HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 705: Barty's past

The Moody in the box did not reply, and looked weak.

Dumbledore crawled in and approached the sleeping Moody gently, and he bent down.

"I was hypnotized by the imperio curse, he is very weak," Dumbledore said. "Of course, they won't let him die, Harry, threw down the liar's coat, Aristo was frozen, and Madam Pomfrey needs to show him, but he is in no danger now."

Harry did. Dumbledore covered Moody's coat, wrapped him up, then climbed out of the suitcase, then he took the silver bottle from the table, removed the cap, and turned it upside down , A viscous liquid dripped down the floor.

"It's a compound decoction, Harry," Dumbledore said. "You see how simple it is and how useful it is, because Moody never drinks potions that are not his water bottle. This is his characteristic. Of course this liar wants to treat the real Moody’s locked up, only then can he continue to make potions, look at his hair..."

Dumbledore looked at Moody under the suitcase, "This liar has been cutting hair from Alastor's head. But I think tonight, our fake Moody will forget to do it as usual. At this point, we will see..."

Dumbledore dragged the stool by the table and sat down, his eyes fixed on the unconscious Moody on the ground. Harry also looked at him and was silent for a few minutes... Then, in Harry’s eyes, the face of the person lying on the ground It started to be different, the scars disappeared, the skin became smooth, the damaged nose grew and started, the long thick gray hair shrank to the head and replaced by the golden hair, suddenly, thumping The wooden leg fell off with a sound. A normal human leg grew out of the original position of the wooden leg, changing the color of the original rough palm and becoming a silver-white palm. After a while, the demon The eye ran out of the face, a normal eye grew, and the magic eye rolled to the ground, turning in all directions without any rules.

Harry saw a man lying in front of him with fair skin, freckles and thick hair. Harry recognized him. He had seen this man in Dumbledore’s **** at the time. I want to prove to Mr. Crouch that he is innocent...

Most importantly, he should stay next to Voldemort, not here. The silver palm is one of the conditions for Voldemort's resurrection.

Harry looked closely again.

Now his eyes are wrinkled and he looks a lot older...

There were rapid footsteps in the corridor, and Snape returned, followed by Shining and later Professor McGonagall.

"Crouch!" Snape shouted, staying at the door: "Barty Crouch Jr.!"

"God," McGonagall said, staying at the door and staring at the man lying on the ground. Dirty and disheveled Shiny stood beside Snape, her mouth wide open and she let out a deafening scream.

"Master Crouch, Master Crouch, why are you here? She pounced on the young man, leaned over his face, and shouted to Dumbledore: "You killed him! You killed him! You killed the master's son! "

"He was just fainted by the curse, Shining," Dumbledore said. "Please go aside, Severus, have you brought the potion?"

Snape handed Dumbledore a small glass bottle of completely transparent liquid, which was the Veritaserum he used to threaten Harry in class.

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the place where the young man leaned down and pulled him under the observation mirror against the wall, which reflected Dumbledore.

Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall stayed there, Kneeling on the ground, shaking his hands and covering his face, Dumbledore opened the young man’s mouth, dripped three drops of potion, and pointed his wand at it. Said the young man's chest.

"Enerrate (recover quickly)!"

Crouch's son opened his eyes, his face was slack, his eyes blurred, and Dumbledore half-kneeled so that their faces were facing each other.

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asked softly. The man's eyes flickered a few times. Mumbling answer...


"I wish you could tell me," Dumbledore said softly, "how did you get here, and how did you escape from Azkban?"

Crouch took a deep breath, with a shivering sound, and then said in a low, unfeeling tone: "My mother saved me, and she knew she was dying, she begged my father It was her last wish to rescue me. My father loved her but didn’t like me, but he agreed. They came to visit me and gave me a compound soup containing a piece of my mother’s hair. I drank a compound decoction, which contained a piece of my own hair. As a result, we exchanged bodies."

Shining kept trembling and shaking her head, "Stop talking, Master Crouch, stop talking, you make your father very embarrassed!"

But Crouch took another deep breath, still saying in that low-pitched tone, "Those stupid dementors, they sent a cool man, a dying man in Azkaban, and they also sent a cool man, A dying person, my father smuggled me out pretending to be my mother because every prisoner looked at us through the door."

"My mother died in Azkaban not long after! She drank that compound soup until her death approached. She took my body and was buried in my name. Everyone believed that she was me." The man's eyelids flickered several times.

"How will your father treat you after he brought you home?" Dumbledore asked quietly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to arrange my mother's funeral, a quiet and secret funeral, the tomb was empty, and the servant took care of me After I recovered, I was hidden and strictly monitored. My father had to subdue me with a lot of spells. When I gradually regained my strength, I just wanted to find my master...Go back and work for him! "

"How did your father subdue you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Using the imperio spell." Crouch said, "under my control, I was forced to wear an invisibility cloak day and night, always with this servant, she took care of me and sympathized with me, and persuaded my father to give me The occasional hospitality, she said, was in return for my good performance."

"Master Crouch, Master Crouch," Shining covered her face and whimpered, "You shouldn't tell them that we will be in trouble..."

Obviously, however, the words of a house elf could not stop Barty Crouch, who had taken Veritaserum, from confessing the truth.

Harry listened attentively. He had seen that woman, a woman who looked very gentle and kind.

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