Human Greed

Chapter 27: Telephone

Seeing that Xu Ruoxing didn't speak, Su Yi called out, "Wife?"

Xu Ruoxing came back to his senses and put down his phone: "Why are you here?"

Su Yi said: "Colleagues come to eat nearby."

She came with her, thinking that Xu Ruoxing probably hadn't eaten yet, so she came to see her, Xu Ruoxing nodded: "Eat at the company?"

"Working meal?" Su Yi said, "Yes, have I had working meal in your company?"

Xu Ruoxing thought about it for a while: "No."

Although she didn't want Su Yi to have a work meal, Su Yi was in a good mood and said, "That's good, are you done with work? Let's go together."

Xu Ruoxing looked at the time on the phone, nodded: "OK."

The dining room is on the second floor. It is in the form of a buffet. It is the meal time. Many people have already had a meal and sat down. They are surprised to see Su Yi and Xu Ruoxing come in: "Mr. Xu?"

"The one next to her is her wife."

"Su Yi, the designer from Huaihai, is pretty awesome."

"That's Su Yi."

Everyone was discussing, He Qu sat in his seat and listened to their discussion: "I heard that he met Mr. Xu on a blind date and got married in a flash."

"Why don't you come to our company?"

"I don't know. Some people say they have a good relationship, while others say they have a bad relationship. Who knows."

He Qu thought, when she was sitting in the car that day, she saw Su Yi's attitude towards Xu Ruoxing, she was very affectionate, but she was in a bad mood at the time, so she didn't even say thank you properly.

She clenched her chopsticks tightly and turned to look at Su Yi again.

Su Yi leaned against Xu Ruoxing, she said, "There are quite a lot of styles."

They have a buffet, there are Chinese food and Western food. There are many choices. After Su Yi chooses, she sees that there is still peach juice over there. She has no hand to take, and shouts: "wife."

Xu Ruoxing tilted his head: "Huh?"

Su Yi said, "I want to drink that."

Xu Ruoxing walked over and helped her get a cup, Su Yi smiled at her, the people in the dining room pretended to eat and did their own things, but they didn't take their eyes off the two of them.

Su Yi didn't care about other people's eyes. After sitting down, she took a sip of her drink and said to Xu Ruoxing: "It's delicious, do you want to drink it?"

When she smiled, her eyes narrowed a little. The colored contact lenses she wears today have light brown pupils, which are very beautiful, a bit like the cat Xu Ruoxing raised when she was a child. When she opened the door just now, her heart skipped a beat.

Xu Ruoxing didn't speak.

Su Yi gave her a strange look and called, "Wife?"

"Huh?" Xu Ruoxing came back to her senses, seeing that Su Yi had already handed over the drink, in full view of everyone, she cleared her throat, lowered her head and sucked Su Yi's straw.

Sweet, she flustered.

Everyone picked up their phones when they saw this scene: [What's wrong, nonsense! 】

[What should the boss do if he shows his affection in public? 】

[Boss Xu and Su Yi are so beautiful. 】

This is not an exaggeration. Su Yi and Xu Ruoxing have a good temperament, and they are very suitable for sitting together. Li Chen saw the two of them as soon as he entered the dining room. After choosing the dishes, he brought them over and asked curiously, "Why is Su Yi here?"

Su Yi looked at her, and explained calmly: "Look for my wife for dinner."

Li Chen grinned.

It was delivered this morning, and I want to have dinner together at noon, why? The belated love period has arrived? Xu Ruoxing touched her with his toe, Li Chen concealed his smile and said, "Good job."

Su Yi looked at her, and Li Chen said, "No, the food is good."

Seeing that both of them were looking at her, Li Chen surrendered: "It's a good thing to find your wife for dinner, Ruoxing often misses meals."

Su Yi looked at Xu Ruoxing: "Really?"

Xu Ruoxing laughed, feeling a little bit under control, she said, "Not often, just occasionally."

"Not once in a while." Su Yi said: "If you eat abnormally, you will get stomach problems, which is not good for your health." She looked at Li Chen: "In the future, if she doesn't eat, can you tell me?"

Li Chen was confused by the question.

Is this still the cold Su Yi?

Is this still the Su Yi who rejects people thousands of miles away?

Where is this Su Yi! This meow is so cute in the world!

Li Chen blinked and said, "Yes."

Although as early as the day Xu Ruoxing brought Su Yi to the company, she knew that Su Yi's personality had changed. She was shocked at the time, but now the lingering temperature is still there. Li Chen looks at Xu Ruoxing and winks at her, but Xu Ruoxing ignores her. Stop, send Xu Ruoxing: [This means, I can complain to your wife in the future? 】

Xu Ruoxing: [Get out. 】

After sending it, I sent it again: 【Don't disturb her. 】

Tut tut.

The food that Li Chen ate exudes the sweet and sour smell of dog food, she posted: 【Got it. 】

After posting, he looked at Su Yi and asked her, "Su Yi, are you interested in coming to our company?"

Li Chen was the first one to dig people so blatantly. Su Yi stopped eating, looked up, looked at her and then at Xu Ruoxing, and asked suddenly: "How did I reply to you before?"

With the suddenly calm tone, Li Chen thought that this sentence had touched a point in her memory, and that Su Yi had recovered her memory. She said carefully, "You said before that you had no plan to change the company."

Su Yi nodded and said nothing.

