HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 492: Quidditch World Cup (3)

Maybe leaving Fanlin to do these Muggle chores is really a disaster.

In fact, Fanlin has never participated in this kind of work since he was a child. Because of the absence of his mother, the housework at home naturally fell on Mr. Al, but...

The housekeeping aunt is a good choice. After Fanlin went to Hogwarts, Dobby's arrival completely replaced the housekeeping aunt.

In short, if Fanlin hadn't controlled the magic very accurately, then this would definitely be a catastrophic event.

Even so, Fanlin still suffered a lot of Hermione's eyes, which was inevitable.

"How could it be so bad." Fanlin looked at a pile of blackened meat. Fortunately, in his space equipment...

Although he wanted to say that, unfortunately, he didn't even have packaged food in his space equipment.

Imagine that when you are fighting with all your strength, the space becomes chaotic, and a bag of potato chips flies out of the jewel of the staff and hits the enemy in the face.

This will definitely be stunned.

But it is so feasible, and there may be unexpected results.

Of course, this is pure nonsense, except that he will feel ashamed, like Voldemort or Death, don't even know what potato chips are.

Using magic to start the fire, Van Lin was finally kicked out by Hermione, and then Fan Lin brazenly pulled Hermione out. The reason was that we didn’t need to cook anymore. Breakfast had already been eaten. We could go to Harry and Ron.

The reason is quite powerful, but it's not very reliable. The two of them didn't even bring a map, how could they find Harry?

But Hermione didn't expose him either. In fact, the girl was also trying to stroll around.

Hermione, who lives in the Muggle world, only has Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and Diagon Alley.

Fanlin didn’t get much better, except that there was one more Athens, one more Boothbat, and one more Chinese Nine Immortals, including the entire Penglai...

Uh... this is indeed a lot.

Egypt must also go. There are more famous "Black Sutra of the Dead" and "Sun Golden Sutra" about "The Jade Jade" and "The Golden Sutra of the Sun" are all in Egypt. Fanlin doesn't want to miss that mysterious country.

What's more, this is what Nicholas mentioned. The Jade Jade Record is an alchemy book comparable to the Book of Abraham.

Counting it down like this, except for America and Africa, Fanlin has been to the more important birthplace of magic, especially Greece and China. Is this the origin of mankind?

The combination of Muggle writings and magic is really surprisingly overlapping and surprisingly ridiculous.

However, it didn't seem to be too difficult to find Harry. Fanlin remembered the general direction, and then relying on the guidance of magical energy, the four quickly converged.

Such a grand gathering of wizards is not to be missed. It is the first time to see so many wizards, even if it is a child of a wizard family like Ron, who is naturally slower.

Hermione relentlessly shared Fanlin's embarrassment with two friends. It was still very fun. Fanlin's embarrassment behavior was rare, and he could deal with those things at Hogwarts.

Harry naturally did not show mercy. For Fanlin, none of these existed.

Ron didn't speak, he just looked into the distance.

Now, the sun has just risen and the fog is much smaller, and they can see the world of this tent stretch in all directions. They slowly passed the rows of tents, looking around.

Only Harry would think about how many witches and wizards there are in this world; he had never thought about the wizards in other countries.

The other campers started to get up. First of all, families with young children; Harry had never seen such a young witch and wizard. A little boy not more than two years old climbed out of a pyramid-shaped tent, holding a magic wand, happily poking a slug on the grass that was slowly swelling like a salami. When they approached him, his mother hurried out of the tent.

"How many times, Kevin? You can't touch Dad's wand!"

She stepped on the huge slug, and the slug broke apart. Her curses were mixed with the cry of the little boy, "You broke the slug! You broke the slug!" floating in the quiet air.

