HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Game in progress

"Now let me interpret the rules of the game." Bagmon shouted, "According to the rules of the game, those with high points are eligible to enter the maze in advance, but no matter who they are, once they get the trophy deep in the maze, they will become the champion. ."

Everyone was in an uproar, and then everyone cheered.

This means that everyone has a chance to become the ultimate champion, so the competition is bound to be colorful, but it is the Goblet of Fire, the highest honor that little wizards can obtain.

"So, all of Harry's previous advantages are gone?" Hermione exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Hermione." Fanlin glanced at Dumbledore. Dumbledore was always talking to the four and Moody was guarding the entrance of the maze.

"I will leave first, Hermione."

"Why are you going?" Hermione asked puzzledly.

"Assisting Professor Moody, this is the previous task." Fanlin said, "Dumbledore's decision."

"Assist Professor Moody?"

"Okay, wait here for my return." Fanlin rubbed Hermione's head, and then kissed Hermione on the cheek.

Hermione's face turned red with a swipe. Although the two of them had become boy and girl friends, this did not mean that they could calmly perform such intimate actions in front of so many people.

"What are you doing?" Hermione said angrily, and the girl almost retracted herself into the seat.

"Give yourself a little blessing and luck." Fanlin said, "You know, this is their last mobile phone meeting."

"You mean..." Hermione hurriedly covered her mouth. "No, it's too dangerous, and there is Dumbledore."

"So, you don't have to worry about it." Fanlin said, "but someone has to inspect it. Trust me, if they do come, I will let them go back in despair."

"But..." Hermione looked at Harry in the venue, Harry was ready to go.

"Okay." Hermione nodded. "Then, be careful."

"Of course." Fanlin nodded, saying that he was not nervous, it was fake, it was Voldemort...

Hermione looked around, then quickly pecked Fanlin on the cheek.

Fanlin was a little dazed, but receiving the girl's blessing was definitely a thing full of vitality.

"I'll be back." Fanlin nodded, then walked out from behind.


"Listen to my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" Bagmon shouted, "Three, two, one!" He blew the whistle hard, and Harry and Cedric immediately ran into the maze.

There were tall hedges on the road; probably because the hedges were too high and dense or they were too human, Harry and Cedric didn't hear the thunderous noise around them when they entered the maze.

Harry felt like he was underwater. he

He drew out his wand and murmured a "Lumos" spell, and Cedric did the same.

After walking about dozens of yards, they came to an intersection. The two looked at each other.

Harry said "goodbye" to Cedric and chose to go on the left, while Cedric went on the right.

Harry heard Bagmon whistle a second time.

Krum entered the maze.

Harry hurriedly sped up, the path he was walking seemed to be deserted.

Harry continued walking, and raised his wand high above his head, trying to see what was ahead.

But he saw nothing.

Bagmon's whistle rang again. In this way, all the contestants are in the maze.


"Well, now, I just need to do what I usually do." Harry said to himself, reciting the spell he had learned silently.

Langlock (closing tongue and throat)!

(Flying curse)!

ConjunctivtusCurse (eye curse)!


Harry kept looking back as he walked.

He always felt that something was watching him. As time passed, the night became deeper and deeper, and the maze became darker and darker. Soon he came to the second intersection.

"Poineme (show me the way)."

Harry whispered the wand to place it flat on his palm.

The wand turned around in his palm, stopped and pointed to the right, which was the direction of entering the hedge. The road is going north, so he has to go northwest before he can reach the center of the maze.

All he should do now is to take the left and then go to the right as soon as possible. The trail is still empty.

When Harry went down to the right, the road was still smooth.

For some reason, the absence of obstacles disturbed him.

Now it seemed that the maze was trying to entice him into a false sense of security. Then he heard something moving behind him.

He immediately took out his wand and prepared to fight, but the light from the wand fell on Cedric when he happened to run out of the right intersection.

Cedric was shaking all over, with smoke from the sleeves of his clothes. Cedric exclaimed, "Hagrid's'Hurricane Monster'! It's so terrible, I almost avoided it!"

Cedric shook his head and ran off the other way, disappearing without a trace for a while.

In order to avoid the monster, Harry also immediately left this place.

Then, at a corner, he saw it—a "Timat" was sliding towards him.

The monster was twelve feet tall, with a turban on his face, and his big rotting hands covered with mange stretched out, rushing towards Harry as if blind.

Harry could hear its "quack" panting; he felt a chill rushing through his body, but he knew what to do next...

He tried his best to think about some happy thoughts. When he thought that he would successfully walk out of the maze and celebrate the victory with Ron and Hermione, Harry raised his wand and yelled, "May God bless me ExpectoPatronum (call the guard)!"