Li Chen glanced at Xu Ruoxing and was stared at by her, Li Chen said: "Then you eat, I still have a call to make."

She said she was holding lunch, took her mobile phone and turned around to a table by the window. Su Yi ate a few mouthfuls, looked at Xu Ruoxing, and asked her, "Why didn't I come to your company before?"

Xu Ruoxing didn't expect that she would still be entangled in this question. After thinking for a few seconds, she shook her head: "I don't know too well, you haven't mentioned it before."

Su Yi nodded.

Xu Ruoxing glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Su Yi never said anything about work, but Li Chen invited her a few times. She remembered it very clearly once, and Li Chen said excitedly, "She actually said that she would consider it!"

"Think about it! Didn't reject me, do you think your wife is coming to our company?"

"Otherwise you blow the pillow wind, let her come in, let her come in and be the director."

It was before a banquet, a company they worked with invited them to dinner, she brought Su Yi along, Li Chen asked Su Yi to talk about changing companies for a long time, Su Yi said it could be considered, Li Chen was so excited that he couldn't find it Bei, because Su Yi won't let go easily, she said that she would consider that there is a high probability that she wants to change jobs and come to sex, but for some reason, after the banquet, Su Yi declined Li Chen again.

Because of this, Li Chen couldn't figure it out: "There must be something wrong, Ruoxing, think about it."

Xu Ruoxing suspected that Su Yi was annoyed by Li Chen's questioning, so he said to think about it, but Li Chen didn't believe it, and insisted on making her think about what happened that day, Xu Ruoxing thought about it later, and something happened.

That day, Su Yi's wedding ring fell off.

When she came back, she saw Su Yi sitting in front of the mirror, very puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Su Yi said, "The ring fell off."

She asked, "Where did it go?"

Su Yi shook her head: "I don't know either."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at himself, and said after a long time, "Forget it."

She was baffled by Su Yi, so she went to the hotel to ask, but she didn't find anything. When she checked out, she checked the room again, and there was nothing.

Compared to her, Su Yi was much more indifferent, and left after checking out without any nostalgia.

Sometimes Xu Ruoxing thought that perhaps it was because she didn't care that she left so simply, but instead she searched the room for a long time.

"Wife?" Su Yi's crisp voice brought Xu Ruoxing back to his mind. That indifferent figure overlapped with the person in front of him, and was broken by Su Yi in front of him. Su Yi shook his hand: "Wife, what are you thinking?"

Xu Ruoxing looked at her: "It's nothing, have you finished eating?"

Su Yi nodded: "It's over."

Xu Ruoxing put down his chopsticks: "Let's go."

The two of them left the dining room, and the colleagues outside the door stood in twos and threes, their eyes lingering on them, Su Yi subconsciously put a sticker on Xu Ruoxing, Xu Ruoxing turned his head, Su Yi felt a little nervous, this was a direct physical reaction to the unfamiliar environment, Just as Xu Ruoxing was about to pull her wrist, a voice came from behind: "President Xu."

She and Su Yi turned around, it was He Qu.

With two cups of coffee in hand, He Qu walked up to Xu Ruoxing and Su Yi, and passed the coffee over. Su Yi looked at Xu Ruoxing, and she took it after Xu Ruoxing took it.

Xu Ruoxing said, "Come to work."

"Yes." He Qu said, "Thank you yesterday."

Xu Ruoxing shook his head: "No, let's go to work."

He Qu also nodded at Su Yi and said, "Thank you."

Although Su Yi didn't know what happened, she held the coffee and smiled at He Qu. After He Qu left, Xu Ruoxing asked her, "Are you going back to the company?"

"I'll go get the bag." Su Yi said, "The bag is still in your office."

Xu Ruoxing nodded, and entered the elevator with Su Yi. After entering the door, Su Yi opened the coffee and took a sip. It tasted very good and mellow. She said to Xu Ruoxing: "I took the coffee away."

He Qu originally bought it for her, as if he got it from her, Xu Ruoxing replied, "I'll take you down."

Su Yi turned her head: "No, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Ruoxing's cell phone rang, and the ringtone was very clear in the quiet office. Xu Ruoxing took out his cell phone, Su Yi lowered his head to carry his bag, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar name appearing on her cell phone.

Before the phone was connected, Xu Ruoxing was about to press it, when Su Yi asked, "Is it my mother?"

The note is Su Yi's mother.

Xu Ruoxing held the phone, and the familiar ringtone was very loud at this moment, she nodded: "Well, it's your mother."

Su Yi was puzzled: "Why is my mother calling you?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xu Ruoxing, with slight expectation in her light brown pupils: "Is she asking about my situation?"

Just one point crushed Xu Ruoxing.

Xu Ruoxing's heart tightened, a thorn stuck in her throat, and her breathing hurt. She clutched her phone and remained silent for a few seconds. Su Yi saw her knowing expression: "Didn't you ask me?"

The voice is a little dry.

Xu Ruoxing said, "No."

Su Yi raised her eyes, her calm expression showed no emotion, she asked: "Then why is she calling you?"

Xu Ruoxing lowered his head, lowered his eyes, looked at the note flashing on the phone screen, and said, "She wants to help me with the lawsuit."

Su Yi nodded and looked at her, her voice was low and dull: "You agree?"

Xu Ruoxing felt like a stick in his throat.

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