"Artemis is so worried about me, why are you so worried?"

afraid of what?

Afraid of greening Artemis?

Obviously, the relationship between the two of them has not developed to that stage yet.

"Master Artemis is not worried about you, but about those women."

Worried about those people secretly tempting Chronos.

"Then she... maybe ignored the most important person."

A person who is even more dangerous than the two rituals. .

Chapter 240 The Appearance of the Goddess of Destiny

On the Argonaut, which returned with honor, except for Jason, who was the captain, everyone else was very happy.

For Jason, this adventure is not as lucky as before.

This time, not only the best support Merlin left, but even a close friend like Hercules died here...

It made him despair.

After losing them, will he be able to continue his adventures~?

"Goddess Athena, is it possible for me to continue the adventure?"

After Jason came to shore, he asked Athena such a question.

Will he still be able to continue the adventure?

After the crusade against monsters, he felt that the usurped throne was not so important.

"It's up to you, whether or not to take the risk... is your own choice."

Of course, the gods can also choose for you.

But that ending would never be what he wanted.

For Jason, Athena is still quite optimistic.

Especially without Hercules.

But unfortunately, he is a mortal.

Still a cursed mortal.

She could almost foresee Jason's tragic future.

Especially this guy, who was cursed by Chronos.

"And what if I don't want to take the risk?"

"Then...you smash the Argonaut. If you don't destroy this ship, your adventure will not stop."

But... after hearing such words, he hesitated.


It's a pity, isn't it?

Although the loss this time is indeed very large, the Argo still carries many good memories.

"Can't you do it? If so, then you will continue your adventure until you die..."

Jason is also very pitiful.

The throne was taken away, and now I can't get it back. I want to accumulate enough voices for myself through the second adventure.

So that the uncle who usurped his throne could return it to him.

but now……

After losing his best friend, I don't know how hard it will be for him.

"This...I still need to think about it."

As the captain of the Argonaut, it is difficult for him to part with this big ship.

Jason's adventure wasn't over, and it wasn't time for him to stop.

"You still have a curse that needs to be lifted."

Yeah...and the curse.

The current curse has not been lifted yet.

"Do the leaves of the golden apple really have enough effect to relieve it?"

For this, Jason has some doubts.

If the leaves of the golden apple really have such an effect, then why has it been so long that I have not heard the news that the leaves of the golden apple tree can lift the curse?

"This is what Su Mo said. Since he said it...then it must be possible."

"What he said... must it be true?"

"Even if it's fake, it can become real after he admits it!"

Athena sighed.

Since it is stipulated by Chronos, can it still be fake?

"If you want to lift the curse on your body, you cannot avoid another adventure. Now that there is no Hercules, what you want to do... should be left to yourself."

"Golden Apple Tree..."

"I can't guide you in this adventure, because the place where the golden apple is located is far beyond my wisdom, including Zeus."

Not only Zeus, but also the gods under the original gods, it is impossible!

The universe of Chronos, the god of time, contains all the primordial gods.

Not even Zeus dared to break into it easily, let alone other humans.

Jason wanted to lift the curse of Chronos, so in addition to turning to Chronos himself, he had to look for the golden apple tree leaf that he gave him the power to lift the curse.

"You just need to tell me where the golden apple tree is, if it's a big deal, you won't be able to come back!"

"Not only can't you come back, even your soul can't come back, about this... don't you have any fear?"

"Even Zeus can't help me, so is fear useful?"

Although he said so, Jason's legs began to tremble.

Even Zeus can't help himself, who else can help himself?

Without God, he probably wouldn't even be able to go.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Zeus may not be able to help you, but Su Mo can!"

In the end Athena decided to give him a little guidance.

Anyway, the curse was placed by Chronos. He Jason asked Su Mo for a little help, so it's not an exaggeration, right?

"But you have to remember that he once helped Demeter, but at the cost... The god Chronos, who is also a headache for the gods, has begun to watch those gods. If you want to ask him for help."

Then the price to pay will definitely not be small...

Because Su Mo is not a benevolent god.

"He is the god of knowledge. He controls all knowledge. Any question can be answered by him... Go to him and you may get unexpected help."

.... 0

Unexpected help?

I want him to lift his curse, can he?

"Go, Jason, go to Mount Olympus! Where is the possibility of finding the golden apple tree above the temple on the mountain!"

Because there is a big universe inside!

A universe that cannot be exhausted even by the twelve main gods.

After giving Jason the answer, Athena left.

after she left.

Jason just remembered something important!

That is... where is Su Mo? !

He has already disembarked, okay?

Where should I go to find him now?

Not only Su Mo left.

The two Atalantas also left together.

Where should he go to find someone now? !


In the long river of fate...

A sleepy strong man slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around.

The indescribable space is far from the imagined underworld.

"Is this... the underworld?"

Isn't he dead?

The underworld...is that so?

But sooner a message was suddenly forced into his mind.

After a headache, he recovered.

"Goddess of Counting... Ananke?!"

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