She will definitely avoid the two super gods far away.

"Is it some unknown little god?"

If even Athena didn't know.

Then it may indeed be some unknown little god.

"It's true that she's unknown, but she's not a little god."

5.7 That is the top god who exists on the same level as Chronos!

It is simply not an existence that the so-called Lord God can match.

"Not a little god?"

Artemis was a little puzzled, if not a minor god.

Then why has she never heard of it.

Haven't you heard from God?

"Is it some kind of powerful god?"

It shouldn't be... Among the primitive gods, there is no such god.

Other gods who are not the main gods are probably not qualified to reach the higher gods recognized by Athena.

"It is indeed a very, very powerful god."

"How powerful?"

A god who could be so praised by Athena.

Could it be... as strong as the Lord God? !

"Probably the kind of god whose strength and status are very close to Chronos.".

Chapter 252 Facing the Goddess of Definite Numbers

A god whose strength is close to that of Chronos.

So this Ananke is really a terrifying statement.

A god who is close to Chronos in strength and status.

In any case, Artemis at the moment has no idea of ​​​​comparing with her.

After all, she's not really stupid.

A god comparable to Chronos.

So that she can't solve it by fooling around.

"How did you know this god?"

How did Athena know about a god that even she didn't know?

It's impossible to come up with random thoughts, right?

"Kronos himself told me."

"Why didn't he tell me?"

Why did you have to tell Athena?Instead of speaking to the closer self?

Kind of suspicious!

"... That's because you didn't stay by his side at all, so it's impossible for him to come over and tell you in person, right?"


If this is the case, then it can explain why Athena knows more than she does. 09

Because in the past few days, she has not been with the Great God at all, so I don't know, this is normal.


"You know everything, is it because you've been following him lately? Why have you been following him all the time?"

For Artemis' question, Athena looked at her with a speechless expression.

"That's because of the plan to slay monsters. It was originally proposed by Chronos to me, and it was the weapon I brought to defeat monsters. Isn't it strange that I followed him?"

"It's you, Artemis, who do nothing all day, and haven't even seen you go out hunting recently!"

The goddess who likes hunting most, Artemis is very longing for freedom.

But recently, she has become a nerd.

Don't you think it's strange that Artemis, who is so abnormal, is asking about her suspiciousness at the moment?

doubt about her.

Artemis showed a distressed expression.

"I think so too, but I'm just waiting for an opportunity."

The opportunity that Artemis has been waiting for must not be easy, right?

"What kind of opportunity made you wait so long?"


"Did you come here so openly?"

Feeling the movement inside his temple, Chronos also turned his attention.

Then I saw Ananke wearing the skin of Serafuru.

Just stay in your own temple.

He even made a statue of himself.

Although it is not holding a tool, it can be considered to be hand-carved, right?

Out of curiosity about this goddess, he took the initiative to come to the inside of the temple.

Also as a super god, even if she only carried a small part of the power at the moment, she still noticed the arrival of someone at the first time.

In particular, there is still no hidden entry here.

"What's the matter with your resentful woman-like look?"

As soon as he came in, he saw Serafuru, or Ananke in Seraflu's skin was looking at him with a resentful look.

"According to the times thousands of years later, facing a cheating husband... shouldn't I show this expression?"

cheating husband?

Su Mo's mouth twitched.

"But the problem is, I have not made a breakthrough with Artemis and the others. Your so-called cheating is not true."

Even if it's cheating, then at least something has to happen, right?

But he's not doing anything right now.

"It's true, it's a pity that I can't see your fate, otherwise it would definitely be a derailment."

Even if it didn't happen.

But as long as it is determined in fate, it must happen.

But the existence of Chronos is not governed by fate, nor is it determined by a fixed number.

So whether he will cheat or not depends on what he will do.

But according to the current situation, the possibility is very high!

It's almost a done deal.

Ananke would be bound by Chronos' time.

But her power is far beyond the world, so she will not be bound by the time of the world.

Nature is able to see the future and the past.

The two looked at each other.

"You're imitating humans?!"

Although she tried her best to make a gentle expression.

But Su Mo was still able to see the indifference of the other party from his deeper eyes.

Emotions exist, but they are so thin that they appear to be relatively few in relation to reason.

It's more rational.

It is completely different from his existence with strong humanity and divinity.

"Too much emotion will only make me make wrong judgments."

She is a god, a true god!

She is not a mortal, her emotions are very rich, but compared to the more intense divinity, it appears to be extremely small.

This kind of reason overwhelms the emotional gods.

It is almost impossible to do irrational things just for a moment.

So it's not like it was a whim to say..."Self-snatch" Serafuru's body came over to build a statue for herself, and to see herself.

It must have been considered.

But now... facing Ananke.

He wasn't ready yet.

Because there is no impression of this goddess at all.

"Then why are you here?"

It's impossible to do nothing, just to build a statue of 140 for yourself, right?

Although he is a top god, he is usually quite idle.


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