HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 783: Dumb Feige

The moon, stars, and street lights suddenly returned to real life. A warm breeze blew across the alleys, the trees in the nearby garden rustled, and the rumble of cars on Mulan Street on Crescent Moon in the ordinary world was full. Into the air.

Harry stood quietly, all his feelings shaking from being suddenly brought back to the real world. After a while, he found that his shirt was completely glued to his body-he was drenched with sweat.

He can't believe what happened just now, the dementor is here, on Xiaowei Jinlu!

Although I can’t believe it, even if I don’t believe my eyes, his wand will not lie to him, oh, of course, there is this pig...

Dudley lay curled on the ground, whimpering and shaking. Harry was bending down to see if he could stand up on his own, but Harry suddenly heard a loud, rapid footstep behind him.

Harry raised his wand again subconsciously, and he crossed Dudley's heels to face the incoming person.

That was Mrs. Feige, their eccentric old neighbor.

Mrs. Feige appeared in her sight panting, her gray hair fell out of her hairnet, her wrist clinked a rope shopping bag, and her feet covered only half of her tartan carpet slippers. , Harry quickly put away his wand, but...

"Don't put it away! Silly boy!!" She screamed, "What if they are still nearby? Oh, I want to kill Mondungus Fletcher!"

"What did you say?" Harry was blank.

"He's gone," Mrs. Figg said with both hands. "He left to see a man who fell from the back of the broom and a set of crucibles! I told him that I would strip him alive if he left. Look at what happened now! Dementor! Luckily this time, I pulled Mr. Tibis into this incident! But we still don’t have time to patrol around! Now, Harry, we want to send you off Go home! Oh, this trouble shouldn't have happened! I'm going to kill him!"

"But—" For Harry, the crazy cat-loving old lady neighbor who found him actually knew what a dementor was. This shocked Harry and met two dementors in the alley. The blame is almost as big.

"You—you are—you are a witch?" Harry could hardly believe what he said.

"As Mondungus fully understands, I am a dumb gun (a term used by the wizarding world for those who have traditional wizard blood but no magic), so how can you imagine that I have the ability to help you fight off dementors? But when I warned him, he left you unwisely—"

"Mondungus has been following me?" Harry said incredulously.

"Aha—it's him! It's him who made such a big noise in front of my house!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! But luckily, just in case, I had Mr. Tibis garrison under a car, and Mr. Tibis did come to warn me, but You had already left when I went to your house—and now—oh! What will Dumbledore say?"

"You!" she yelled to Dudley who was still lying on the floor in the alley, "Get your fat **** off the ground, hurry up!"

"Do you know Dumbledore?" Harry stared at Mrs. Figg. The message was not too shocking.

"Of course I know Dumbledore, and who doesn't know Dumbledore? But come now-if they come back, I can't do anything about it. I have never been able to transform into a tea bag. Magic, frankly, I can't even get the recognition of a magic wand..."

This is a sad topic. Just like Mr. Filch, as a dumb cannon, they have the ability to face the magical creatures like a wizard, but they can’t store half of the magic in their bodies. The natural magic is dissolved. Flesh and flesh, that subtle feeling can't even light up even the simplest magic wand...

"Sorry..." Harry realized that some topics hurt a wizard, just like Mr. Filch. Didn't he see that he was already nervous.

"It’s okay, kid, I’ve long been used to it, and I can see a lot of different things. Although it’s not friendly to me, I have a better understanding than ordinary people. No wizard would be willing. Stay here with Muggles forever, but I don’t think there is anything wrong, at least, no one will target a dumb gun, and the continuous accumulation of magic allows me to experience it in a very short time, while they dissipate prior to……"

"But let's get out of here." Mrs. Figg said.

She stopped, grabbing Dudley's fat arm with her skinny hand and dragging it hard.

"Get up, you useless fool, get up!"

But Dudley was neither capable nor willing to stand up and lay on the ground, trembling all over, his face pale, and his lips closed.

