Could it be possible to lie?

"That's because... I can't guarantee that he won't lie."

Even the gods lied, so Athena simply couldn't give her the right answer.

Atalanta wanted to know whether this was the right answer, or she had to judge for herself.

The Goddess of Wisdom can give a person the right direction, but not the absolute direction.

Athena's wisdom is not high enough to understand all the gods.

"Do you want to accept his commission? Let me state in advance that the commission is not easy to complete. It is difficult to achieve it if you are alone."

Athena naturally knew of Prometheus's commission.

It was because he knew that he knew how difficult this commission was.

It might be a little easier if it was left to the gods, but if it was for humans to do it themselves.

So it's not that difficult.

Zeus might have ignored it for the sake of Chronos, but even the king of the gods ignored it.

It doesn't mean that she can do it easily.

"I have confidence in myself. From childhood to adulthood, I have lived under the care of my elder brother, so I have some confidence in reaching out to myself."

Since she said so, then there is no need for Athena to persuade any more.

This kid should go his own way.

Shouldn't live under Su Mo's arrangement all the time.

Since he didn't come forward to stop it this time, it also means that he acquiesced to this matter.

"It's really enviable, the brother-sister relationship between you."

"What did you say?"

Atalanta didn't understand Athena's whisper, so she asked.

She took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to Atalanta.

"When you go to the Underworld, you need to cross the River Styx. The god who controls the River Styx is an ancient god. He will only cross the undead to cross the river... But if you give enough money, it's not that he can't break his own rules. ."

To put it bluntly, money can make a ghost run the mill.

Although Charon is not a ghost, he will not refuse to cross the river.

Because after crossing the river, they have to face a very vicious beast.

Any human being is a piece of white flesh in front of it.

Atalanta has some skills, but...the extent to which she can do it is still very exciting.

"I see, thanks."

Atalanta took Athena's gift.

This was the first time she had come into contact with so many gold coins.

In the past, even my elder brother might not have... had such a big bag of gold coins.

Although knowing this gold coin is nothing to him.

"You're welcome, if you really take that thing back, it's not a bad thing, and more importantly... Tartarus has left the lowest level of the underworld, even if Hades knows you're gone, it is estimated that It won't stop you."

In the past, the reason why he prevented anyone from going to the deepest part of the underworld was because he was worried that someone would release the Titan God sealed there.

But now that Tartarus has left the underworld and went to the universe of Chronos, even if the Titan God lifts the seal, he will not be able to return.

So there is no need to worry at all.

Although she didn't know who Tartarus was, Atalanta knew that she only needed to know what she was taking.

"Afterwards, you can just give me your stuff."


"My relationship with Prometheus is not bad. You can't go wrong with it. Can't you trust me?"

Instead of letting her climb the Caucasus Mountains again, it is better to give it to Athena.

She can do what Prometheus wants to do anyway.

"……I see."

Atalanta nodded.

Although it is uncomfortable to see Athena, one thing is certain. 153

That is this goddess, it is quite reliable.

At least what she promised, she would accomplish.

Much more reliable than his sister.

"Go, it's night, Artemis is the moon god, she can light the way for you."

As for rest, it was unnecessary for Atalanta.

Because she values ​​efficiency more.

If it can be done as soon as possible, then there is no need to waste time.

It is precisely because of this that Atalanta did not stay here but left Mount Olympus as soon as possible to find the entrance to the underworld.

It is still the Age of Gods, so the underworld is not difficult to find, as long as you keep going down, you can enter the underworld.

But still have to follow the prescribed path.

Digging alone is unrealistic.

After Atalanta left, Su Mo, who was standing on a mountaintop, snapped her fingers.

The quiver behind her radiated a trace of fluorescence.

She just focused on her journey and didn't notice anything wrong.

"What a worrying child."

But... who made him want to worry about it?

The moonlight enveloped him, as if covered with a silver gauze.

This must be the work of Artemis. .

Chapter 273 Artemis: Want to be Beautiful

Holding a small boat, Hercules roamed the ocean.

Wang Yang, who sometimes caused huge waves, made his small boat sail very difficultly.

Not only does he have to worry that the waves will destroy his boat at any moment, but he also has to worry about getting lost in the sea.

Fortunately, both the sun and the moon are very conscientious.

There will be no such picture of rising in the west and falling in the east.

It is not difficult to find the direction at will.

So the next thing he needs to worry about is whether the food on the boat can support him back on land.

I don't know if raw seafood can be imported...

In the sea, and it is still a boat, he has no fire to cook food.

"Today's moon is extraordinarily round..."

I don't know what's going on, but it's fine now.

"you are still alive?"

The voice suddenly came from behind, which directly startled Hercules.

He turned around and saw that... Artemis was standing at the stern, looking at himself in surprise.

"Goddess Artemis?!"

To be able to see the goddess in this sea... This is simply unparalleled luck.

Besides, Hercules himself was very eager to go back at the moment, and now that he saw the goddess, he was even more happy in his heart.

With the help of the goddess, isn't it easy to return to the land?

"You answer my question first, why are you still alive?"

According to the judgment of the gods, Hercules should have died.

Why can I still watch him appear on the sea now.

If she hadn't observed it carefully for a while, she wouldn't be sure, this was Hercules!

He actually still carried a trace of... strange breath on his body.

It didn't look like the atmosphere that would appear here at all.

"I was rescued by a goddess named Ananke who asked me to..."

Just when Hercules was about to tell the truth.

He froze suddenly.

How to explain to Artemis?

If you guessed correctly, she was also present in the original battle.

Then he just stared at himself and slashed Chronos with a sword?

If so...would she be angry?

Although it was said that the person who slashed Chronos was himself, but that was also to save the world.

Hercules fell silent.

He knows very well that goddesses are very difficult to serve.

When they arise, they will not reason with people like this.

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