This is obviously saying that you don't want her to see it.

It's also a shame that she waited here for a year.

"If from another angle, the person watching from the shore is me, and the person in the lake is you, what would you do?"

Su Mo kicked the question back to her.

Artemis is one of the three virgin goddesses, and she takes chastity very seriously.

"If the Great God wants to see it..."

"Stop! I know the answer."

Even a virgin goddess, Artemis' mind is far more open than his own.

If he hadn't known where this place was, he would have thought the goddess in front of him was a slut.

Although it is a man's clothes, it is much cooler than his original clothes.

As for the style, his evaluation is that it is a bit ugly.

It feels like you can wear it, don't worry about the good or bad one.

Anyway, it is difficult for Su Mo to like this kind of clothes.

The kings of various city-states seem to be wearing much more gorgeous clothes than this one on their own.

"How are the gods doing now?"

Recalling that when I first became conscious, the ground was full of blood, and countless gods fell to the ground.

It is impossible to imagine how great the loss of the Olympian gods was at that time.

But all that seems to be done by Chronos...

"It will take at least hundreds of years to recover, and if you want to recover to its heyday, it will take at least [*] years."

[*] years is enough, at that time the gods of Greece are estimated to have been sent away.

As the native god of the earth, it is natural to die for the earth itself.

Will inhibition allow powerful creatures like gods to exist on the surface world?

Obviously not possible. .

Chapter 6 Here, heroes are cheap

In this way, he gained a small part-time guide.

Goddess of the hunt, Artemis.

Not to mention the inexplicable divine power on his body, he is not familiar with this world.

There's no point in everything if it can be done easily.

It's like a game, when playing, although the mentality will jump when you are killed by nonsense, but when you successfully get through, you will still have a sense of pride.

That kind of pride can't be obtained at all in the case of using open hangings to kill indiscriminately.

He prefers to know his world with his own eyes.

Here, the world belongs to the gods!

Humans have no say!

What human beings do is under the vision of the gods.

Humans need heroes, because heroes are respected here.

The status of the hero here will even surpass that of the king.

Because even kings want to marry their daughters to heroes, not nobles.

And gods also need heroes.

Because heroes are the best spice for their entertainment.

What they like is to watch the heroes overcome the difficulties they set, and then become famous.

"So, the gods... are really arrogant."

Su Mo made such remarks.

This surprised Artemis who followed.

"Why does God think so?"

What she feared was that Chronos would be malicious to the gods of Olympus.

Cronos is not Cronos.

The power of the super-primitive god is simply not something that the gods on earth can beat.

Even gathering all the gods, for Chronos, it is just a move.

Powerful gods are afraid of gods.

In the eyes of gods, humans are ants.

But in the eyes of Chronos, what is the difference between gods and ants?

"How many of the heroes of mankind are created by gods?"

He left that question to Artemis.

how many?

Not to mention other places, just here in Greece, almost all famous heroes have a figure standing behind them.

That is god!

You can be a hero because the gods allow you to be a hero.

"To be honest, I kind of hate heroes..."

Su Mo was standing on the top of a mountain.

He was watching as a human with a large axe chopped down a huge wild boar.

Behind this human being, there is also a god...

As for who...

"Is that what God thinks like this?"

Artemis thought for a while, if Chronos hated heroes, the result would be different.

Today is different from the past, Chronos came to the ground.

If you are on the ground, you will inevitably encounter humans, and you will also encounter heroes who have won and won glory.

The gods are willful, and they are likely to choose to punish a large number of people because of a small matter.

Even if it contains a lot of innocent people.

The huge wild boar, which was almost dying, didn't know where it came from, and directly faced the human who was about to become a hero.

The tusks of the wild boar penetrated directly into his chest, dealing a fatal blow to him.

Then he ran away with injuries.

As for that human...

After receiving such a serious blow to the chest, he was basically dead.

It was obvious that he was going to win, but the ending turned out to be like this.

He didn't become a hero, he just became a victim.

A victim in the hands of a god.

"I didn't say that, there can be no heroes. If there are no heroes in this world, it will be much boring, Artemis."

Su Mo looked at the hunting goddess speechlessly.

It's true that he hates heroes, but what's the point of the world without heroes?

And here is the Greek mythology rich in heroes.

"Sorry, I'm busy."

The person who caused the wild boar to kill was Artemis standing beside Su Mo.

As for the god who was watching all this from behind, he was still a little annoyed when he first realized that it was the goddess of hunting.

I was going to talk to her about the theory, but after seeing Chronos by her side, I gave up this plan

Not all gods are as bold as her.

All the gods are still afraid of Chronos, and very few of them dare to meet him.

Artemis dared to appear in front of Chronos.

They dare not...

"Forget it, he's just a little-known human anyway."

It's still a long time before those mainstream heroes debut.

So Artemis prevented the birth of a hero with no serious consequences at all.

Anyway, without this person, there is the next person who will come to crusade the wild boar.

After being seriously injured, if the huge wild boar wants to recover, it will not be so easy.

At that time, it will be easier to be attacked. .

Chapter 7 The God Who Walks the World in the Name of Man

Heroes are cheap, because there are always people on the road to becoming heroes for honor, wealth, and women.

In fact, if Su Mo was also a mortal, when he came to this world, he probably wanted to be a hero for the first time.

Because there is only this way that can make him stand out from the mortals.

Otherwise, it can only disappear into the long river of history.

But luckily, he was no ordinary mortal.

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