Rias is still very curious about her inexplicably possessing such a heaven-defying power.

The god of time is the god of angels, so the devil, Grefia, actually received his gift?

This is really weird!

It is simply unimaginable. After all, who could have imagined that the god of angels would descend to the underworld and live for hundreds of years?

"Yes, Lord Chronos has given me great power."

Thinking of this... she couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

That god's hobbies...how strange.

Actually became the chairman of the board.

However, since he can live in the underworld for hundreds of years, it seems that it is not impossible to be the chairman of an academy in the human world.

Rias had seen The New Testament.

It's the new Bible.

So I also know that Chronos is an extremely powerful god in mythology.

Even giving Grefia a little power at will, it can make her as strong as Shiva.

Although it is certain that there must be some possibility of whitewashing, in general... it is quite convincing.

"'"The god of time... Now he should be staying in the sky every day and overlooking everything on the ground?"

As the only god among the biblical pantheon.

Chronos doesn't do much.

But each one is very meaningful.

It seems that the troops of the three clans were sealed at the beginning, otherwise... it is estimated that they have nothing to do with them now.

"Who knows? Maybe He's by your side."

Grafia said casually.

The current Chronos is the chairman of this academy.

I originally thought that after having a job, this god would become more diligent.

But Grafia found herself wrong.

And it's still terribly wrong!

A god of angels who can watch dramas for hundreds of years in the underworld of demons should not have expectations of him.

So Grafia came to the world.

He joined Kuwang Academy and became one of the foreign language teachers here, and also part-time assistant to the chairman of the board.

Originally, the position of assistant to the chairman should be filled by a certain twelve-winged blazing angel.

But by coincidence, that Seraphim... not only did he not become the assistant to the chairman.

It was also slightly pitted by Chronos.

So much so that Gabriel is still...

Don't talk about it!

I can only say that I am pitiful for the child... The expectations I once had were directly turned into a bubble.

If Chronos hadn't been in the world, she would have run back to the dog long ago.

"Greyfia-sensei...you mean..."

Rias looked at her with a stutter.

right next to you?Grafia is by her side!

Is this implying?No...it's already been stated!

Is she the legendary god of time?

"I'm just a servant of Chronos, don't think about it.".

Chapter 169 Gabriel Can't Learn

"Why is there such a thing as a high number?" Gabriel looked at the pile of papers in front of him with a headache.

Once her God told Him that life at the School of Humanity was very interesting.

So she also waited with anticipation, and finally one day...

Lord God brought her here.

I thought it would be really nice, but...

As soon as she entered school...she was asked to learn something she shouldn't have to learn.

human knowledge...

It's really complicated, why can something be explained in such a complicated way?

It's not useless, but she can't use it either...

Gabriel is a scumbag...

It can't be said that he is completely a scumbag, but it is simply difficult to understand human knowledge.

If it is something else, such as learning spells, learning combat skills, etc., she is not a problem at all.

But human knowledge is about science, and the existence of angels is not scientific at all, and now she is required to learn science.

It's like letting ordinary people come into contact with magic. It must be difficult to understand and understand at first.

"Why other people can live a comfortable college life, but I have to review the knowledge of junior high school here..."

The knowledge of elementary school is not difficult, and she can master it in one day.

But in middle school, the difficulty started to increase.

Human knowledge is also more comprehensively displayed in front of her.

This stumped Gabriel.

"If you don't study well, is it possible that you want to get a zero score in the test to make people laugh?"

Su Mo sat in the chair of the chairman and experienced modern life after a long absence.

Of course He couldn't put his heart and soul into the work.

A workaholic is not for someone like Him.

"But how could it be possible to learn these things in a short period of time?"

To learn these things means that she needs to abandon her previous knowledge and be exposed to it from the very beginning like a child.

But how old is she?

How can it be so easy to let go of past knowledge?

"So you're just waiting for a low score in the test, and then being sent back to the heaven? Michael, Uriel, Raphael and the others will definitely be very interested."

Speaking of those three people, Gabriel's face changed again and again.

If so, then there is no way.

Absolutely can't let them know about this!

She is also one of the four great blazing angels, if she has not even learned the knowledge of mortals, and if she is still at the bottom, she will definitely be laughed at by them!

"Even if they are...not sure they will."

They have not been exposed to this knowledge, and if they came, they would definitely not be better than themselves.

"So they didn't come and haven't been in contact with them doesn't mean they can't laugh at you, so let's work hard. There are quite a lot of demons in this school."

Su Mo's next speech made her even more troubled.

There are a lot of demons here, that's a point!

The point is that there are a lot of demons...

Whether you've seen it or not...

Being embarrassed in front of the devil is not just his face, but also the angel's.

Gabriel can't afford to lose this face.

"Why is it so easy for demons to gain access to human knowledge..."

She was quite puzzled by this.

Could it be that demons are smarter than angels? !

Do not!The more accurate reason... it should be that those demons are too young.

The thoughts are not solidified, and their thoughts will not be fixed by the knowledge of the forces behind them.

So it is easy to accept human knowledge.

There is absolutely no comparison.

"I decided to take an exam next month, Gabriel classmate, you have to do your best."

While looking at the computer, Su Mo said something that was enough to break her down.


Sure enough (ajfh), Gabriel took the bait.

She widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief.


She didn't pay much attention to her usual class studies, and now she has to take an exam suddenly?

Is this not over?

"Isn't it normal to have a unified exam once a month? Gabriel-san... Do you have any comments?"

"I do not have!"

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