HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Arrangements for Rita

Compared with Hogwarts, his home is obviously more warm.

Hogwarts is really too old. I don't know when the castle existed. As the former residence of the Slytherin family, Hogwarts retains a large number of Slytherin-style buildings.

Fleur really didn't say anything wrong, and now it seems that, apart from the Gryffindor Tower, the dark style of Hogwarts is really very strong.

No wonder Slytherin would fight with Gryffindor.

It is absolutely difficult for two colleges to coexist, which are fundamentally opposite.

This is understandable. According to Fanlin's understanding, Gryffindor and Slytherin didn't seem to deal with them very much, and this tradition continued to the two colleges under the rule.

Now that I go home, I still don't want to worry about those troublesome things.

Fanlin looked at his room relaxedly.

There is no doubt that Miss Julie has successfully moved into her family, and her room must have been cleaned by Miss Julie.

She often does this. Mr. Al doesn’t like servants. If it weren’t for the care of Fanlin, Mr. Al could live a good life on his own.

Since Fanlin went to Hogwarts, his housekeeping has been dismissed.

And Miss Julie’s check-in filled the vacancy.

For Miss Julie, Fanlin didn't have any resistance. He was a member of the magical world, and one day he would completely leave Muggle here.

Imagine it, Fanlin’s alchemy experiments were very deadly to Muggles, and it would be no good to cause any trouble.

And Mr. Al didn't seem to plan to go to the wizarding world with him.

There, Al couldn't do anything. Obviously, this was unbearable.

Mr. Al should have his own life, and Miss Julie doesn't hate it either.

On the contrary, Miss Julie took him out most of the time.

Anyway, nothing has changed, otherwise Fanlin might persuade Mr. Al.

However, does Miss Julie know that she is a wizard?

This problem seems a bit tricky, but Mr. Al should be able to handle it, Fanlin still believes in his father.

However, I will go out soon after I get home, which is quite embarrassing.

Fanlin touched his nose, then pulled out a book from the shelf.

These are the things his mother left behind, and they are placed here in such a grand manner.

It is always a trouble.

Fan Lin gently wiped the bookshelf with his hand, and the original magic book was replaced by some Muggle books.

After all, he couldn't stay too much. From the moment he arrived at Hogwarts, he was destined to not belong here.

Here, here is the world of Muggles.

Fanlin knew exactly what it would mean if magic was exposed.

After the Muggles understand, it is impossible to resist the charm of magic, and the means.

Fanlin clearly knew the power the Muggles had.

Strictly speaking, although the applicability is not as good as magic, Muggles’ weapons are far more capable of destruction than magic.

Now it seems that, apart from mystery, magic does not seem to be able to inform Muggles.

Rather than talking about the Muggle Protection Act, it is better to say that this is protecting the wizard himself.

Magic can still occupy an absolute peak now, but what about in the future?

It's hard to say, cast an Imperius Curse on everyone?

If you really do, the wizard who falls first is definitely the wizard.

The Imperius Curse is not without cost, although it is said to be rare, but in sufficient quantity, it will eventually cause a qualitative change.

A wizard can control ten people, even a hundred people, with the Imperius Curse, so more?

Fanlin quickly expelled this terrible idea from his mind.

Using magic to rule the world may be a viable wish in the Middle Ages, and there are forerunners.

For example, the former Holy See.

However, there are problems within the magic world itself.

Fanlin felt that this relationship looked messy.

Shuffle the book back into the shelf.

This kind of groundless posture is not what he should be.


Fanlin sat down and quickly read the letter sent by Professor Lu Ping.

There is no doubt that this is about Rita Skeeter, and Fanlin is still very confident in his magic contract.

The content of the Book of Abraham, apart from him, can only be mastered by Nicholas. Fanlin didn't think that Rita could find a wizard like Nicolae to break this contract for her.

Obedient and obedient is the best choice, and the arrangement Fanlin gave her is still very good.


This is something that only the Ministry of Magic can grasp, but Fanlin knows very well that this is one of Fudge's methods.

And Voldemort did come back, and Fudge's downfall was an inevitable result, so the rest of the Daily Prophet was a huge cake, a very tempting cake.

Public opinion is very important.

This is a lesson.

Fanlin knew very well the guiding role that the Daily Prophet could play in the magic world.

Most people still believe in the Daily Prophet. It can be said that there is no other newspaper in the magic world that can compete with the Daily Prophet.

Fanlin once thought about re-opening a newspaper, but unfortunately, the newspaper supported by the Ministry of Magic like the Daily Prophet gave other mainstream newspapers too little room for survival.

So far, Fanlin has only heard of one newspaper at Hogwarts, and that is Luna’s antagonism.

Speaking of it, the survival of Luna's newspaper is also a miracle.

Although the number of people is small, at least they can make a living.

Those weird things, such as harassment.

Without the keen magical perception beyond imagination, it would be impossible to discover the things Luna was talking about.

Fanlin had also consulted Luna.

I can find things like harassment only through the glasses made by Luna~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Take off the glasses, Fanlin can only perceive a little bit, like a piece of sand mixed in. Two small stones are similar, and you can't find them without careful observation.

I have to admit that Luna's perception is really beyond imagination, but this is also destined to be impossible for many people.

Therefore, the antagonist has gained a part of the living space from a novel perspective, but this living space is really too small.

The antagonist does not have the potential to develop into a major newspaper.

Fanlin didn't think he could succeed easily.

He knew a lot, but Fanlin knew nothing about what people needed and what they wanted to see.

It is obviously unrealistic to re-register a newspaper.

Then, taking over the Daily Prophet is naturally the best choice.

And the candidate above.

Fanlin must admit that although Rita is a terrible person, she still has the ability. Otherwise, Rita will not be the most influential reporter of the Daily Prophet.

Rita is very keen and smart enough. Rita has a strong ability to capture news, otherwise most of the pouting will not believe Rita's news.

Obedient Rita is naturally the best choice.

She knew what to do, and, for this, Fanlin didn't mind giving some real news to Rita.

For example, the situation when Voldemort returned, or what Fudge did at Hogwarts.

Rita knew how to do it. This was beneficial to the Order of the Phoenix.

Once the news of Voldemort's return is confirmed, the Ministry of Magic's exchange of blood is inevitable.

Even with that, the owner of the Daily Prophet must be changed.

With the support of the Order of the Phoenix, if Rita is not stupid, dominating the Daily Prophet is a sure thing.

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