The dead are also remembered by name.

Living heroes, their deeds are widely spread.

This also aroused the jealousy of some who were not able to board the Argonaut.

At the beginning, if they could also board this ship.

Then maybe their names will be added to the list of praises now.

But unfortunately... either because of their strength or because of their connections, they were not able to board the Argonaut.

So out of revenge.

Rumors arose that the Argo was a cursed ship.

No one knows who this came from.

But there is one thing that most people agree with.

That is……

The hero who set foot on the Argonaut did not end well.

Maybe they can go home with honors!

But in the end it won't have a happy ending.

It’s okay to die on the road of adventure, and even some people died due to various accidents after the adventure ended.

For such rumors, Jason has not yet known.

I don't know who is behind the scenes.


"Sister! I... I met a goddess!"

Atalanta took the initiative to find Artemis.

For Ananke's news, she still needs to verify it.

Now that she believes [*]% of the time, she still doesn't want to believe it until she gets a definite acknowledgement.

My brother... actually found another woman behind the back of Sister Artemis? !

No...if it's in chronological order.

Then the fixed number goddess may be the earliest.

My sister is the real latecomer.

"Goddess? Although the goddess on Mount Olympus is a little less than the male god... But it's not difficult to see it."

"Yes... is the Goddess of Numbers..."

Atalanta uttered the title.


The next moment, Artemis was silent.

She had already learned the news of this goddess from Athena's mouth.

"It's okay...they shouldn't care."

If that's the case, then the person who stole the house should be me!

Artemis confirmed this fact more and more.

But is there a problem with the memory of the Great God? .

Chapter 258 The God Who Gives Up His Power

Chronos had no corresponding memory of Ananke, the goddess of determination.

This in itself is a very strange thing.

For Ananke, this was a stranger thing than the fact that he would choose to transform into a human form and enter the world.

So she decided to find out the truth.

And called Athena.

Although the goddess of wisdom is far from being as thorough as she is, she is worse than the fact that she has a good relationship with Chronos in human form.

Coupled with a lot of wisdom, he is indeed a better candidate than Artemis.

So she already knew that Artemis would not pass.

Athena would definitely choose to meet her because of this, which was within Ananke's expectations.

Even if she doesn't want to go, she will go to the temple of Chronos because of necessity, and then meet her.

Change the fate of a goddess, or a choice.

Too easy for Ananke.

There is no difficulty.

Athena is a smart guy.

Artemis is not so important in comparison.


"The troublesome things are really one after another..."

Knowing that Athena is going to really follow Ananke's orders to investigate herself.

Su Mo's heart was full of depression.

Because this kind of action is of no use at all.

Even if you want to knock on the side, it is impossible.

Why should you care about what's going on with him?

Don't remember Ananke... Does she really care that much?

He is Chronos...

But not the Chronos of the past.

The memories of the past are all left.

So how could it be possible to remember what happened with Ananke at the beginning?

Maybe she really just wanted to see Atalanta.

So after the goodbye, Ananke returned to the Temple of Chronos.

It seemed that she planned to live there for a long time.

Next, we don't see each other.

As for the Temple of Chronos...

Anyway, no one went back, right?

After that sacrifice, the gods never went there again.

Anyway, if you want to avoid touching yourself, try not to touch yourself.

This is what the gods think...

In order to avoid getting into trouble, they avoided him as much as possible who might cause trouble.

It was indeed a wise decision...

And it just so happened that they didn't want to see Chronos.

And Su Mo himself has no interest in paying attention to them.

However, what the gods are worried about recently is that even if they know the truth, Athena and Artemis still don't have any idea of ​​​​drawing a line with him.

Especially Artemis, who knew about Chronos early in the morning, and clearly knew that it was the legendary super god, so he didn't have any pressure to post it backwards.

And now he has become a close friend of him.

If it is not blocked, then it is estimated that after a while, the two will really become.

For this matter, Hera is very happy to see it.

If you can win the favor of Chronos in this way, it is naturally not a loss.

And Artemis wasn't her child either.

So she was even more happy to see it.

Even Zeus can be said to have admitted this.

Although such a move would not allow them to win over Chronos, it could also win the favor of this god.

Perhaps because of the existence of Chronos, it was too far beyond the limit.

So they don't even dare to raise the idea of ​​winning over.

I just felt that even a little favor was enough.

It's also a blessing that Chronos is not someone like Zeus, otherwise... I guess he wants to send other daughters there.

"Zeus...I want to return the position of the Lord God"."

Hestia found Zeus sitting on the golden throne.

"Miss, you are..."

Zeus was very surprised that she wanted to hand over one of the main gods.

Because of this, it means that Mount Olympus will lose the second main god!

There are only eleven main gods left now, and now if Hestia handed over the position of the main god.

Isn't there only ten left?

"I've already figured it out, maybe Mount Olympus is not suitable for me, and I rarely participate in the meetings of the gods on weekdays... So I'd better hand over this position and let someone more suitable."

"...If this is your will, then I will not refuse."

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