" Joey asked Hisoka after making sure that there would be no eavesdropping.

"Do you have any plans?" Hisoka narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, you don't want to stay on the first floor all the time. After all, your goal is to play games with the brigade, right!" Joey threw out the bait.

"Just tell me what to do. Here, I can listen to you for the time being, my friend." Hisoka sat down on the bed, crossed his legs and supported his chin with one hand, waiting expectantly for Joey to continue.

"The telekinesis ability of the eleventh prince Kajin is a space movement type. When setting off, Fugees controls the destination, and when returning, the tenth prince Kazuo determines the destination."

Joey's information was more accurate than Melody's.

Before, he couldn't remember which prince continued to master the transfer ability, but now it was clear that the ability belonged to the eleventh prince, and the information about the ability naturally became coherent.

"Can it move freely around the ship? Can others use it? Or can it only be used by the two princes?" Hisoka's eyes lit up and he immediately put forward a lot of ideas.

There was a riot on the lower level, so the passage to the third level has been temporarily blocked.

Even as a VVIP passenger, you are temporarily unable to leave the upper level and reach the lower level.

This put some of Hisoka's previous plans on hold temporarily. He could only wait for the turmoil in the lower levels to subside, then find an opportunity to infiltrate the King's Army, get a good identity, and then sneak into the lower levels to look for trouble in the brigade.

Now if he could master the ability to go to the lower level at any time, wouldn't it be the best situation for him to be able to complete hunting and concealment?

Of course, the premise is that the prince's cooperation is required.

But since Joey asked him how he was mastering his abilities, he understood Joey's plan.

"I don't know the specifics and need to experiment, but no matter what, this is a very convenient ability." Joey doesn't know the more specific situation, so naturally he needs to find out together, but even if he and Hisoka can't get into it, If he goes in, as long as he can bring something back, then he feels good.

"So your idea is to let me use the clone to contact them?" Hisoka didn't understand Joey's specific operation idea: "I have already mastered some of the clone's abilities, but if I want to be able to control them like an arm, I still need to experiment."

"So strong." Joey was stunned for a moment, and then he praised him sincerely.

He also used the ability of the materialization system to condense the clone, so he still had some experience in controlling the clone, especially the perfect control of the clone's actions, but it took more than a week.

But how long has it been since Hisoka acquired the ability to manifest himself? He is already almost able to control his clone like an arm.

"It's not difficult to become familiar with this fixed-mode ability." Hisoka added.

Joey agrees with this. At least he doesn't need to do any development on the clone's ability, he can gradually master and use it skillfully.

Unlike the golden experience ability, it was completely explored and developed by him bit by bit.

But from this point of view, the [Ming] that brought him to this world is indeed somewhat different from other [Ming], but I don't know if it is a mutation or a type that originally existed in [Ming].

Perhaps we can only figure out all these situations until we arrive in the labyrinth city.

"I will use my ability to cover your clone. Of course, my clone will also move together when the time comes, and Melody will respond to us." Joey began to explain: "Melody is also one of my partners. Facing her Please be as sincere as possible, she is in the Tenth Prince’s Room.”

"When to act?" Hisoka did not pay attention to these, but asked a more important question: "Do you want to send the clone to the lower level? Then there will be support from the lower level?"

"No, I plan to let you stay in the Tenth Prince's room and pretend to be Kazuo after Kazuo leaves." Joey gave a different answer, and even this answer made Hisoka a little confused.

"Me? Kadro disguised as Jiao Didi? My clone is also 1.9 meters tall. You want me to pretend to be the other person? I can't do it with my ability." Hisoka shook his head directly.

"I can help you complete it. As long as you maintain the clone and don't let it collapse when I do it, it won't be difficult for you. I have tried it several times myself."

Joey has the golden experience to complete the most perfect transformation.

And he also has Kazuo's information and photos on his phone. According to this modification, he can create a perfect Kazuo stand-in, especially if Hisoka imitates Kazuo's poisonous tongue. This should not be difficult for Hisoka at all.

As for Joey himself, in addition to the Ming leather handkerchief, he also had a living Ming, which also provided him with the ability to clone.