Not far away, they saw two little witches, about the same age as Kevin. They are riding a toy broom, which can only rise to the height of a girl's toe, and can only sweep over the grass with dewdrops. A wizard officer spotted them, passing by Harry, Ron Fanlin, and Hermione, he hurried to them, and kept grumbling: "It's full daylight, my parents are still sleeping, I think..." the witches around And the sorcerers all came out of the tent and began to prepare breakfast. Some looked around secretly, and then used a wand to light it; some suspiciously tried to light it with a match, as if it were impossible. Three African witches were talking seriously. They were all wearing long white foams, while a group of middle-aged American witches sat under a bright slogan and chatted happily. The slogan hung between their tents, and it said "Witcher's Salon". As they passed these tents, Harry heard a strange language talking inside. Although he could not understand, the tone of each voice was very excited.

"Uh, is it my eye problem, or is something green?" Ron asked.

It's not just Ron's eyes. They walked into a tent camp, where all the tents looked like they were covered with clover. Through the open tents of the population, you could see smiling faces. Suddenly, behind them, they heard someone calling them. first name. "Harry! Ron! Fanlin! Hermione!"

It was Seamus Finnigan, a classmate of Gryffindor. He was sitting in front of his own shamrock canopy. Next to him was a red-haired woman, who should be his mother, and his best friend, Dean, who was also a classmate of Gryffindor.

"It looks like an ornament?" Seamus asked with a smile, and then he walked over to greet the four people.

"The Cabinet is not very happy."

"Ah, why can't we use the colors we like?" said Mrs. Finnigan. "You should see what Bulgaria is showing off. Do you really support Ireland?" She added, staring at Harry and Luo. Well, Fanlin and Hermione.

When they assured that they really supported Ireland, they set off again, but, as Ron said: "In that case, we have to say something."

"I'm very curious about what the Bulgarians put on their tents to show off." Hermione nodded, thinking she should take a closer look.

"Let's go take a look." Fanlin said, and he pointed to the large camp ahead, where Bulgaria's red, green, and white national flags were fluttering in the wind.

"Okay." Harry nodded, and several people changed their schedule again.

The tents are not decorated with plants, but the same posters are posted on each one. An arrogant face with a deep black eyebrow. The painting keeps moving, but the face in the painting keeps blinking and frowning.

"Krum," Ron said quietly.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Krum!" Ron said, "Viktor Krum, the hunter in Bulgaria!"

"He looks really rude," Hermione said, watching so many Krums around him winking and frowning.

"I think so too." Fanlin said quickly, but it seems that...

"Is it really rude?" Ron raised his head and looked at the sky. "Who cares how he looks? He is incredible, and he is really young. He is only about eighteen years old. He is a genius. You can see him by tonight."

By the tap in the corner of the field, there was already a small group of people waiting. Harry, Ron, Fanlin and Hermione joined them, standing behind the two men, who were arguing fiercely.

One of them is a very old wizard. Wearing a colorful nightgown, the other is a shaman official, he almost cried angrily with a pinstriped pants.

"Put it on, Akika, you are a good fellow, you can't walk around like this. The Muggle at the door has long been suspicious."

"I bought it in a Muggle shop," the old wizard said stubbornly. "Muggles wear these too."

"Only Muggle women wear this, Akika! You are a man, you should wear these." The wizard officer said, waving his pinstripe trousers.

"I don't wear these," Akika said angrily. "I like to feel the cool breeze, thank you!"

Hermione couldn't help laughing at the situation, and she quickly stepped out of the group.

It wasn't until Archika filled water and left before returning.

Because of the weight of the water, they are now walking more slowly. They walked back through the camp with difficulty, and saw more familiar faces around them-other Hogwarts students and their families.

Oliver Wood, the old captain of Harry's Quidditch team, has just left Hogwarts. He drew Harry to his parents' tent, introduced him to everyone, and excitedly told Harry that he had just signed a contract with the United team. Then they met Eni. Mamian, a member of Hefpaff. Then, not far away, they saw Qiu, a very beautiful Chinese girl, who was in the Ravenclaw team as a hunter.

She waved and smiled at them, Fanlin responded politely, and when Harry raised his hand to her, a lot of water splashed out. Ron smirked constantly. Harry hurriedly pointed out a large group of teenagers he had never seen before.

"Guess who they are?" he asked. "They don't go to Hogwarts, do they?"

