Not only the beauty god Aphrodite was shocked.

Even Atalanta is...

She had never imagined that the gods were so active on land.

Once... She could only know the existence of gods from the descriptions of her brother and sister.

But now... just a chance to go out.

She saw three gods!

"I'm surprised to see your appearance, is this the first time I have taken you?"

Being rejected can have such a big reaction.

If Su Mo showed her contempt for her again.

So is she going to go crazy?

Aphrodite was really surprised that someone would reject their love.

But fortunately...

She was still able to control her emotions.

Don't go crazy all of a sudden.

"I've never met someone like you."

After being rejected, Aphrodite became more interested in Su Mo.

Perhaps this proves a word.

'Can't get it, always in commotion! '

Su Mo did not agree to her request, but aroused her desire to win even more.

"Then you see it now."

Because he is not afraid of gods, he has never had any so-called reverence.

Here...these gods are weaker than him.

It wasn't worth his care at all.

"Since you reject my love, then... it's impossible to reject desire, right?"

Aphrodite stepped in and reached out to touch his face.

Seeing this, Atalanta slapped her outstretched palm away.

"Brother has already said it, he refused!"

For some reason, the goddess in front of her.

When she saw it for the first time, she hated this person very much.

As if he was born at odds with this god.

Atalanta didn't understand why.

But since it is a disgust born of a heart!

Then just hate her to the fullest!

"You really don't know the so-called little devil!"

Facing Su Mo, Aphrodite could calm down and treat her well.

Because that's her goal.

But Atalanta is not...

"Are you ready to accept divine punishment? Kid!"

On Mount Olympus, Artemis took the bow and the arrow. .

Chapter 38 You... Who are you?

Facing the wrath of God, Atalanta was still somewhat afraid.

Maybe it's because I've heard too many stories about gods.

Artemis may not have sensed what the stories she told mean to a mortal.

And Su Mo... but it was also because those things had nothing to do with him.

Even if he was a little unhappy occasionally, he didn't say anything.

After all, it has passed.

Even if the past can be changed, it still happened.

Changed the past, other people have no memory, but he still has.

So just don't change it.

But for Atalanta, those stories told her how self-willed these so-called gods were.

It is completely possible to directly bring the punishment down to the human world because of one's own dislike.

It's up to humans to accept these punishments...

If Aphrodite wanted to attack Atalanta.

Then Su Mo will definitely take action to stop this person.

Fortunately, there is another goddess watching this scene.

On Mount Olympus, Artemis had already aimed at Aphrodite's head.

This arrow will definitely hurt this arrogant beauty.

but not dying...

Because the gods are all powerful immortals.

It is precisely because of this immortality that most gods have no fear.

Unless you have the ability to kill the gods, attacking the flesh of the gods is of little use.

But this so-called immortality is in the eyes of Chronos.

Are all the same.

He could have shot directly, then killed Aphrodite completely, and then was noticed by the gods on Mount Olympus.

In this case, perhaps the fear from Chronos is about to descend on the heads of the gods again.

There is no loss for him to reveal his identity.

Just behind Atalanta.

A golden streamer came flying directly from Mount Olympus.

It just hit Aphrodite's chest and pinned her to the ground.

The speed was so fast that there was no chance for her to react at all.

Su Mo watched the whole process.

Atalanta was just a blink of an eye.

I saw that the goddess who was standing was now lying on the ground.

And on her chest, there is a golden arrow.

Because of the mercy of the goddess of hunting.

So the arrow didn't hit her in the head.

but the chest.

Maybe it's because I'm worried that I have to go to the underworld to find her later.


Aphrodite, who was pinned to the ground, looked at the direction of Mount Olympus with a look of resentment.

The power of this arrow is very obvious.

And besides Apollo, the only famous archer on the mountain was Artemis.

Anger kept growing in her heart.

But with her strength, she couldn't pull out the arrow from her chest.

This is not an ordinary arrow, but an artifact...

The full blow of Artemis can even open a huge hole in the surface.

The arrow did not destroy her body...

be lucky.

Su Mo and Atalanta continued on their way home.

The beauty god who was hit by the arrow looked annoyed at this man and walked in front of him like this.

"I curse you..."

"You dog man and woman!"

Feeling that the girl had the blessing of Artemis, the beauty god Aphrodite was very angry.

It is even suspected that this beautiful man was specially designed by Artemis to design himself.

"It's so humiliating, I really can't stand it."

Su Mo, who had left, appeared in front of Aphrodite again.

It's just that the current him, Atalanta is not by his side.

"Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty? Your face is indeed very beautiful, but it seems that it is not enough to attract me."

Artemis also walked slowly and stood beside Su Mo.

With a smile, she looked at Aphrodite who was pinned to the ground by herself.

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