Even the most chaste goddess has fallen. 5.7

So is there still a virgin goddess here?

"You underestimate me too much! Zeus!"

Hestia is a relatively Buddhist deity.

Therefore, it is more difficult for such gods to be attracted to the opposite sex.

The reason why Athena and Artemis fell.

That's because in her eyes, these are just two little girls.

It is normal for the little girl to have a little fantasy in her heart.

But she is a mature adult.

Not so easily seduced!

"If nothing else, then I'll leave."

As a kitchen god, Hestia did not stay here on Mount Olympus every day.

Although there is no Poseidon, there is still an Apollo here.

She doesn't want to be here. .

Chapter 202 Athena: He is a liar!

Athena did not leave Mount Olympus.

She was also on the mountain, but she didn't go to that meeting.

She came to the temple of Chronos alone.

This is extremely noble, and there is still a temple built by Hephaestus himself.

It is also a precious temple.

The temple didn't have a top, maybe because they all felt that nothing could cover Chronos?

Inside the temple, there are often Nymph maids who pass by them either to clean the dust or maintain the equipment here.

Although it is the temple of Chronos, time still flows here.


Athena whispered softly.

After discovering the truth, she realized how simple she was back then.

He had clearly recognized Chronos, but he was easily led astray.

"Isn't Chronos the god of time? Is there still someone in this world who doesn't even know knowledge?"

The omniscient God also includes all the knowledge of 09.

Callisto, cleaning the interior of the temple.

Naturally, she also found that Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was leaning on the pillar, staring at the empty temple and wondering what she was thinking.

"Nymph maid over there, what kind of god do you think Chronos is?"

Athena asked Callisto who was sweeping the floor.

"This... should be a great god, right?"

As a maid of Nymph, how dare she speak ill of the gods?

Plus Chronos... This is the god worshipped by the main god!

Although I don't know his legend.

But... being able to make Zeus kneel is something that most people and gods can't do.

"No! From now on, you just have to remember that he is just a liar! A very shameful liar god is enough! Liar more than Hermes!"

Athena corrected.


Callisto was speechless.

What can she do?

Even a liar, this is a god!

Does she dare to call the gods a liar?

I am afraid that even the ashes were raised after being heard.

"Goddess Athena... Excuse me, what have you been deceived by?"


Speaking of this, Athena hesitated.

What did Chronos deceive himself?

Doesn't seem to be there?

But is he a liar?

In Athena's view, he is a liar!

Hidden the truth, this is the biggest lie!


Even though it was Chronos, he was still playing boring games with him...


If he really got the knowledge of Chronos, wouldn't it be equivalent to... in exchange for his time?

"This is too much..."

The feelings of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, were deceived?

Callisto felt as if he had heard something he shouldn't have heard.

Can goddesses like Athena be deceived?

"It's too much, isn't it? The worst thing is that Artemis also likes him, your goddess!"


"Ah...ah... Lord Artemis?"

Was even Artemis cheated emotionally?

"Isn't that going too far? Am I cheating on your feelings?"

Su Mo walked into the temple.

found his coming.

Callisto was startled.

At this time, the only person who can say such a thing is Chronos himself, right?

This god...

Is it actually Chronos?

Take a closer look at his eyes...

In fact, it is still very similar to the eye in the sky at the time of the sacrifice.

Athena exhaled.

"It's really an honor to be able to meet Lord Chronos' deity."

Even gods can have petty tempers.

Especially Athena is a goddess!

That's all the more reason to lose your temper!

"Well, it's cute how you grovel."

"It's not because of you! Too much!"

The goddess of wisdom gritted her teeth.

"That can only show that Athena, you are too naive. If you mislead a little, you really deviate from the truth."

"Isn't it your fault?!"

At this moment, the scene where the two came here together reappeared.

"Faced with the god of time, no one dares to bow down, right?"

Be humble, be humble?

Anyway, being humble towards Chronos is not... shameful.

"It's not necessarily, just like Artemis."

Artemis, the goddess of hunting, is amazing.

At least in Athena's eyes...

Knowing Su Mo's identity, not only is he not afraid, but he also wants to commit the following crimes and deceive himself!

"Is it fun to pretend to be a mortal? My lord!"

From the beginning disguised as a mortal, and then after discovering anomalies later, he admitted that he was a god.

Until now...it was completely discovered, this is the most powerful god!

Play pig eat tiger?

He did succeed...

Maybe he didn't pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger.

But he did eat it!

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