Not even as good as Medusa's two sisters. .

Chapter 288 Atalanta who became a master craftsman

"Is there no goal to pursue that makes it difficult for you to make further progress?"

Atta looked at the student who had just accepted with a headache.

This is his student, of course... the other party is also called Atalanta.

It's another world... no!She should be the Atalanta of this world now~.

Since she chose to be reborn in this world, she has no connection with the previous world - anything.

"You can't run fast enough..."

Is this Atalanta because her life is so smooth that her growth is not as good as her original self?

"You're so happy."

This Atalanta has a complete family, has loving parents, and is usually interested in hunting occasionally, which is different from a hunter like her.

It stands to reason that they are all Atalanta, so the potential should be the same, right?

There is no such thing as a stronger Atalanta.

Just myself... a little bit luckier.

"Let's do it first, I should have reached the limit."

Ta Miao glanced at the woman who taught her own hunting.

I have to admit, whether in arrows or hunting.

She is so good that she is completely beyond her reach.

With such a powerful female hunter appearing here, Ta Miao was very shocked.

But in addition to the shock, there is also some doubts.

Although a child is inherently simple, her vigilance is still there. Although this female hunter who appeared inexplicably has not shown any malice so far.

In addition, the skills she taught were indeed very useful, so Ta Miao didn't say anything.

After all, a huntress who appeared here inexplicably is really suspicious.

Not to mention that she has hunting skills that are difficult for ordinary people to match.

Of course, this does not rule out that the hunters from the outside world are more powerful.

After all, she had never left the village.

I don't know how strong the hunters outside are.

But there is definitely no such strong hunter in the village.

"I think I can train a bit more."

Perhaps it was because the other party seemed to hate iron but not steel, which made her a little unconvinced.

"It's unnecessary. At this stage, you... that's all you can do."

This Atalanta is very sad!

Not only because I cherish life very much, so I can't take life out to exercise at all.

Therefore, her current ability is not as good as before, or even worse than when she was not reincarnated earlier.

"Can you tell me why?"

Seeing that she seemed to be leaving, Ta Miao asked.

"Because you cherish yourself too much. In order to have the speed I am now, I ran as hard as I could, and it ended several times until I fainted from exhaustion."

In contrast, this Atalanta...

She has no direction to pursue, hunting or something is just a hobby.

Therefore, it is impossible to constantly surpass yourself for these reasons.

Maybe...she really felt that plainness was the most suitable for her at first.

"Atalanta, go back and think about it... why did you choose to hunt, and why did you like to run?"

Soon... she also disappeared into the woods.

Ta Miao looked at the forest where there was no human figure, and was full of curiosity in her heart.

Walking into the woods, people will disappear. What is the situation?

"Am I cherishing myself too much?"

Ta Miao looked at her hands...

You have already practiced very hard, but why is it still like this?

So how much vigorous exercise does it take to satisfy her?

"It's okay to cherish yourself~"

Su Mo's figure suddenly appeared behind Ta Miao.

The sudden sound also startled her.

But when he turned around and saw it was him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord Chronos..."

This mysterious and unpredictable god appeared again.

"Excessive exercise is not good... Atalanta, the body is the capital. Don't be misled by her."

"But... the master told me that she had fainted in order to increase her speed."

This is already very serious.

In order to increase his speed, he has already done it to such an extent.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Running until she fainted was something she had never thought about.

Perhaps it is only with such training that we can have the speed like her?

"Her own way of exercising doesn't apply to you."

If she used her exercise method, then this Atalanta might really be finished.

Because this Atalanta didn't have the same firm belief as hers.

"Do you know her?"

This god seems to know the master craftsman...

Although Ta Miao doesn't know much about her teacher, she always feels a little familiar.

"Knowing...or very familiar, but...haven't you guessed it? It stands to reason...such an obvious feature, it should be easy to guess, she obviously didn't add any influence to your cognition. technique."

...... 0

Ta Miao looked at him suspiciously.

According to what he said, could it be that he knew the master before?

"Forget it, it's okay if you don't know each other, it's not a big problem, but I have to remind you... Atalanta, you are suitable for living here, in this small village, not leaving here..."

If she is allowed to get out of here, she will inevitably embark on this road of adventure again.

Neither a hero nor an adventurer is suitable for Atalanta.

The dull life she wanted will also be gone forever.


Su Mo's words made her even more puzzled.

It is not suitable to leave the village. Is it possible that after leaving the village, there will be some big trouble?

"What you should be an ordinary life. Your parents are ordinary people, and you will not be forced to take an extraordinary path."

My sister, because of herself, has embarked on an extraordinary path.

This Atalanta doesn't need to be like her.

She is also Atalanta, a similar, yet different Atalanta.

"Then Lord Chronos, do I need to... continue to study with the master?"

Su Mo raised her brows: "It's okay to study properly. After all, it's not bad for you to simply become a hunter. I'll go back and chat with her. After all, you're just an ordinary person." Yi.

Chapter 289 Serafuru: Isn't it bad to change your body?

"You don't seem to be thinking about how to teach students."

Su Mo's voice broke Atalanta who was thinking.

"Brother, you said...she may not need to train like I did."

"Did you just hear it?"


She is not too far away, and since she has become a god, she naturally listens farther away.

What's more, this is her place of belief...

It is normal to listen to the hearts of believers, let alone hear the conversation between these two people directly.

"Actually, you can relax a little bit. There's no need to waste so much energy teaching her. After all, as long as she doesn't leave this area, Atalanta will never need that kind of strength."

Although there may be some beasts, such as lions and wild boars, "one seventy" is not a dangerous thing for Ta Miao.

"But what if...she leaves?"

In the past, although she also believed in things like fate, at least she didn't care too much, but now it's different.

After becoming a god, she knew more clearly how terrible fate was.

That is the power that truly dominates all things.

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