HP Magic Biography

Vol 2 Chapter 1307:

"What do you mean?" Fanlin looked at Bill in surprise. For Fanlin, they had already negotiated with the goblin. Even with Griphook's greed, violating the deal is not something the goblin can do, if not In this way, Gringotts will be the wizard.

"We are talking about two different species," Bill said. "The trade between wizards and goblins has been for centuries... Since the history of magic. Both sides have had faults, I would never say Wizards are innocent. However, fairies have the concept of fairies, and Gringotts prefers them. That is, wizards are untrustworthy in terms of gold, silver and property. They don't respect the ownership of fairies at all."

   "What's the difference..." Fanlin said, Naturally Fanlin also knows the greed of the goblin, but in fact, to what extent the goblin can do for property, it is obvious that Fanlin does not have a say in Bill.

But Bill shook his head, "You don't understand, Fanlin, no one except the people who live with the goblin can understand. For the goblin, the ownership of an item belongs to its maker, not the purchaser. In In the eyes of the goblins, what they have made is their own."

   "But things were bought..."

"...Then it will be considered to be spent and rented out. Their attitude towards things made by fairies is very different from that of wizards. You can also see Griphook's face when he saw the crown. He doesn't at all. I agree with our idea. I believe he really wants to send the crown back to the goblin who made it immediately. They think we have possession of the goblin's things and pass it down from generation to generation without paying, just like a thief."

"I have to admit, this is indeed...fairy..." Fanlin was a little speechless. He had always heard that fairies had unusual stubbornness with respect to property, and Griphook gave up the vampire's sacred object and chose Gryffindor. Sword, I have to admit that, in ordinary times, the value of the two is absolutely undesirable, and the person who made this decision must also have some problems.

   In this way, all Fanlin's doubts about the choice of the fairies were dispelled.

   "Don't worry, I have experience." Fanlin said with a smile, and patted Bill on the shoulder.

   Today is not without gain. On the one hand, he has become the godfather of a little werewolf, and on the other hand, he has gained a warning about fairies.

   However, the plan to destroy the last Horcrux was also on the agenda, but this time Harry couldn't come with him.

   They had to be a bit more pressing. Harry was the last one. In fact, Fanlin wanted to find Dumbledore after he had done everything he could.

   He must go, and Malfoy.

   Malfoy did not contact him for a long time, but there was no major movement outside. According to the news from the Order of the Phoenix, the Death Eaters did not make any new moves.

   It seems that Lucius did a perfect job. He didn't want to trouble himself, but Fanlin didn't expect that. He needed Lucius to do more.

But for the time being, Fanlin didn’t have the time to pay any attention. Harry couldn’t wake up, and Fanlin wasn’t sure how long Lucius could hide. Once time passed, Bellatrix’s identity would be lost. , And then you have to punch in from outside Gringa?

   It is no different from sending to death. Fanlin is not Tom, and they don't have a brother like Bella.

   In fact, Fanlin's plan was set and ready; in the smallest bedroom, a long, thick black hair was curled into a small glass bottle on the mantelpiece.

   "At that time, you would use her wand," Fanlin said, nodding at the walnut wand in front of him, "So I think the disguise will be quite successful."

   This made Hermione look at the wand with some horror, as if the wand would sting her and hit her as soon as she picked it up.

   "I hate this stuff," she whispered, "I really hate this stuff. It doesn't feel right, it doesn't suit me at all... It feels like her."

   "You can try to imitate her, Hermione...After all, neither I can do anything about the voice..." Fanlin said with some difficulty, "You can imply that you are Bellatrix..."

   Fanlin tried to persuade Hermione to use Bella's wand like Harry did at the time. The wand is just a wizard, isn't it? The key is not enough.

   "This should help you get into the role quickly," Ron also said, "Think about what this magic wand did!"

   "That's exactly the problem," Hermione said. "It was this wand that tortured Neville's parents. God knows who else it has done these things to. There are definitely not a few people who die on this wand."

   Fanlin shook her head, which was really embarrassing for Hermione.

