"My lord, are we really going to be here, watching the underworld fight?"

09 As an angel in the heaven, now he is enjoying himself in the underworld, watching a play...

Wouldn't that be great?

You must know that the "New Testament" is currently being written. If there is any major event, then Michael and the others will probably cry.

Working under Him is not so demanding, but they will not lower their workload.

The people who can be chosen to be angels are basically people of noble character.

Is it possible that the pace will be slowed down because of the loosening of regulations?

They are all faithful believers of God!

"Isn't it good? Heaven is too quiet, it's better to watch the show here, I think it's quite interesting."

Gabriel only felt very tired after listening to his boss's words.

It even felt that if the old Demon King faction and the Reformed faction fought, there might be a figure behind him.

After all... He is a willful God.

"But in this case, wouldn't a lot of demons die in the underworld?"

The three forces are all restraining each other.

Even if there are strong and weak, but generally not too much difference.

The current state of the underworld is not optimistic, if there is a real fight.

If the internal friction is too large, it will break the balance that is not very stable.

When the fallen angels do this again, it is estimated that they will fight again.

"Every reform will bring blood and blood. The old will not go away, and the new will not come, and this time... the new is no worse than the old."

The old Demon King faction is rather a conservative faction. Obviously, it cannot keep up with the times, so it is destined to be passed.

Chronos is still very optimistic about those reformers.

"The development of the heavens will be caught up by the underworld, just a few thousand years later."

"It's hard for me to understand, it's clear that the current underworld..."

Gabriel couldn't understand why Chronos still thinks that the underworld has reached this level.

Compared to the underworld, which is like a dynamite barrel, the development of the next world is a bit faster.

"Angels are too old-fashioned. Even if I relax so many rules, you are still so old-fashioned."


Gabriel looked at him with a puzzled expression.


Are angels old-fashioned?

There may be old-fashioned people, like Uriel.

But he also obeyed God's will very well!

"Gabriel, have you ever thought... After a few thousand years, you will live in human society for a few years?"

Compared with the old-fashioned angel, the devil is different.

With the advancement of the times, there is even a big life in human society.

than an angel...

They are quite honest.

"This does not."

She really hadn't thought about what to do in the future...

She just wanted to stay by God's side and listen to His will.

I don't have much planning for myself.

"Then you should try it, but before that, you need some information."

Gabriel nodded, since it was based on my Lord's suggestion, it is indeed worth considering carefully.

Maybe the current Gabriel doesn't know what kind of hell he will be in in the future.

He, who used to come over in the sea of ​​questions, is hard not to recommend this kind of learning method to his subordinates.

Don't angels do everything very carefully?

Then let them come into contact with the evil on earth.

Anyway, Gabriel, who is a Seraph, must not be stupid, right?

It's a pity... From the theological aspect, it is not an easy task to dig into science at once.

I just hope that Gabriel can calm down and study hard.

"I just hope you don't become Gabriel."

"Who is Gabriel?"

Gabriel was curious about the person Chronos spoke of.

"A...fallen angel!"

Fallen Angel?

She quickly corrected her expression.

"I swear to you, I will never fall!"

"Well, I believe you!"


"Has the new master left?"

After Michael returned to the throne again, he found no figure.

Even Gabriel, who had always been by his side, left with him.

But... at least if Gabriel follows, it won't cause too much trouble.

"Has my lord left the heaven?"

090 Another Seraph Uriel also came.

After automatically driving away the Greek gods last time, he became more convinced of this god.

powerful!Undoubtedly powerful!

The heaven with him is absolutely invincible!

It is precisely because of the blessing that Chronos gave them.

That's why the angels have more faith in this god.

Even Uriel, who had questioned Him, had to admit it.

The new god, more brave than the old god...

He is not kind, but he will better protect the angels.

When the Greek gods came, none of the angels was injured, so he directly came forward to destroy more than half of the other gods.

For the enemy, it is brutal enough.

But for angels...

He is very great.

Especially for the Celestial Realm who just came out of the war.

"Well, it seems to have gone to the underworld."

For Chronos going to the underworld.

There are still angels who know.

But it didn't spread.

It's just this... I don't know how long it will take.

"The current underworld is not very peaceful!"

Uriel frowned.

He also heard about the splitting of the underworld into two forces.

This time has passed...

It doesn't seem appropriate. .

Chapter 153 Devil Maid Gurefia

It's fighting!

The old Demon King faction and the reform faction of the underworld are fighting.

as he said...

The demons have really entered a new phase.

Gabriel, who stayed in the underworld, really felt like he was on pins and needles.

Because she has already discovered that the maids in the mansion have even changed a batch.

Among them, there is a female demon who is quite strong.

Replace the original weak demon with a powerful demon.

Who knows what the son of Lucifer is planning?

"My lord, shall we continue to stay in the underworld?"

She wants to go back now.

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