"They went to a foreign school," Ron said. "I know some people, and they don't know each other when they see each other. Bill has a pen pal in Brazil. This happened many years ago. He wanted to make an exchange. Traveling, but parents couldn’t pay. When he said he would not go and gave him a cursed hat, his pen pal felt offended. The hat blighted his ears."

Harry smiled, but nothing was more interesting than when he heard about other wizarding schools. He thought, he saw so many countries in the camp, and only now did he realize how stupid he was once, and he didn't realize that Hogwarts was not the only one. He stared at Hermione, she was not surprised at the news. Not surprisingly, she had already seen news about the Witch School in books and elsewhere.

As for Fanlin...

Well, Fanlin had already been to the nine immortals of China and Bussbaton in France. Harry had forgotten about it. Fanlin had gone so much more than them. They were all Muggle-born children.

When they finally returned to Weasley’s tent, George said to them, "You have been there for a long time!"

"We met some people," Ron said, and put the water away. "What about the fire, isn't Fanlin done it?"

"Dad is having a good time playing with matches!" Fred said.

"Dad wanted to try it himself, and Fanlin had made meatloaf before. In order to get the meatloaf down, they put out the fire, and then Dad refused to start a fire."

Fanlin smiled awkwardly, this is indeed not a glorious thing.

Mr. Weasley was unable to light the fire, but it was not because of lack of experimentation. He scattered the matches around him, but he seemed to have tried it all his life.

"Oops!" he said, because he finally wiped a match and threw it to the ground in surprise.

"Come here, Mr. Weasley." Hermione said softly, and she took the box over and began to teach him how to do the right thing.

Finally, they finally lit the fire, but if they had to wait until it was hot enough to cook, it would take at least an hour. When they wait, there are many things to watch around. Because their tent seemed to be set up in the right place, the sorcerers of the cabinet kept running up and down in a hurry, and when they passed, they greeted Mr. Weasley enthusiastically. Because of Harry, Hermione, and Fanlin, Mr. Weasley had to keep explaining, and his own children were already too familiar with the cabinet and did not arouse much interest.

"That's Kasper. Mike Ju, the leader of the Fairy Liaison Office, this is Gebo. Wilbur, he is a member of the Magic Experiment Committee, he has a horn, wait, now, hello, Arms. Boston, he is a member of the Magic Accident Repair Team..."

"Who are they?"

"From the confidential department, highly confidential, no one knows what they are going to do."

Finally, the fire was ready, and when Bill, Charlie and Percy walked towards them from the forest, they had just started cooking eggs and sausages.

"Apparated here just now, Dad," Percy said loudly, "Ah, great, lunch!"

When they were halfway through their sausages and eggs, suddenly Mr. Weasley jumped up, waved and smiled at someone walking towards them.

"Ah," he said, "the romantic man today! Neutrogen!"

Neutrogena. Bagmon is obviously the most eye-catching person among the people Fanlin has seen so far, even including the old Archika in the flowered pajamas.

He was wearing a Quidditch robe with bright yellow and black horizontal stripes. A picture of a huge wasp on his chest. He has the physique of a strong man. Because of his big belly, the robe looked a little tight, and it seemed that he must have worn it out after he stopped playing Quidditch for England.

His nose was crooked, and Fanlin thought it might be interrupted by a dish, but his round blue eyes, short blond hair and red skin made him look like a prematurely mature boy.

"Ah, there!" Bagmon shouted very happily. He walked like a spring under his feet, very excited.

"Arthur, old man," he boasted when he went to the campfire, "what a wonderful day, eh? What a wonderful day! There is no better weather than this. A cloudless night is coming. ...The whole organization has no obstacles at all, and I have nothing to do!"

Behind him, a group of haggard cabinet wizards hurried past and ran towards the flaming magical campfire twenty feet high.

Percy hurriedly followed. Obviously, although he does not approve of Neutrogena. The way Bagmont manages his department, but that does not prevent him from wanting to leave a good impression on him.

"Ah, yes," Mr. Weasley said with a smile. "This is my son Percy. He has just started working in the cabinet. This is Fred, Bill, Charlie, and Ron. This is Ginny and Ron. Well’s friends Fanlin El, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter."

