Roy, who even Ulfheim can defeat, looks like a flood beast just by standing there.

In front of him, they didn't even dare to breathe.

Fortunately, everyone is finally gone.

However, while leaving, it also left them with an incalculable disaster.

After this battle, the Magic Council was completely razed to the ground, and there was no intact location.

A large number of casualties and deaths, all of the parliamentarians have colored bodies.

What's more, after this incident, the Magical Council has lost face in the entire wizarding world.

Not only let the other party leave, but even the last hope is pinned on the plea of others.

Judging from the situation at the time, it is certain that if Volod had not appeared in the end, or Yajima had interceded on their side, Roy and Makarov would never have given up.


Someone has to be held accountable for all this.

Otherwise, the entire Magic Council, all the councillors, would not be able to give an explanation to the outside world.

"Yes, Councillor Yajma, you escaped from the 427th Formation when the Magic Council was destroyed!"

"Yes, and you're closely related to the sinners who broke the Magic Council, are you still a member of the Magic Council?"

The moment the pressure disappeared, Michelo instantly pointed his gun at Yajma.

No way

As a political enemy, Yajma is the best target to attack.

Even if Yajma pleaded with them just now, it was the same.

After all, this time the matter is too big, so big that even Michelo himself can't do it, so now Michelo can only shirk the responsibility as much as possible.


In reality, how much money is the favor worth?

Hearing Michelo's words, Yajma was not angry, in the big dye vat of the Magic Council, he had long predicted that Michelo would have such a reaction.

Ajma immediately sneered and said,

"Michelo, you are taking everyone for a fool, and you don't forget to shirk your responsibilities at this time, I have warned you before. "

"But what about you?"

"In the end, I still insisted on going my own way, did you ask my opinion?"

"There will be such a result, and it is entirely your own fault!"


Hearing Yajima's words, some of the Wizard Council knights who were completely unaware of what had happened turned their heads.

Looking at several councillors, his eyes were already full of suspicion.

What's going on?

Did the events seem different from what they had imagined?

Although as soldiers, it is their duty to obey their superiors, but they can't accept being completely used as a gun and sacrificing their lives in vain.

If things really turned out to be as Makarov said at the end, and Roy really wasn't culpable, then it was normal for Roy to react like that.

After all, it is strange that people are not crazy when they are sentenced to death for no reason.

If it weren't for Congressman Yajma's face, maybe what would have happened.

Just as the atmosphere was getting more and more eerie, Urrutia and Gerald also appeared together.

Both of them were out of spectatorship and did not participate in this matter, and now that the matter is over, it is almost the beginning.

The moment the two of them appeared, everyone also looked away, and Magic Councilor Beluno said angrily.

"Urrutia! Zikrein, are you still watching the show, Zicrein is still one of the Ten Saint Wizards!"

In this regard, Zikrein also spread his hands and shook his head and said with a bitter smile. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Councillor Beluno, you're wronging me, even I can't help it. "

"You must know that I am just a thinking body, and even the body is not here, and I will be humiliated at most when I go up. "

"Besides, the other party even defeated Ulfheim, even if my body came, do you think my strength Do you think that the newcomer who has just been promoted to the Saint Ten Great Magiers is really the opponent of that monster?"

"That ......"

Reggie looked at Urrutia and said, "What about you?"

Urrutia said with a smile.

"I'm not even a saint ten, and it's impossible to be that man's opponent?"

"Is Reggie trying to send me to death?"

Hearing this, neither Berenor nor Reggie was speechless.

Because in fact, as they say, even the men of Ulfheim have been defeated, and the ordinary Holy Ten Magus is indeed no different from sending them to death.

However, all were injured, and some even died.

When seeing that the two of them are safe and sound, there will inevitably be some resentment in my heart.

"Rather than that, I'd better restore the Magic Council ERA to its original state!"

Urrutia said as she passed everyone and began to use her time magic.

The cyan crystal ball in his hand flew into the sky, and with the injection of magic power, the cyan crystal ball bloomed with dazzling magical light, covering the entire Magic Council.

With a roar, the shattered walls began to heal, and the cracked ground began to heal.

Everything began to recover, presenting an amazing picture of going back in time, and it didn't take long for it to return to the way it was before the destruction.

But this is limited to restoring some dead things, but the dead life is not available.

But even if you can only restore some buildings and the like, it will be a huge burden for Urutia.

After all, this time, two Heavenly Kings who surpassed the Saint Ten Rank were fighting here, and to a large extent, some things were destroyed more subtlely.

The more things involved, the more mana is required.

After taking it all in, Urrutia sweated on her forehead and turned slightly pale.

In a matter of seconds, most of Urrutia's magic disappeared in an instant.

However, the magic power consumed was exchanged for the exclamation of many people.

"Oh my God! everything that the Immortal King had destroyed has been restored! Even the building has been restored!"

"It's amazing!"

"Lord Urrutia is amazing!"


In the crowd, voices in support of Urrutia rose one after another.

Watching Urrutia's actions made the councillors completely shut up and couldn't say anything at all.

As the culprits of this state of affairs, they themselves are responsible for this incident, and after this incident, their credibility can be said to have dropped to the lowest level ever.

Now Urutia, who is also a member of parliament, can save some to a certain extent.

It can now be said that everyone in the Council of Magic, including the members of the Council, owes Urrutia a great favor.

Without Urrutia, it is estimated that they would have fallen directly by now.

I didn't shoot directly.,It's already a lot of luck.。。

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