It was clear that all she wanted...was just to be with her family.

"Is your brother handsome?"

Atalanta looked at Serafuru, who was lying on the ground.

"Do you want to die?"

What does this woman mean?Do you want to steal your brother too?

"Of course I don't want to... It's just that I suddenly thought of something... Well, it's quite a novel thing."

Serafuru looked at 09's cold Atalanta.

"This matter may have something to do with Su Mo and Chronos."

Obviously, the so-called Sumo is Chronos.

Atalanta's brother is just that one!

Chronos as a god!

And Su Mo, who is the older brother.

This guy... is really stupid.

I have believed in my brother for so many years, but I didn't notice anything unusual.

Sure enough... As soon as these two names are mentioned, Atalanta will immediately come together.

"If you don't say anything, I'll kill you."

Sure enough, coercion is more appropriate.

Serafuru smiled.

"In my world, Chronos took the pseudonym Su Mo and became a chairman in the world."

"...What does this have to do with my brother?"

Atalanta couldn't believe it.

The elder brother is a god...that's fine, but the elder brother and Chronos-sama are the same person.

She couldn't believe it.

Lord could he be by his side as an elder brother?

"Chronos is white, and so is your brother."

"Kronos is very good-looking, and your brother is also very good-looking."

"Cronos is the god of angels, and your brother is always accompanied by a blazing angel."

The first two points may be consistent, but the last point, Atalanta does not quite understand.

Angel God?


Although she heard Serafuru talk about the angel, she never understood it very well.

After all, how could there be such a race in the world?

This makes it difficult for Atalanta living in Greece to accept!

"I have seen Chronos, and I have seen your brother."

"No! Brother, he won't lie to me!"

"But is it possible that he won't hide it? Has he directly admitted that he is not Chronos?"



Even if it is the identity of a god, she has only recently discovered it!

In other words... my brother has been hiding from himself.

Just like that, for seventeen years?

Bringing the brother's love and the favor of Lord Chronos together...

This is something Atalanta can't even imagine!

"Is he Chronos? I think it's more believable that my sister is Artemis than I believe he is Chronos."

"But the problem is, your sister is really Artemis!"

Athena is here.

Just now, she felt that she might have heard something incredible.

Sumo and Chronos are the same person?'s too...too unimaginable.

At the beginning, she was also played by Su Mo...

But that time he didn't admit that he was Chronos!

"Goddess Athena?!"

"Is this Athena?"

Serafuru raised her head and looked at the noble goddess wearing a white gauze skirt.

She has seen Athena, but the temperament and so on are still very similar.

"You said that Chronos is Su Mo? At least you have to show enough evidence!"

Athena also couldn't believe that Su Mo was Chronos, because the gap between the two was too great.

She simply couldn't unite Chronos, who killed most of the gods in an instant, with that wicked Su Mo!

"Evidence? My friend is Chronos' servant. She personally told me that it was Chronos. Is there any problem?"

Why don't all these people believe that Chronos is Su Mo?

Is there a big gap between them?

It's too big to be accepted, these two will be the same person?

"Where's your friend?"

"In another world! I was brought here by Chronos."

"Then is this evidence useful? What if it's false?"

Although she said it was false, Athena actually believed it a little in her heart.

What if it was really possible?

The existence of Chronos still has some basis, but what about Su Mo?

Completely a god who appeared out of nowhere.

There is no past to speak of...

Not even any legends about him...

It is very suspicious that such a god can have such a powerful power!

"Su Mo doesn't seem to have any followers either..."

Athena also remembered what Aphrodite and Artemis had said before.

Only a fool can't find Chronos.

It turns out that what they said at the beginning may be this...

The so-called not being able to see Chronos, in fact... It's not that she really can't see it, but because even if the other party stood in front of her, she didn't notice it.

"Wait! Athena, you said... my sister is Lord Artemis?"

At this time, Atalanta finally felt a little broken.

Your sister is Artemis?

Is it the goddess who wants to take away his brother? !

Why it came out like this?

But for a goddess who has never met, Atalanta will not have such a collapse.

but now……

He just told himself so directly that the person who wants to be his brother's wife is actually his sister?

My sister doesn't want to be my sister, rather my sister-in-law?

"That's right! Your sister is the Artemis who wants to marry Su Mo."

Serafuru, who was watching the play, finally couldn't help laughing.

Just why Atalanta collapsed like this.

So this is ah?

Family members who have been with each other for more than ten years, actually...

This is much more interesting than a mythical story.

What happened to this fellow Atalanta was too miserable, right? .

Chapter 198 The Use of Athena

"Don't think I'm lying! I'm Athena, the half-sister of Artemis. I can't even recognize my own sister, right?"

Atalanta was speechless.

If it was someone else, she might not necessarily believe it.

But if it is the goddess of wisdom, then it is impossible to say!

If her sister is really Artemis, what should she do?

Sister and brother are together, so will her sister look very annoying?

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