"Well! I will keep it in my heart! I will never forget it!"

As she spoke, Asia also glanced at Gabriel.

Tutoring Angels to study.

And she has only seen one angel, Gabriel.

And it's still an angel who came out of the classroom!

Seeing her like this, Gabriel was a little puzzled.

God's mission...

If God needs anything, shouldn't God tell the angels to do it?

Why give it to a mortal?

Gabriel was puzzled.

If there is any task, shouldn't it be more appropriate to leave it to yourself?

"Tell me, what is the task I gave you?"

"Tutoring Angel to study!"

Asia said with a serious face.


Gabriel couldn't hold back.

Auxiliary ... tutoring who to study?

Why leave this matter to... a nun?

Is she shameless?

Now other people know that he is unqualified in his studies! .

Chapter 183 They're Dead, That's It

Orpheus returned to the Land of Calamity and continued to be the leader here.

The lack of one Emperor Shitian, the holder of the strongest God Extermination Tool, is a huge loss for the kingdom of disaster, because these two people are the core here.

As for Orpheus, it's actually just a character used to intimidate others.

After all, the naive Infinite Dragon God will not talk about conspiracies and tricks with people. If there is a problem, there is a high probability that it will be solved directly and violently.

The disappearance of Di Shitian made the gods in the east start to panic.

Started looking for traces of Valkyrie everywhere, but to no avail.

It was as if he had completely disappeared from the world.

However, Orpheus, the culprit, calmly spoke to them.

"They are dead."

Just when the gods were still in doubt, Dou Victory Buddha spoke up.

"Are you sure...are they dead?"

The mighty Emperor Shitian, and the holder of the strongest God Extinguisher.

To die so inexplicably?

Did they die a little too cheaply?

"Well... I saw it with my own eyes."

No, I saw with my own eyes how the two were easily crushed and torn apart.

Even the desperate expression of the god of war at that time was clearly seen by her.

"Why didn't you save him?!"

If Dishatian is in danger, Orpheus should save him!

But what about now?

Zeus was a little annoyed, and he chose to join the Kingdom of Calamity for the sake of Emperor Shitian.

But what about now?

Did Di Shitian actually die?

And he died so silently that no one knew what happened before he died.

Everything now, you have to listen to the explanation of the Infinite Dragon God.

"I can't beat those monsters." Orpheus told the truth very honestly.

You can't beat it, you can't beat it... there's nothing to hide.

In particular, there are twenty-four monsters in it that they can't even beat.

Although there were three monsters that appeared this time, only one actually attacked them.

But unfortunately...

They couldn't even beat that one.

"They were going to the universe of Chronos, and they encountered monsters and were killed 〃".

"Then why are you okay?"

If it can make both Di Shitian and Cao Cao fall, it must be a very powerful monster.

In this case, no matter how powerful the Infinite Dragon God is, it won't hurt at all, right?

There are just too many problems here.

"Because they don't attack me."

Well, Zeus was beaten and lost his temper.

If you don't attack Orpheus, will you attack Emperor Shitian and Cao Cao?

How miserable they are!

"Lost Valkyrie and the strongest human hero... What should I do now?"

This series of plans has not been implemented for a long time, and now it has been hit hard.

So what's next?

Zeus suddenly had the idea of ​​running away with a bucket.

He found himself in a hurry and pulled himself onto the boat, just to be able to find a way to fight against Chronos.

Take revenge for yourself and sit firmly in the position of the king of gods.

But what about now?

The mastermind went to copy the home of Chronos himself, but found nothing, but lost his life.

The world's top ten...is that the end?

"What's in that universe? There are monsters that even Emperor Shitian can't compete with?"

If the beast of Apocalypse is the case, then with the strength of the two of them, even if they can't win, they can't even run away, right?

Orpheus didn't answer what he meant.

She didn't know much about those monsters either.

I only know that it is very powerful, and I am not an opponent at all.

"The monsters in the Chronos universe are naturally created by him. If we want revenge, then our human goal is still Chronos!"

Zeus said righteously.

Now not only the Greek pantheon has a grudge against Chronos, but also the gods on Mount Sumeru.

He looked at the fighting Buddha beside him...

This is also a very powerful god.

Perhaps after the death of Emperor Shitian, he could carry the banner of Mount Sumeru.


Although Asia is asked to guide Gabriel's studies.

But first she had to learn that knowledge herself.

Since I was adopted by the church since I was a child, most of the knowledge I learned was only about the required courses for nuns.

There are simply not many opportunities to learn about high school knowledge.

So in order to be a better Gabriel, she learned very hard.

Very, very attentive, but sometimes whether you can teach or not, it doesn't matter too much whether you use your heart or not.

"Lord Angel, you... um..."

Asia doesn't know how to describe the Seraph who she counsels.

Is she really Lady Gabriel?

Obviously as an angel, but...why can't even the knowledge of human beings...

Is it because you have never been exposed to this kind of knowledge?

"'"Well...I know what I know about humans, not so much..."

It's more than knowing that you just don't understand it?

Asia felt that she did not agree with science at all!

It's totally denying science!

Angels don't speak science, they speak theology...

Well... I can understand why she can't learn.

Good angel, what kind of science do you study...

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