"Oh, I'm coming!" Harry quickly grabbed Dudley's arm and raised it up.

Although Harry is not malnourished because of school, at best he is thin, but the title of Dudley Fatty Pig is not for nothing. This is something that has been determined very early. Together with Fanlin...

After a lot of hard work, he tried his best to get Dudley to lift his feet, but Dali still seemed unconscious. His small eyes rolled in his eye sockets, and sweat covered his entire face; when Harry let him go, his body shook dangerously.

"Hurry up!" Mrs. Feige called hysterically. Harry put Dudley's fat arm on his shoulder and dragged him towards the street. Harry's shoulders dropped slightly under Dudley's weight.

Mrs. Figg staggered in front of them, staring nervously at the corner of the street.

"Pull out your wand!" When they entered Wisteria Road, she said to Harry: "Don't worry about the secrecy ordinance now. (The secrecy ordinance is a law made by the Ministry of Magic that prohibits the use of magic in the Muggle area. ), in any case we will be severely punished, maybe hanged by a dragon like a bastard. Let’s talk about the minor witchcraft restrictions that make sense: this is exactly what Dumbledore is worried about-where is it The end of this street? Oh, that's Mr. Prentice. Don't put down your wand, boy! Don't let me keep telling you that I can't use magic, okay?"

It was not easy to hold the wand steadily while dragging Dudley hard. Harry knocked his cousin Dudley impatiently in the ribs, but Dudley seemed to have lost all his desire to act independently.

He collapsed entirely on Harry's shoulder, while his huge feet were dragged to the ground.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you are a dumb gun, Mrs. Figg?" Harry asked breathlessly as he walked hard, "Why didn't you say anything when I stayed in your house?" "

"Dumbledore’s order. I must guard you but cannot tell you anything. You are too young. I’m sorry for giving you such a miserable time, Harry! But if the Dursleys think you like me, they I’ll never let you come again. You know, it’s not easy, but, oh! Look what I said.” She sweated her palms again and cried out sadly: “When Dumbledore listens By this time-hearing how Mundungus could leave, he was assumed to be on mission until midnight-where is he? How can I tell Dumbledore what happened? I can't contact."

"I have an owl, you can borrow it." Harry groaned, surprised that his back could bear the weight of Dudley.

"Harry, you don't understand! Dumbledore wants to act as soon as possible. The Ministry of Magic has their own channels to detect the magic of minors. They already know it. You must believe me."

"But I got rid of the dementors, I had to use magic—they should be more worried about what the dementors are doing wandering on Wisteria Road, right? Hermione said that the dementors can't leave. Zkaban..."

"Oh, dear, I hope this is the case, but I'm afraid - Mondungus Fletcher, I will kill you!"

When a person wearing a ragged coat suddenly appeared in front of them, there was a loud cracking sound, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of wine mixed with the smell of rotten tobacco.

This man has short looped legs, long and scattered yellowish hair, and bloodshot, saggy eyes, all of which make him look like a basset, showing a gloomy look. He also clutched a small silver bag, and Harry immediately recognized it as an invisible cloak.

"Good morning? Feige." He looked at Mrs. Feige, Harry and Dudley for the first time, then said. "What happened during my secret activities?"

"Let your secret activities go to hell!" Mrs. Feige shouted out. "The dementor has appeared, you are useless, thief to kill!"

"Dementor?" Mondungus was stunned, and he repeated, "Are you talking about the Dementor?"

"Yes, right here, you are a worthless crappy spy, right here!" Mrs. Fegg screamed. "The dementor attacked this kid under your watch!"

"Oh," Montongues replied feebly, seeing Harry from Mrs. Figg, and then looking back, "Oh, I—"

"Are you going to sell those stolen crucibles again! Didn't I tell you not to go? Did I—"

"I also know that I--" Mondungus looked uncomfortable, "It, it is really a good business opportunity, look--"

Mrs. Feige lifted the bag wrapped around her arm and threw it onto Mondungus’ face. The string of the bag wrapped around Mondungus’ neck. Judging by the clanging of the bag, The bag should be full of cat food.