   Let a normal person imitate a witch with a nerve problem?

"When we go in, you can give Ron the wand." Fanlin said. He only took back the wands belonging to them. As for Ron's... Ron was imprisoned for at least one month. Ron's wand was destroyed long ago.

   "Actually, I also want a new wand." Ron said depressed. Mr. Ollivander had only sent Luna a new wand in the morning, which made Ron very envious.

   Now, in the afternoon sun, Luna is testing its performance on the grass in the backyard. Dean looked at her depressed, because his wand was lost by the looters.

   "Looking back, I will help you and Harry make one. Of course, you will pay for the material..."

   "Oh, my god, you don't know how expensive what you make, **** alchemist..."

   Then the bedroom door opened and Griphook walked in. Fanlin subconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword and pulled Jian towards his side, but he immediately regretted his reaction. He found the goblin noticed his actions. In order to cover up this embarrassing moment, he said, "Grahuan, we are making the final preparations. We have already told Bill and Fleur about our departure tomorrow, and told them not to get up and send us. Up."

   They have reached a consensus: Let Bill and Fleur know this matter as little as possible. Because Hermione was going to be like Bellatrix before she left. The less Bill and Fleur know or guess what they are going to do, the better.

   And they also explained that they will not come back for a short time.

After all, it is safe for Harry to stay here, and most of the Horcruxes have already been collected. In fact, Fanlin is thinking about how to distract Ron. After Gringotts, Fanlin intends to join Hermione. Go to Dumbledore.

  Because they lost Perkins' old tent while being hunted by the predators, Bill lent them another one.

   It's now in a beaded pouch... At that time, Hermione stuffed it into her socks and avoided the predators, and Fanlin was impressed.

   Even though he will miss Bill, Fleur, Harry, Luna and Dean very much, not to mention the comfortable home life they haven't enjoyed in the past two weeks, he still wants to escape the shell hut where he was imprisoned. He was tired of the days when he always had to check if anyone was eavesdropping, and he was tired of being locked in a small dark bedroom. More importantly, he is eager to get rid of the grip. No matter what, how and when to get rid of the control of the goblin under the premise of not handing over the sword to the Lanfindor, this has indeed become a problem that Fanlin cannot solve.

   is like a wizard's magic circle that can't stop Dobby. Strictly speaking, Dobby is just a degenerated relative of a fairy.

   The pull ring is more powerful than Dobby. Whether it is knowledge or magic, the magic that Fanlin has learned is for wizards, even if Hogwarts teaches.

  Who cares about the humble house elves?

   Even Voldemort didn’t have any defense against Kreacher. Where the Horcrux was installed, Kreacher could apparate at will?

   Anyway, Fanlin still doesn't have any special magic to prevent fairies.

And it’s almost impossible for them to decide what they should do next, because each time the goblin leaves Fanlin, Ron and Hermione alone for less than five minutes, no one knows what Griphook is thinking. However, Fanlin had made up his mind after Bill's reminder. If Griphook really did something, then it would be Griphook that he regretted most, not himself.

   "He can just teach my mother!" Ron roared, at this moment the goblin's long fingers were constantly dangling by the door.

It seems that Ron was the first to be driven mad. Soon after he was rescued, Ron was restored to a state where he had not yet separated. Although the whole person became more silent and mature, the problem of changing nature is still difficult. Prominent.

   But Fanlin slept badly that night.

   Fanlin had been tossing and turning around the entire first half of the night, and found the courage that Fanlin had used to talk to Dumbledore for the first time: remembering that determination, and even a little excited. He is now experiencing the anxiety caused by constant doubt: he can't get rid of the fear that the situation will get worse. He kept telling himself that their plan was great, Griphook knew what they were going to face, and they were fully prepared to face any difficulties they might encounter, but he still felt uneasy.

   Once or twice, Fanlin heard Ron turning over and knew he was awake, but because he shared a bedroom with Dean, Fanlin didn't say anything.

