After all, even Atalanta herself admitted that she was not as smart as Athena.

In this world, there are very few people who can surpass the goddess of wisdom in terms of wisdom.

But Athena was wrong this time...

And the reason for the failure is so unimaginable...

To put it simply, the goal of the calculation was even more stupid than expected, and he couldn't even find his way home.

Therefore, the series of operations prepared earlier were all in vain.

"It doesn't matter! Even if I fail this time, I still have other ways to find Thetis."

This time, she was indeed wrong.

But the problem is not entirely on her. As the child of Thetis, Achilles, who even forgot her mother's residence, is obviously more problematic!

"But when Achilles finds Hercules, the truth will come out. What do you think she will think of you, a lying god?"

Being deceived by the gods, then no matter who will be angry, right?

Especially, looking at the demigod of Achilles, he seems to be a grumpy person.

Once the truth is discovered, there is no doubt what impulsive things will be done.

At that time, it may not be so simple to solve.

"I said, I don't care about this, on the contrary... Atalanta, you have to believe me, I will find Thetis, after all, both you and I want to know the truth, don't you? "

Athena does have other options at the moment.

But it just didn't have the right opportunity to implement it.

"Why don't you call your sister?"

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call this kind of thing Artemis.

After all, Artemis is the god of the moon.

Everything that happened at night could not escape her eyes.

"This matter involves Su Mo, to put it simply... Artemis is a more troublesome woman than Hera, what do you think... what will she do when she finds out that Su Mo has an illegitimate child? ?"

What else can I do?

Hera had sent two poisonous snakes to kill Hercules.

As the most willful goddess, Artemis is estimated to come directly to the door and blow Achilles' head.

"It seems to be..."

After all, Artemis might have attacked Achilles even if it was just suspicion.

If the final answer was different from what they expected, wouldn't it be a manslaughter?

So let's find out the truth...

Furthermore, the role of Artemis may not really work.

"But... I remember, my brother said before that he may have something to do with another goddess, isn't it... That goddess, did my sister say anything?"

"..." Athena was silent.

Could she not know who Atalanta was talking about?

There are only a few gods of the opposite sex who are related to Su Mo.

What can be said directly from his mouth, isn't it Ananke?

That terrifying goddess of fixed numbers!

The relationship with Su Mo is even more complicated than his relationship with Artemis.  …

"That's purely because Artemis couldn't beat her at all."

If you can beat it, what else is there to do with Ananke?

Just blow it up!

But Ananke's strength is too strong.

It is even on the same level as the God of Time.

Therefore, they have no chance to resist at all.

Just accept it silently.

Fortunately, the relationship between Ananke and Su Mo was not as good as they thought.

In other words... the results show that they are still very satisfied.

"Is Ananke's strength really that strong?"

"Of course she is powerful. According to Su Mo's description, she is a god from outside the world, and she is above the world. Once she enters, the world will be forced to adapt to her existence, and it will directly change history, as well as our cognition."

Directly changing history, as well as cognition...

This is the most serious and the most terrifying.

Athena learned a lot of news from Grefia's mouth.

For example, Ananke went to her world to make trouble.

At the first moment of her arrival, the whole world was forced to accept her existence directly. 5.7

Except for her, and Su Mo's faithful angel, almost all creatures have been changed.

Except for those human infants who themselves are cognitively deficient, as well as beasts and plants.

"So, as long as she is stronger than her sister, then she can only accept it?"

As long as it is stronger than Artemis...

But can Artemis, the goddess of hunting, be weak?

Her strength is absolutely unquestionable.

It's definitely different from a vase like Aphrodite.

"That's the truth, and in this land, we also believe in this ordinance, the strong have everything!"

Athena's words are not the kind of gods with extraordinary physics.

However, her power is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary gods.

But more prominently, or wisdom. .

Chapter 310 In my lifetime, are you still online?

"As you might expect, Athena went looking for Lady Thetis."

Gulei Feiya reported today's news to Su Mo.

However, this information was already known to him.

"Everything is normal, except that she will call Atalanta, which I didn't expect."

However, even if Atalanta was added, it would have no effect.

"The Age of Gods will finally come to an end, and this showdown between the great heroes is the last scene."

After that, all other gods will disappear from this world.

"The era of mankind will usher in the dawn, and the Holy Grail War I've been waiting for for so long is finally here."

After the end of the Age of Gods, the Greek gods naturally followed Gaia's will and went to the universe created by Chronos, and the gods of other gods would naturally disappear gradually.

"Gurefia, are you interested in going to Europe with me later?"

"Of course."

As a servant, shouldn't you be able to respond to your master's call at any time?

Only by following the master's side can he be able to accept his orders in time.

As for where she is, she doesn't care that much anyway.

"I don't want to ask, what am I going to do?"

Europe... of course there are also gods there.

Nordic god system, that is also a very famous god system.

It's just that Su Mo went to Northern Europe later, not to find the Nordic gods.

After all, there is an acquaintance there.

"There is a famous king there."

"King Arthur?"

Grafia understood at once.

If the most famous hero of Greece, it must be Hercules.

So if you want to say the most famous king in Europe, it must be King Arthur.

The legendary king of knights... This is something she has never had a chance to see.

But in this world where even gods still exist, the legend of King Arthur probably hasn't started so soon, right?

"But having said that, Atalanta, who was successfully reincarnated, can we still chat now?"

"???" Gurefia looked at Su Mo with a puzzled expression.

Can't understand what he meant.


Isn't that already a god?

Or... that mortal with the same name as Lord Chronos' sister, Atalanta?


Chronos: @Greekfastest huntress

Chronos: Sure enough, it's gone...

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