
Huang Quan's eyes flickered.

As the most mysterious conceptual characteristic, abilities related to the time system have always been extremely rare.

Time freezing, time suspension, time stopping, time reversal, time acceleration, time travel, time retrospect, time isolation, time prediction, time transfer...

Although he had many time assumptions in his mind, he never imagined that he could develop time-related abilities.

Because the concept of time is too nihilistic, the only things he can associate with it are the life span of living things and the time flowing on clocks and mobile phones.

But who can be sure that what these things represent is the real time?

Time is an illusory concept, and the world's summary of it is the result of analyzing and describing nature through the seasonal changes of day and night...

What the real [time] is, no one can know.

at this time.

Huang Quan, who was stopped and frozen in mid-air, looked straight through his eyes and observed everything that was frozen around him and the 22 pieces of [Demon God Pillar] that collapsed and passed by. He had some vague yet clear ideas about [Time] in his heart. concept.

Time is the eternal motion of matter...the persistence of change...the manifestation of sequence...

Now time has been stopped and frozen...

Feeling that he was being stopped wholeheartedly, Huang Quan tried his best to calm down his mind, grasped this vague and clear cross-thought, and connected [Transmuter] and [Trait System] in series.

The characteristic of [Transmuter] is to apply [Qi] outside the body. The farther the distance, the more obvious the effect. The released [Qi] can change the appearance, attack enemies, and execute commands.

It's really good as an attack method...

But will it help break away from the current situation?

Huang Quan pondered slightly.

Originally, he planned to fix the future development route of [Transmuter] on the big system of [Space], but now something unexpected happened...

The most important thing is that the characteristic of [Transmuter] is to release it, which means either attaching the [Time] characteristic to it to speed up the passage of [Demon Pillar], which involves characteristics similar to [Time Passage].

In other words, manifest a mind beast with the characteristics of [time], and let the mind beast use characteristics such as time lapse and time acceleration to help yourself get out of the predicament of time standing still...

Just thinking about it is quite beautiful, but the characteristics related to [time] are so easy to understand.

Currently, Huang Quan has a vague conceptual understanding of "time stopping" and "time passing" through the frozen environmental objects around him and the "Demon God Pillar" that collapses and passes. As for other aspects of time characteristics, he has a vague understanding of them. Can't generate the slightest idea...


Don’t forget the [Door] feature!

Huang Quan concentrated his thoughts.

The [Gate] characteristic of the trait system is the cornerstone for him to develop other abilities!

When the [Space] feature was developed before, it was extended from the concept of door timing!

Since there is a [space gate]! Naturally there should be a [time gate] too!

Realizing that his thoughts had gone astray, Huang Quan was shocked and restrained his divergent thoughts.

Indeed, time is mysterious, nihilistic, broad yet narrow...

But as long as [time] is connected with [door], everything becomes clear!

‘Don’t forget your roots…

Now that he is aware of this, Huang Quan no longer dwells on the vague perception of time, but focuses on the characteristics of time that he needs most at the moment.

If you want to get out of the current time-stop dilemma, you can have the characteristics of time escape, time jump, time acceleration, time lapse, time retrace, time reversal, time isolation and other characteristics.

Although there are many characteristics, it is estimated that he can only choose one based on the expansion of his Transmuter [thought capacity]. Putting aside characteristics such as time escape and time isolation that are rarely used, his thoughts are fixed on time acceleration and time retrieval. .

One accelerates time, breaking the frozen state of stillness at this moment through the changing time.

One side goes back in time, going back through time to before the [Demon Pillar] shattered.

The two [time] characteristics can be regarded as god-level auxiliary characteristics, whether now or in unexpected situations such as future battles.

I'm not sure whether the traceable time is controllable.

If uncontrollable [time] characteristics were developed, Huang Quan knew what would happen to him just by thinking about it.


After deciding to choose between the two characteristics of [Time Acceleration] and [Time Regression], Huang Quan returned to [Transmuter] and thought about whether to make changes in the attachment of mind energy or choose Xia Xian (the beast comes out).

After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to make changes in his attachment of mind energy.

Although the tactics will become more varied after creating the [Psychic Beast], currently it is not strong enough, and the expansion of the [Psychic Capacity] requires more and more accumulation. It is better to wait until there is more strength. Now reveal the [Nian Beast]...

Think of this.

Putting aside other distracting thoughts, Huang Quan's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

First of all, [Transmuter] is good at moving space. That is to say, after transforming [Qi] into thought Qi with [Time] characteristics, he should be able to change the surrounding space in time, although it is not as convenient as [Conjurer]. But it has the effect of executing commands remotely.

Each has different advantages and disadvantages...

So, should we choose to accelerate or backtrack?

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Huang Quan, who has only one [Transmuter] expansion, can only choose between 630 and 630.

Remember that the characteristic of [Transmuter] is ‘release’

Staring directly at the collapsing [Demon God Pillar], Huang Quan suddenly made a decision, and his eyes turned calm.

He immediately gathered his mind, followed the strongest thoughts in his mind, made rules, made an oath in his heart, and stick to them!


Like boiling, the energy that has not been solidified by time spreads out from Huang Quan's body, like a wild beast being released, leaving the body and constantly changing the shape of each air mass. At the same time, the thought energy gradually changes from colorless to light black. .

Gradually, as Huang Quan's thoughts became stronger and stronger, the [Restriction] rules became more and more perfect, and the crystal book [Gate of Sky Technique] appeared in front of him, and it was already turned to a blank page before it was stopped.

Lines of clear fonts appear on it like a projection.

【Transmuter:Inherent Time Control】

[Ability characteristics: time acceleration, time deceleration]

[Effect: The released 'qi' has the characteristics of accelerating and reducing time. The larger and wider the range of thought qi covers, the longer it lasts, and the more thought qi is consumed...

[Restraint: When controlling the flow rate of time, the longer the time characteristics are maintained, the more confused the perception of time becomes...]

[Oath: Once the accurate concept of time is confused, the ability to control inherent time will gradually weaken until it disappears...].

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