When Bagmont heard Harry's name, he was a little suspicious, and his eyes scanned the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Children," Mr. Weasley continued, "this is Neutrogena. Bagmont, you know who he is. Thank him for letting us get such a good ticket!"

Bagmon smiled happily, waving his hands, as if to say, it's nothing.

Fanlin had heard a little about Bagmong. According to memory, he was not such a good guy. However, Fanlin still thought it would not be a good thing to wait and see and kill him at once.

"Please take a look at the result of the game, Arthur!" Bagmon said eagerly, clanging like a pile of gold in the pocket of his yellow-black robe.

"I bet Rudi Pontney a long time ago that Bulgaria will score first, and I gave him beautiful and strange things, considering that Ireland's top three is the best I have seen in so many years. And Xiao Ah Brother Xi. Tingxi put half of her eel pond shares for the week-long competition."

"Oh, wait and see," Mr. Weasley said, "I bet on a golden Garon, and Ireland will win!"

"Just one Jin Jialong?" Neutrogena Bagmon looked a little disappointed, but he quickly returned to normal. "Very good, good... who else wants to participate?"

"They are too young to gamble," Mr. Weasley said. "Molly won't like it..."

"We will bet thirty-seven gold gallons, fifteen silver sikes, and three copper nats," Fred said, and he and George quickly counted their money. "Ireland won, but Witte. Krum won the gold Snitch. Oh, we will add a fake wand."

Percy said dissatisfied: "Don't show that kind of garbage to Mr. Bagmon."

But Bagmont didn’t think the wand was **** at all. On the contrary, when he saw the wand from Fred, his boyish face glowed with excitement, and when the wand rang and changed. After becoming a rubber chicken, Bagmon croaked with joy.

"It's wonderful! I have never seen such a thing in years! I would like to buy it with five gold gallons!"

Percy was stunned when he saw this.

"Children," Mr. Weasley whispered, "I don't want you to gamble, that is all your savings...your mother..."

"Don't make everyone happy, Arthur!" Neutrogena Bagmon protested, and he made his pockets rattle excitedly. "They have grown up and know what they need! You think Ireland will win but Will Krum get the Golden Snitch? No chance, children, no chance... I will add five sailing coins to buy that lovely wand, we can..."

Mr. Weasley looked at Bagmon with disappointment.

Bagmont took out a notebook and a quill, and hurriedly wrote down the names of the twins.

"Come on!" George said, taking the roll of parchment that Bagmon handed him and tuck it into the front of his robe.

"I hope you can get your property." Fanlin said quietly to the twins.

"What do you mean?" George said.

"It's not interesting." Fanlin smiled and shook his head. In memory, Fred and George won the bet, but Bagmont never gave the two brothers what they deserved.

"What do you know." Fred hooked Fanlin's neck.

Fanlin smiled and shook his head, like a mouthful mother, but I just won't talk to you.

"if you……"

"Hey, this little wizard, do you want to make some happy bets?" Bagmon said that a good wizard who can play with the Weasley brothers must not be too bad.

"Neutre, Fanlin is still young." Mr. Weasley said seriously, "You can't..."

"It's okay, Mr. Weasley." Fanlin said, "If Mr. Bagmont wants to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I would be happy to bring out a portion of Jin Jialong."

"Fan Lin..." Hermione looked at Fan Lin incomprehensibly. She didn't understand why Fan Lin was interested in this Quidditch game.

"Okay, boy, how much do you want to pay for this?" Bagmon said.

"After all, it's just a game," Fanlin said, "but we have to show some respect, so, how about 200 Jin Jialong?"

"Two hundred?" Bagmon's eyes lit up, "Of course there is no problem."

Bagmont was a little excited, he didn't expect the kid in front of him to take out so many gold coins to bet against him.

"So, I'm very curious about your list of famous people. I think like-minded wizards always need to get to know each other... Can you show me a look?"

Fan Lin said lightly, this is very confusing for his age, at least for now.

"Of course!" Bagmon happily handed it over!

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