I guess you are jealous.

"Me? Is there any?"

"Isn't it?"

Not only himself and Matthew, but also the goddess Athena...

You figure it out, that's a god!

How dare you show killing intent to the gods, how much do you want to die?

'If you stand in front of me, even God will kill you! '

This is the original words of the two ceremonies at the time.

When I heard it, I thought she was very handsome.

But afterward, I felt a burst of horror.


Liangyi, dare to threaten the gods?

Or Athena?

Are you so brave?

You know, the gods here... are not ordinary willfulness.

There are a lot of cursed heroes.

In the known history, there is no hero who has a good end and can live and die in peace.

"Let's change the subject. If one day, Su Mo is going to get married, but the bride is not you, what will you do?"

The two ceremonies raised their brows: "Bless him?"

Mash looked like she was hesitating to speak, and Fujimaru Rika glanced at her, and she held Taito's hand.

Is it bad to have a knife as soon as you wake up?

"Then... tell you good news, you now have the opportunity to bless him."

As soon as she said this, she felt that the air was a little colder.

How is this going?

Why does the surrounding environment feel cold?

"Is it a goddess?"

"Uh... yes."

In the two ceremonies showing the fierce light face to face, Fujimaru Rika nodded.

Is it so vicious? !

Didn't it say that it would be blessed?

Are you planning to use a knife to bless you?

"Is that so..."

She exhaled.

Then he got out of bed with the sword.

"I'm going out to get some air..."

How do you feel that you want to go out and see blood...

"Senior...Is it okay to let Liangyi go out like this?"

Matthew was still very worried.

Because... before the two rituals, one hand and one foot were lost.

It's back up now, but it's definitely still a little out of sync.

What if she went to trouble the gods and was punished?

As the hero of the crusade against the mastermind behind the scenes, it is impossible to watch her being dealt with by the goddess like this.

"Ma Xiu, Liang Yi said... She will bless Su Mo."

"...Do you really believe it?"

When you heard that just now, you knew it was fake, right?

Why is it so natural for seniors to be okay?

It was just two ceremonies, but he walked out of the door aggressively!

"Trust her rationality, even if the other party is the goddess Artemis."

"But I remember that the goddess Artemis is the most attentive god..."

Just as Mash was about to speak, Fujimaru Rika immediately covered her mouth.

Facing this sudden attack, Matthew was a little unclear, but he didn't dare to move at all.

Did you say something wrong?

"' 'Su Mo said, here... God's ears are very sensitive, and bad words will be heard."

Mash, whose mouth was covered, nodded, indicating that he was clear.

After walking out of the door, she came to the deck according to the route in her memory.

The Argo is on its way back.

With only ten crew members remaining, it is obviously not ideal to let the ship sail back.

So just let the gods use divine power to drive.

As a condition... he also stayed on the Argonaut.

It's just... Although the monsters were defeated, not many people were happy.

Just like Jason...

Hercules disappeared.

In his eyes, he was dead.

So it's sad...it's natural, right?

(Did you get it?) Even if he successfully defeated the monsters, he didn't feel that excited.

Rather lonely...

The last voyage also suffered heavy losses, but at least the person he cared about most was still fine.

"Oh? When you woke up, you came to me directly, because you were worried about some goddess around me?"

The two rituals noticed Su Mo and the two Atalantas beside him.

"Brother, who is this woman?"

Although it looks a little different, Atta feels that some don't like this person very much.

"It's a friend I just met."

Saying it's a friend is a bit of an improvement.

To be more precise, it should be someone you just met.

"It's a woman."

Ta Miao looked at the two ritual warehouses.

It is indeed in line with Artemis-sama's request.

Avoid any female approaching Lord Chronos.

This is the task of Artemis-sama. .

Chapter 234 Artemis...is a pervert?


"That's your fiancee?"

What happened to this era?

If I remember correctly, shouldn't the so-called Artemis be a virgin goddess?

Can a virgin be married?

Or... this era is actually that singular point, everyone except yourself is fake?

"Can a virgin be married?"

The two rituals looked at Ta Miao with a puzzled look.

For this question, Ta Miao was also speechless.

In her cognition, Artemis seems to be a goddess who does not marry?

Why do you suddenly want to get married now?

"The thoughts of Lord Artemis cannot be understood by humans."

After thinking about it, Ta Miao can only use such a sentence.

Is this problem serious?

It's serious, but can she handle it?


Neither Artemis nor Chronos can manage.

Plus, it was Artemis' freedom to marry or not.

She has no right to stop...

Although there is a feeling of broken faith.

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