"Oh-take it away-take it away, you crazy old bat (the same word for bat and spy in English)! Someone will tell Dumbledore about this!"

"Yes—they—have done this!" Mrs. Figg yelled as she smashed the colorful cat food at every part of Mondungus that she could reach, "and—best It's you—you can go and tell Dumbledore—why you didn't rescue there!"

"Stay sensible!" Mondungus said, his hands on his head, and he kept shrinking back, "I'm going! I'm going!" Then he disappeared with another loud cracking sound. .

"I hope Dumbledore killed him!" Mrs. Figg said violently. "Now, come here, Harry, what are you waiting for?"

Harry decided not to waste his remaining strength, to point out that he could barely move under Dudley's weight. He lifted Dudley, who was half-conscious, to make him lean forward.

"I will take you to the door," said Mrs. Feige as they turned into Privet Drive, "just in case there are more dementors around, oh! my god, this is a real deal. Catastrophes, and you have to repel them with your own strength, and Dumbledore said that we should avoid using magic at all costs, well! I don’t think it’s time to worry about small things, but those The cat is pranking now."

"So," Harry said breathlessly, "has Dumbledore been following me?"

"Of course... yes," Mrs. Feige said in a clearly impatient tone. "Do you think he will let you wander around after the events in June? Well, boy, they told me to let you stay here. It's wise and correct," said Mrs. Figg when they arrived at house number 4. "I hope someone will contact you soon. It's only half the time..."

"What are you going to do now?" Harry asked quickly.

"I'll go straight home," replied Mrs. Feige, staring at the dark streets around her, shaking all over, "I need to wait for more, but, just stay at home until then. Good night!"

"Wait, don't go now! I want to know—" But Mrs. Feige had already trot away, her slippers creaked, and the string bag clinked.

"Wait!" Harry yelled from behind her. He had a million questions to ask anyone who had contact with Professor Dumbledore: But within a few seconds, Mrs. Feige's figure was swallowed by darkness.

With a frowning face, Harry adjusted the position of Dudley on his shoulders again so that they moved slowly and painfully to the garden path of No. 4 Privt Road. The light in the living room is still on.

Harry retracted his wand into the belt of his jeans, rang the doorbell and watched Aunt Petunia's silhouette grow bigger and bigger, twisting strangely on the frosted glass of the door.

"Dali! It's time, I'm becoming very, very--Dali, what happened!"

Harry looked at Dudley next to him, and sprang out from under Dudley's arm in a timely manner.

Dudley shook in place, his face blue and white, and then the doorway where he opened his mouth was everywhere.

"Dudley! Dudley! What happened? Vernon! Vernon!" Harry's uncle walked out from the bedroom enthusiastically, his drooping moustache blown to the left and right. It always seemed like this when he was agitated.

He hurried forward to help Aunt Petunia get in Dudley, who had soft legs and feet, while avoiding stepping on the disgusting pile of vomit on the ground.

"He is sick, Vernon!"

"How do you feel, son? What happened? Did Mrs. Polks give you some foreign tea?"

"Why are you covered in earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ honey? Have you ever fallen to the ground?"

"Wait—your face is all right, right, son?" Aunt Petunia screamed.

"Call the police, Vernon! Call the police! Dudley, my dear, talk to mom! What did they do to you?"

Throughout this chaos, no one noticed Harry, which suits him well.

He wanted to sneak in before Uncle Vernon closed the door vigorously. When Dudley moved his noise program from the living room to the kitchen, Harry moved cautiously and went upstairs quietly.

"Who did it, son? Tell us the name. We will catch him, don't worry."

"Quiet! What does he want to say, Vernon! What happened, Dudley? Tell mom!"

When Dudley got his voice back, Harry was just at the bottom of the stairs.

"It's him."

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