So he would disguise himself as Fugees.

As long as the disguise is completed, Hisoka can exit from the first level.

In this way, Joey no longer has to worry about when Hisoka will stab them both in the back.

For example, telling Kurapika about the captain's situation.

"Disguising yourself as the tenth prince? I can cooperate with this novel idea." Hisoka became interested.

What Joey was thinking about was Hisoka's inner thoughts when he was wearing women's clothing.

"You seem to be thinking of something rude."

"That was your illusion." Joey, who felt exposed, naturally refused to admit it.

Then he and Hisoka agreed on some details and left the guard room.

The action will not be carried out yet, everything will have to wait until the melody of the flute sounds, otherwise the sudden appearance of the clone will only attract the attention of others.

So all Joey has to do now is write Melody back and let her know the details of the plan.

Fortunately, except for the twelfth and fourteenth princes, there are no private soldiers of the first prince among the princes who are too low. This also ensures that there will not always be surveillance insects.

After Melody received the reply, her reply was two words: received.

But this is enough.

After Joey got the reply, he walked into the bathroom and Killer Queen appeared next to him.

Killer Queen suddenly opened her abdomen, exposing a space in Killer Emperor's abdomen.

And in this small space, there are a lot of things stored.

In addition to a cage containing [Ming], there are also a large number of bugs, mobile phones, memory cards and other items. Of course, in addition to these, there are also some simple compressed foods, which are prepared in case of emergencies.

As for the development of Killer Queen's abdominal space, it's actually very simple, because this ability has already appeared in the comics.

At that time, the costumes there were surrogate cats.

When Joey's need for storage space became more and more intense, Killer Queen took the initiative to stretch her abdominal muscles, revealing the empty space within them.

So Joey got a small portable storage space.

Even if the abdominal space can't store much, it's enough to make Joey happy.

Taking out some bugs from this space and placing them on his body, Joey began to carve the divine characters on his left arm that used the ability of the songbird to manifest.

However, he was not in a hurry to take out the songworm, because he wouldn't need it for the time being, and he couldn't expose it.

Because he has always remembered one thing, that is, there may also be people on this ship whose bodies have been taken over by "weapons".

These guys definitely know Ming.

Moreover, Ming's presence was too obvious. The thing was obviously not something that could be carried around like a handkerchief or wallet. After all, it was too ugly, and it was still a big fleshy insect.

Morning of the 6th day of ferry crossing.

At around seven o'clock, the first prince and the second prince left the VVIP area at the same time.

Before the two separated, they naturally felt unhappy with each other but couldn't do anything about the other.

But the second prince didn't notice that there was an owl made of thoughts hovering behind her.

The owl even saw her every word and every move, and directly shared the scene with the eyes of the first prince who inherited Muser's ability.

Eight in the morning.

The Ninth Prince still appeared at the entrance of the King's District on time as usual.

"The Ninth Prince is here again." When the soldiers of the King's Army saw the Ninth Prince, they didn't even pick up their guns.

"Coming here early every day is really hard work." Another soldier obviously also had a good impression of the Ninth Prince.

"Good morning, His Highness the Ninth Prince, it's another letter, right? Please leave it to me for safekeeping." The soldier commander responsible for entering and exiting the area also became more proficient, and said to the Ninth Prince with a kind smile on his face.

"Yes." The ninth prince nodded, but instead of handing out a letter of faith, he suddenly pulled out a pistol and pointed the muzzle directly at the soldier: "Don't move!"

The captain of the king's army raised his hands without any resistance and let the ninth prince into the king's area.

Everything went so smoothly.

No one noticed that there was a ladybug quietly staying there under the collar of the Ninth Prince's clothes.

Even the Ninth Prince's Nian Beast did not attack Ladybug!

But on the other hand, when the ninth prince stepped into the king's area, the cockroaches near the king's area were brutally slaughtered again.

Joey, who was far away in the guard room of District 12, took out his mobile phone and put on an earphone. At the same time, he still had coins in his hand that he flicked into the ventilation duct.

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