One of the most terrifying gods.

A normal person should know that this is not to be offended.

Especially those who have been victimized by Lord Chronos.

"Makes sense."

Atta was persuaded.

If something really went wrong with Serafuru, or if that wasn't the real Serafuru.

Then it will definitely show its feet.

Even if she digs through the secret, it is not necessarily the other party who dares to do it.

"Come and help me too!"

Compared to himself who has been under the protection of his brother.

This other Atalanta, obviously has more experience.

So she really needs the help of the other party.

After all, being able to see the difference in Serafuru is enough to show that the other party has an insight that is not inferior to his own.

It's just that because she was familiar with Serafuru, she didn't immediately feel that something was wrong.

Ananke walked around the garden of Artemis's palace.

Although the clothes that were out of tune with other people brought her a lot of strange eyes.

But she didn't care.

This kind of behavior that can only express her beauty through the outer lining, she no longer needs it.

Just do enough cover up and you'll be fine.

"Obviously I know everything, but after touching it, I can still feel a little different."

The feeling of knowing and touching with one's hands is really completely different.

Perhaps it was because of this body that she was a guest here, so no one would stop her from moving.

But today... Artemis' garden is extraordinarily lively. .

Chapter 255 Ananke: You should also call me sister

For the hunting goddess who likes hunting and nature, a beautiful garden is indispensable.

So around her palace, there is a big garden.

In the face of these gorgeous flowers, perhaps just smelling the fragrance of the flowers can make people feel comfortable.

"The child who loves nature is very beautiful."

Ananke looked behind him.

She saw a goddess approaching.

"Hestia? Do you like the flowers here too?"

The person who came to the garden of Artemis was Hestia, the god of the kitchen.

"Well... the flowers here are very beautiful, much better than Aphrodite's where there are only simple roses...~"

Hestia was also sitting on the haystack.

Although she is Artemis' aunt, she is not old at all, more like a young girl.

"Are you the new Nymph Maid?"

For Serafuru...

Hestia is very strange.

Because I haven't met.

And Serafuru, who was in the garden, did not show any terrifying aura.

In addition, it doesn't play well with other main gods.

Therefore, she is also very unfamiliar with the Goddess of Determination.

Or don't know at all...

After all, she has stayed in the world for a long time, and she hasn't come back much recently, and she came here today just to take a look at Artemis' garden.

"It's not, I'm just... a guest here."

Because of Atalanta, Serafuru was indeed staying here.

As for how long you can stay, it's hard to say.

Maybe it will continue until the Age of God subsides.


If that's the case, then it's really weird.

Would Artemis have such friends too?

Hestia observed Ananke once.

Although the appearance looks youthful and lively, but... the temperament is very noble, or... it is simply an upgraded version of Hera.

Can youth, liveliness, and dignified elegance really coexist in one person?


"Where are you from?"

Since it is a guest, then nine times out of ten, it is also a god, right?

Although Hestia seldom came into contact with gods other than the main god, she still knew quite a few gods.

But the one in front of him had no impression at all.

This is very strange.

A guest of Artemis, she should not be unfamiliar.

"I am a god from beyond."

Out of the sky... this has to be vigilant.

Although the memory is a little fuzzy, the white giant god once brought them a lot of trouble.

If this one is also a god from outside the sky...

So I can't tell if it's good or bad.

"Don't be so vigilant. If you have to say it, I should be in the same category as Chronos. I have no interest in you gods."

Even microorganisms can more or less have a little impact on the human body.

But these gods... no matter how many they were, they wouldn't pose any harm to her.

There are no pros and cons to speak of.

If you have to say it, it is worthless.

No wonder Hestia was completely uninterested in the past.


If you have a relationship with Chronos, then you need to be more vigilant.

What kind of existence will this woman in front of you look like?

Primal God?

"Speaking of which, you have also had contact with him."

Ananke got up and walked towards Hestia.

"I can see the thread entwined with Chronos on you, although it is very light... But it is undeniable... You have had close contact with him!"

"No! It's impossible! I've only seen Chronos twice! And both times, he's standing far away!"

So that so-called contact is absolutely false!

How could a god like Chronos have come into contact with him?

"Who knows... when he met you, did he use the person Chronos?"

She showed an inexplicable smile.

What made Hestia tingle was her scalp.

There is always a look of being seen through.


Have you ever been in contact with Chronos?

Who is that? !

She is a goddess who is afraid of life, so Hestia has seen very few gods.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

After the appearance of Chronos, even fewer gods have been seen.

After eliminating the twelve main gods, there are even fewer gods that have been seen.

"What's your relationship with Chronos?"

Since you can't think of it in a short time, then don't think about it for now.

First ask, what is the relationship between this person and Chronos like.

Or...she is the original god created by Chronos?

But... it stands to reason that all the primitive gods should go to that universe?

There should be no other primitive gods on the surface, right?

But soon...

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