Moreover, because of the Lord's death, the angels were dealt a big blow.

Come to take refuge in Chronos, but it doesn't necessarily mean that people want you.

There are still internal and external troubles, the current heaven is really sad...

If it's bad, it won't exist anymore.

Especially when they have such a huge belief system in their hands...

"Let me think about it...〃"..."

Accepting the angels... There's not much of a benefit, but it's not a downside either.

After all, this world... is called Demon High School!

As for the main body of the story, it also happens later.

It's just that those main stories are not important to him...

It's all part of the story.

"There is a feeling of taking over..."

Hearing what He said, Gabriel's eyes dimmed...

It seems that there is no play...

Sure enough, the current heaven is a mess, and it is not necessary for him to take over...

"But...that might lead to some of the developments I want."

The change in Chronos' words surprised them.

This is... promise?

Michael is a little nervous...

If he really agrees.

Then the current heaven is absolutely very safe.

At least don't worry about foreign enemies!

Even the devil... no!Needless to say it's a demon, even if the great red wants to shoot at them, it is estimated that it will be fine.

"Thank you for your favor! Thank you for your blessing! Thank you..."

Having said a lot of thanks, it made Chronos a little annoyed.

"No, for me... it's just a game."

The existence of angels is quite important to this world.

Because the belief network of the biblical theology...but they are in control.

"You... are too weak, not even Orpheus."

Chronos looked at the two Seraphs.

This is already a rare top combat power in the heavens, and there are only four Seraphs.

It's just that Seraph's strength has not reached his standard.

But it is understandable, after all, when the whole world is not strong, the existence living in the world may be stronger than the world?

His words made Michael and Gabriel extremely speechless.

Take the Infinite Dragon God to compare with them?

Isn't this a little too much for them?

And why can't even the Infinite Dragon God be comparable?

Said as if the infinite dragon god is weak.

That is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

Even their masters would not dare to fight against them.

How to say it seems very weak?

Orpheus, who was used as a unit of measurement, was not impressed.

Weak is weak. Anyway, what she seeks is permanent peace. As for whether she is the strongest, whether she is strong or not, for her, it doesn't matter at all.

Anyway, as long as she didn't provoke her, she wouldn't care.

"Since it is attached to me... then it can't be too weak. After all, the few monsters I created at random can easily crush all existences in this world."

Not only gods... but also evil dragons, for him, they are really weak.

'Is it our fault that we are weak? '

Michael was speechless.

Because the strength of the new boss is too terrifying, the subordinates can't keep up...

"'"That created it?"

In Gabriel's heart, except for surprise, there is no other feeling.

What was the first feeling those monsters gave her?

powerful!Unparalleled power!

Powerful enough to rival all the gods...

But was that just something He created at will?

"That's right... I wanted to make it a little weird at first, but I found that I don't seem to have any alien aesthetics, and even if I wanted to make it a little bit ugly, I couldn't be so ugly that it would make people mad at a glance. "

In the beginning, he wanted to become a monster like Cthulhu.

But... even the evil gods in the Xingyue universe, for him, the feeling has not reached the level that can pollute the soul.

The human soul is still easy to talk about, but the gods are not.

"It can make people crazy by being ugly... Is a creature like that really good?"

Gabriel can't imagine, does that kind of creature really exist?

Fortunately, God Chronos didn't make it, otherwise...

When she came to pick them up, maybe she would drive herself crazy because the monster was so ugly.

"I'm not letting them go out to make trouble, I'll appreciate it myself, can't I?"

"You really..."

What else did Michael say?

The thought of this god is really far behind them!

What does it mean to appreciate ugly dogs?

Is it it worth admiring?

There are no ugly angels in heaven.

"Don't think so strange, my main aesthetic is still normal, at least in my eyes, Gabriel is a very beautiful girl."

Gabriel, who was named, bowed his head shyly. .

Chapter 149 The New Lord of Angels

According to the command of the God of the Bible, these heavenly angels will carry his inheritance... oh no!The mess went to Chronos.

Although it is a mess, but sometimes, it is not necessarily that no one wants the mess.

Just like the gods of other gods, they are still happy to accept the mess left by the gods of the Bible.

Just like those remnants of angels in the heavens.

Although it is said that the number of injuries is a little more, the high-end combat power is also there.

Just like the four blazing angels.

Their combat power is already on par with some first-class gods.

Although it is not yet in the top ten ranks in the world, it is extremely terrifying and powerful.

As for Chronos, after accepting the inheritance of the God of the Bible, he came to heaven!

It is indeed a very dreamy place, it is equivalent to heaven.

Do not!This is heaven...

But it's only a saint's paradise...

Because there are many rules in the heaven.

Otherwise, Azazel wouldn't have fallen to the sky for such a bizarre reason.

Falling from the sky is not necessarily a bad thing, at least one can break free from the original bondage.

There are still many restraints in the heavens!

Since Chronos chose to accept them, he naturally has the power to change.

Amend some regulations that do not conform to His 090 concept.

The rules that were originally very restrictive have become a little looser.

Which means more freedom.

This... will inevitably cause some angels to be dissatisfied.

Uriel, one of the four blazing angels, was very dissatisfied with this and questioned Chronos!

This is breaking the rules left by God in the Bible!

This is against the rules!

"Rule? The rule is that you are receiving my blessing. The rule is that I will bless you to survive and protect you from other gods."

What did Chronos bring to this celestial world?


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