Suddenly, a silver deer was about to jump out of the wand head and dash towards "Timat": "Timat" tripped his robe and fell to the ground... Harry had never seen "Timat" when he was so big. Matt" fell down.

"Go on!" Harry yelled as he followed the Silver Deer, "You coward! Monster!" Then there was a crackling sound, and the "Big Madness" had already turned into a plume of smoke.

The silver deer also disappeared.

Haw he could stay for a while longer, at least with a companion... Harry set off soon, holding his wand and listening carefully to the surrounding movement. To the left...to the right...to the left...twice he found himself in a dead end.

Harry used another "direction spell" and found that he had gone east. So he walked back again, turned to the right, and saw a strange golden mist floating in front of him.

Harry walked over curiously and pointed at it with the light from his wand. This mass of things looks a bit like magic.

Harry wanted to try if he could blow it off with a spell. Cleaned up)!"

He shouted.

The light of magic penetrated the demon mist directly, but the demon mist remained there.

Harry looked down and thought about it. Actually, he should have known that these auxiliary spells can only be used to deal with some ordinary things. Obviously, the mist in front of him is not among them.

However, this is not absolute. Harry knew exactly where he was wrong. His auxiliary spell was terrible. At least, Fanlin could clear his attack spell with something like a clean up.

Harry once tried to use Dppugno's direct spell to attack Fanlin, but Fanlin's cleanup spell made him unforgettable.

All the places where the cleansing spell passed were completely new, as if there had never been a battle.

Harry thought again, what would happen if he walked through the mist? But is it worth the risk? Or just go back?

Just when Harry was still undecided, a scream broke the silence.

"Is it Fleur?" Harry shouted.

The opposite did not answer.

Harry looked around.

What happened to Furong? Her cry seemed to come from somewhere in front.

Harry's heart was a little bit cold, but Furongshi's friend, at least, he couldn't...

He took a deep breath and rushed into the demon mist.

It is strange that the whole world has turned upside down. Harry hung on the ground, his hair "up", his glasses drooping from his nose and he was about to fall into the boundless sky.

He grabbed his glasses and hung them there, in a daze. He felt his feet stuck to the hay, and the grass on it became the ceiling now. Below him was a dark night sky.

Harry felt that if he lifted a foot, he would fall off the earth.

Think about it, he kept saying to himself, think about it, even though the blood all over his body poured to his head. But he hadn't learned any spells to deal with the reverse of heaven and earth.

Does he dare to move his feet? Harry seemed to hear the blood "pop" at the base of his ears. It seems that he has only two options-either try to move, or send a distress signal and wait for rescue, which means the mission has failed.

He closed his eyes so that he would not see the vast space below. Then he lifted his right foot vigorously to get it off the grassy "ceiling". The whole world was restored to its original state in a moment. Harry accidentally fell on the hard ground. Such a fall made him walk and turn. Harry took another deep breath, got up and moved on, rushing out of the mist.

Looking back, the golden cloud was flashing in the hazy moonlight, like an innocent child blinking.

Harry stopped at an intersection, looking for the shadow of Lotus.

He was sure that she had made the scream he had just heard. So what exactly did she encounter? I wonder what's going on now? But there was no red signal for help—so she was out of danger, or was she stuck in it and couldn't reach the wand? Harry felt increasingly uneasy.

Harry noticed some changes with sharp eyes. In the wall not far away, where are the vines...

Harry ran over quickly, but his speed couldn't keep up with the speed of the vines, and Harry vaguely saw a figure.

That...that should be Furong.

Harry was taken aback, these walls were engulfing Fleur in.

"Furong, hold on!" Harry ran over, but the wall swallowed faster.

Harry grabbed Furong's arm with one hand, as if he wanted to pull Furong out, but Furong had passed out in a coma, she couldn't help Harry at all, Harry used all his strength, but it was still ineffective.

Harry took two steps back, then pointed his hand at the sky, and a flaming magical spark exploded from the sky.

"Sorry." Harry said apologetically. There is only so much he can do. If he doesn't let go, these walls will definitely swallow him in.

Harry didn't dare to use the spell, he didn't know that there was a spell that could pull Fleur out without any damage.

"It would be great if Fanlin was here," Harry said unconsciously, "Or Hermione, the two of them will always have a way."

Harry stepped into the road next to him, walking along but had to think like this. A player fell... It was getting closer and closer to the championship trophy, but Fleur seemed to have lost it.

He should have been here, what if he actually won?

All of a sudden, he felt like he was already a champion, as if he saw himself being held up high in front of other classmates... In the next ten minutes Harry encountered nothing, except for a few dead ends. He turned in the wrong direction the second time.

