This is obviously another heavyweight news.

The number of goddesses he has seen is not small, that is to say, he has come into contact with many gods.

"And you're so's really uninteresting."

Of the goddesses he has seen, which one is not tall?

Only these three...

Like a child.

He is not a pedophile, how could he be attracted to children?

"Did you really say something terrifying?"

Not interested because she looks too petite?

I really don't know if there is something wrong with this person's aesthetics.

They have always prided themselves on being petite.

This is the best way to always be like this, if it gets bigger, but...

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? Whether it is Athena, Artemis or Aphrodite, they are not petite like you."

"Then what's your purpose of going to the island?"

Although what he said was a bit hot.


This person does not seem to be a human who wants to subjugate them.

The three sisters living on this island are actually very hard.

After all, there are rumors that they are described as banshees, the kind that eat people.

So there will definitely be a lot of people who will try their best to come here, and then crusade them.

Glory to this.

As for whether it is a real banshee, they never care, anyway, as long as people know that it is enough to crusade the existence of the island.

Fortunately, Poseidon blessed them.

Therefore, ordinary people really cannot reach this island.

They had a pretty good time.

But until today...

appeared in such a person.

He drifted to this island just by sitting on a boat.

Even Poseidon was unaware of his existence.

"There is no purpose. I'm drifting on the sea, and everything is random. I go up to see where I go, but I didn't expect that the first time... I met the three Gorgon sisters."

Go up there and see.

"Aren't you afraid of starving to death? Your fishing boat obviously has nothing."

Yuri Ellie looked in disbelief.

It's impossible to come here all at once, right?

It is very far away from other islands.

"So you are still alive. If you were humans... If you were humans who wanted to be famous by honor, you should be dead by now."

Among the three sisters, except for the youngest, Medusa, the other two sisters have no fighting power.

As long as you can resist their charm, you can kill them.

Upon hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh... it really scared me to death. I didn't expect that they are all gods."

Don't starve to death like humans.

Looks very outstanding.

Poseidon can't control this man...

And also met a lot of goddesses.

This is not a god, what else could it be?

Among many gods, their power is very weak.

Even humans can kill them.

Not to mention the gods.

But it is because of the arrogance of the gods that is far higher than ordinary people.

So it made them breathe a sigh of relief.

This is a god who has no interest in them in that regard.

In other words, life can still be guaranteed.

But the next moment...the two of them froze.

As for the reason... Naturally, it was because of Su Mo.

Or the person behind her.

"Excessive! He ran away without me!"

Artemis appeared and hugged Su Mo's neck from behind.

"After all, this place is not big, it's not easy for others to find me, can't you still find me?"

Artemis knew he was the god of Chronos.

"But as soon as you leave, you find another woman."

Her eyes fell on Steno and Uriel.

Just one glance made these two little goddesses stand up instantly and look at them nervously.

They recognized who it was...

Artemis, goddess of the hunt!

If she is thinking about it, then there is no good fruit to eat.

Especially this is a goddess with a strong sense of revenge!

Looking at this goddess and this unfamiliar god, this unclear relationship.

Steno and Uriel were both in cold sweat.

Could it be that this goddess misunderstood something?

"Great Goddess Artemis, we... have nothing to do with your lover."

Steno spoke in time.

Getting rid of the relationship is the best option.

If he is concerned by the Lord God, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The next words, you say it again.".

Chapter 52 The Two Goddesses Who Smile

"You can say it again later."

Steno and Urielle looked at each other.

'understand? '

'understood!Know what to say? '

'understood! '

The next moment, facing Su Mo's speechless eyes.

The two of them lifted the corners of their skirts at the same time and tapped their left feet backwards.

"Please forgive our offense, we have nothing to do with your husband."

The two goddesses were human spirits, and it was obvious at a glance that Artemis liked this male god.

But at the same time, they were also very surprised.

You must know that Artemis is one of the twelve main gods, and she is also a virgin goddess.

Although there is no rule that a virgin can't fall in love, the fact that she will have a lover is really shocking to them.

If it was another god, then they would not be so shocked.

But she is Artemis, the god who is most unlikely to fall in love.

"I forgive you."

Covering his cheeks, Artemis happily chose to let the two of them go.

After all, this goddess is even more barren than Ata, and he probably doesn't like it.

"Thank you so much for your kindness..."

The two sisters finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At least after Artemis was appeased, they were safe.

Artemis' revenge is very strong.

If you don't apologize quickly, then just die.

Because of her willfulness, there are not a few people who die.

"Look! Even they think we are like husband and wife."

Because it was directly pointed out by Athena, the current Artemis did not intend to maintain the tacit understanding with him.

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