   It was a relief for them to finally arrive at six o'clock in the morning. They got out of the sleeping bag, dressed in the dim light, and tiptoed into the garden, where they played with Hermione and Griphook.

   Although it is a bit cold at dawn, the wind is very small because it is May.

   Fanlin raised his head and saw the stars still shimmering in the dark night sky; he listened to the sound of the tide washing the rock wall... he would miss this sound.

   Bill's cabin is definitely a kind of spiritual sustenance. They have been hiding for months, and they have never had a peace of mind here, so that Fanlin's tight nerves are somewhat relaxed.

   But now, Fanlin is about to clean up his mood.

It’s a good thing for Harry to stay here. The final result was a bit cruel for Harry. With the power of Death, Fanlin had no way of determining whether the previous plan would work. In fact, Now, they can't even trust the invisibility cloak, right?

   There was a sound of opening the door suddenly behind him, and Fanlin looked up and looked around. Bellatrix Lestrange, accompanied by Griphook, strode towards them across the grass.

   While walking, she stuffed a small beaded bag into the inner pocket of the old robe they had brought from Grimmauld Place.

Although Fanlin knew that this was actually Hermione, she still couldn't help but feel a little nervous. If it wasn't for him to attack Bella, if it wasn't for the divine power to resist the curse of death, Bella would definitely be more difficult than Fanlin thought. Wrap around.

   However, Fanlin feels awkward. Hermione is taller than him now. Although Fanlin is still developing, the speed is indeed slower.

   Long black hair fluttered behind her head, her thick eyelid eyes stared at Van Lin contemptuously, and then she spoke. Van Lin heard Hermione speaking in Bellatrix's voice.

   "She looks more disgusting than Godigan! Okay, Ron, come here and let me do it for you..."

   "Okay, but remember, I hate long beards."

   "Oh, for God's sake, now is not the time to discuss handsomeness."

"It's not like that, it's blocking my mouth! I hope my nose can be shorter. Let's try again, okay, the last time." Hermione sighed and began to cast the spell, deforming Ron's face. Whispered in a low voice. He would be completely disguised, and they believed that the evil aura on Bellatrix would protect him.

   And Fanlin and Griphook are about to hide under the invisibility cloak.

   Give Griphook to Ron. This doesn't make Fanlin feel at ease. God knows what this **** fairy will make, when it will be the second petty star Peter?

   "Ah," said Hermione, "how does he look, Fanlin?"

   Ron was almost unrecognizable under the disguise, leaving only a little shadow.

   But it might also be that they know Ron too much.

   Ron's hair has become long and curly now, his face is full of brown beard, freckles have disappeared, he has a short and fat nose and thick eyebrows.

"Uh, he is not the type I like, but others will definitely not recognize him," Fanlin touched his nose and said. He wanted to pull Hermione’s hand, but looked at Bellatrix’s face. Such a move still makes Fanlin feel very... embarrassed?

   "Can we go now?" Fanlin had to ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three of them looked back at the Shell House, which looked dark and quiet under the starry night sky. Then they turned and walked towards the sharp corner outside the fence, where the Red Loyalty curse expired and they could Apparate.

   "I hope Harry will get better soon." Hermione said in a sad tone. This was Harry's first action, but as Voldemort changed...

   "He will." Fanlin said, "Let's go, it won't be good for Luna and the others to see it. This is very troublesome."

   nodded, and several people walked out without looking back.

   As soon as he walked through the door, Griphook said, "I think I have to climb on your shoulders, Fanlin El."

   Fanlin bent down, the goblin climbed onto his back, and his hand stretched to the front to encircle Fanlin's throat. He is not heavy, but Fanlin doesn't like fairies, they don't like fairies clinging to him vigorously, especially the grip of the ring can only wrap around his throat, which gives him the feeling of being threatened by fairies.

   Hermione pulled out the invisibility cloak from the embroidered bead bag, lifted it up to cover them both.

   "It's perfect," she said, bending over to check Fanlin's footsteps, "I can't see anything, then, let's go."



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