Later, I found a new route and walked along it. The wand lamp dangled lightly, and Harry's figure swayed in the hedge.

After another turn, Harry came to the "Hurrying Monster". Cedric was right. The monster was terribly big. It was ten feet long and looked like a giant scorpion. The long sting was about to curl up to the back.

The thick shell armor gleamed with Harry's wand.

"Stupefy (fainted)!" The magic light hit the monster's shell and reflected back. Harry escaped in time, but the hair on top of his head burned a bit, leaving the smell of burnt hair in the air.

The monster then spit out a fire dragon and flew towards Harry.

"Impedimenta (obstacles)!"

Harry shouted loudly.

The magic light hit the monster's shell again and bounced back; Harry staggered a few steps before falling.

"Sectumsempra (Shen Feng Wuying)!" He continued to cast the spell. The monster fell to the ground a few inches from him—this time Harry managed to hit the magic light into the monster's shellless belly.

To be precise, Shenfeng Wuying's power was stronger than the spells he had touched in the past, and he was killed in a single blow, as can be seen from the huge wound exposed in the monster's abdomen, but the consumption is also proportional.

Harry felt that his magic power was lost a lot in an instant.

However, the monster did not die. The obstacle curse and Shenfeng Wuying took effect at the same time, causing the monster to temporarily lose the ability to resist.

Harry pushed the monster away from him, stood up and ran in the opposite direction-because the effect was only temporary, the monster was likely to stand up at any time.

Harry took a small path on the left, with a dead end at the end; taking the road on the right, he ran into a dead end again.

Harry had to stop, his heart beating so hard that there seemed to be drumsticks beating constantly. He applied another "direction curse", walked back, and embarked on a path to the northwest.

Harry walked along the new road for a few minutes, and when he heard something running with him on the road, he suddenly stopped, motionless.

"What are you doing?" Cedric yelled. "What the **** are you doing?"

Harry heard Krum say again: "Go to hell!" Cedric's yells suddenly came in the air.

Harry was a little frightened, and ran up the road, trying to find a way to Cedric. But Harry found nothing, so he blasted the wall with another "Bombarda".

Although not very powerful, he finally burned a hole through the hedge. Harry tucked his feet in and kicked the thorn branches hard until he made a big opening. His cat's waist went through, ruining his robe.

On the right, he saw Cedric falling to the ground and convulsing, while Krum was standing aside staring at Cedric. As soon as Harry got out of the hole, he stabilized and pointed his wand at Krum.

Krum looked up and saw Harry coming and wanted to turn around and run away. "Stupefy (fainted)!"

Harry yelled.

The curse hit Krum’s back, and Victor Krum stopped motionless on the road, and fell forward, lying face down in the grass. Harry hurried to Cedric.

Cedric no longer convulsed now, just lying there panting and covering his face with his hands.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked, grabbing Cedric's hand.

"It's okay," Cedri gasped. "It's okay... I can't believe... He actually followed me on tiptoe... I noticed it and turned to leave, but he used his wand to deal with me..."

Cedric stood up hard, his body still shaking.

He and Harry looked down at Krum lying on the ground.

"I can't believe it... I thought he should have something wrong." Harry said, looking at Karen.

"I think so too." Cedric also said. "Did you hear Fleur's scream earlier?" Harry asked.

"I heard," Cedric said. "Do you think Karen attacked her?"

"I don't know." Harry said slowly. "Shall we leave him here?" Cedric asked in a low voice.

"No," Harry replied, "I think we should send a distress signal and ask someone to come and take him away...otherwise he might be eaten by the'Hurrying Monster'."

"He deserves it," Cedric said softly, but after all the talk was done, he raised his wand and sent a red distress signal into the air. The signal hung high above the ground where Krum was lying. Harry and Cedric stood in the darkness for a while, watching the movement around them. Then Cedric spoke up.

"Well, I think we have to keep going..." "What?" Harry came across, "Oh, yes, yes..."

It's really weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just now he and Cedric joined forces to deal with Karen, but now they are rivals.

They walked along the dark trail without talking to each other, then Harry took the left side and Cedric went to the right. Cedric was nowhere to be seen soon.

Harry moved on, using another "direction spell" to determine the direction. It's a game between Cedric and him.

He wanted to win more and more, but he couldn't believe what Krum did.

Using unforgivable spells on humans means life imprisonment in Azkaban, this is what Moody told them.

Krum really shouldn't be so eager to win the Champions League... Harry thought about it, speeding up his pace. He crashed into many dead ends again, but the deepening darkness convinced him that he was getting closer and closer to the center of the maze. Then when he walked down a long and straight path, he found something moving again. The wand light illuminated a very strange animal, and Harry had only seen pictures in a book called "Monster Book" before.

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